2000 U.N. Stamp Program

Jan. 1, International Year of Thanksgiving. Three stamps (33¢, 90 centimes and 7 schilling/0.51 euros) showing Glory Window from Chapel of Thanksgiving, Dallas, Texas. Scott New York 772; Geneva 351; Vienna 268. Linn's, Dec. 27, 1999, page 2.
April 6, Endangered Species. Three se-tenant blocks of four (33¢, 90c, 7s/0.51e). Scott New York 773-76a; Geneva 352-55a; Vienna 269-72a. Linn's, April 3, page 1.
May 30, Our World 2000. Six stamps (33¢, 60¢, 90c, 1.10 francs, 7s/0.51e, 8s/0.58e). Scott New York 777-78; Geneva 356-57; Vienna 273-74. Linn's, May 29, page 1.
June 2, Postal Stationery. 7s/0.51e postal card. Scott Vienna UX13. Linn's, June 26, page 37.
July 7, 55th anniversary of the United Nations. Six stamps (33¢, 55¢, 90c, 1.40fr, 7s/0.51e, 9s/0.65e) and three souvenir sheets (88¢, 2.30fr, 16s/1.16e). Scott New York 779-81; Geneva 358-60; Vienna 275-77. Linn's, July 3, page 1.
July 7, World Stamp Expo. Overprint on $2 Unispace III souvenir sheet. Scott New York 763a. Linn's,July 26, page 37.
Sept. 15, The United Nations in the 21st Century. Three stamps in sheets of six (33¢, 50c, 3.50s/0.25e). Scott New York 783a-f; Geneva 361a-f; Vienna 278a-f. Linn's, Sept. 11, page 10.
Sept. 15, International Flag of Peace. Single 33¢ stamp. Scott New York 782. Linn's, Sept. 11, page 10.
Oct. 6, World Heritage/Spain. Six stamps (33¢, 60¢, 1fr, 1.20fr, 4.50s/0.33e, 6.50s/0.47e) and three prestige booklets each with 24 stamps (5¢ and 15¢, 10c and 20c, 1s/0.07e and 2s/0.14e). Scott New York 784-86; Geneva 362-64; Vienna 279-81. Linn's, Oct. 2, page 36.
Nov. 9, Respect for Refugees. Three stamps (33¢, 80c, 7.50s/0.55e), three souvenir sheets ($1, 1.80fr, 25s/1.82e) and a souvenir card. Scott New York 787-88; Geneva 365-66; Vienna 282-83; souvenir card 55. Linn's, Oct. 30, page 34.
The United Nations issues stamps in U.S., Swiss and Austrian currency: U.S. values are used at U.N. Headquarters, New York, N.Y.; Swiss values (centimes and Swiss francs) at U.N. Palais des Nations, Geneva; and the euro at the Vienna International Center, Vienna. The U.N. Postal Administration levies a minimum postage and handling charge of $3 per order.
Full details of each issue listed in the program will be given in news stories throughout the pages ofLinn's. Reference to the date and page of Linn's where those stories appeared is given at the end of each entry. Tentative Scott catalog numbers are reported as received.
Additional information is available from: U.N. Postal Administration, Box 5900, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10017, or 800-234-8672.
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