By Topic – December 2020

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Dec. 21, 2020 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Antarctic & Arctic
Australian Antarctic Territory (L234-L237, L237a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L167-L170, L170a)
Australia (5185, 5186, 5196-5203, 5199a, 5200a, 5201a, 5202a, 5203a); Bermuda (1168, 1169, 1170, 1171); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (396, 413, 414); Burkina Faso (1367); China (People’s Republic) (4682, 4685-4690, 4693, 4694); Czech Republic (3817, 3823); Falkland Islands (1273, 1274); Israel (2264, 2270, 2270a); Italy (3620); Japan (4386c, 4386e, 4386f, 4394, 4398f, 4398i, 4401, 4406, 4410, 4411c, 4411d, 4411g, 4412, 4414, 4416a, 4421, 4421a); Korea (South) (2569); Luxembourg (1541, 1544-1545); Macao (1586b, 1586c); Mexico (3174, 3178-3179); Mongolia (2940-2943, 2943a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L167, L169, L170a); Oman (643, 643a, 649, 649a); Palau (1446); Papua New Guinea (1997, 1998, 2000); Romania (6429, 6429a, 6447, 6447a); United States (5535, 5538, 5541b)
Bermuda (1166-1169); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (396); China (People’s Republic) (4694); Japan (4398d, 4405, 4406e); Luxembourg (1544); Macao (1586); Palau (1446b)
Czech Republic (3820); Japan (4411a, 4411b)
Australia (5184); China (People’s Republic) (4693); Macao (1586b)
Czech Republic (3812, 3829); Israel (2268-2270, 2268a-2270a); Italy (3632); Japan (4382-4383, 4394); Luxembourg (1540)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips
Japan (4398-4399)
Children’s Art
Luxembourg (1540)
Australia (5196-5203, 5199a, 5200a, 5201a, 5202a, 5203a); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (635); China (People’s Republic) (4684d); Czech Republic (3814, 3814a, 3819, 3828, 3830); Falkland Islands (1277-1282); Israel (2265-2267); Japan (4382-4383, 4390-4391); Romania (6430, 6430a); United States (5525, 5525a)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Japan (4382a, 4382e, 4383a, 4383j, 4400i); Mexico (3161, 3169); Niger (O24)
Italy (3633)
Sculpture & Statues
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (411); China (People’s Republic) (4689, 4690, 4692); Czech Republic (3823a); Italy (3620); Japan (4400, 4406, 4410c, 4410h); Macao (1586a); Mexico (3168, 3174); Mongolia (2940, 2941, 2943a, 2944); Palau (1446a); Romania (6428-6429, 6428a-6429a)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Australia (5186); Australian Antarctic Territory (L236, L237a); China (People’s Republic) (4682); Korea (South) (2573); Norfolk Island (1160, 1161a); Papua New Guinea (1998)
Czech Republic (3815); Luxembourg (1544)
Black Americans
Palau (1409h); United States (5531)
Australia (5185); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (413); Burkina Faso (1367); China (People’s Republic) (4684c, 4684d, 4684e, 4684f, 4685, 4692); Japan (4386e, 4392, 4399d, 4399e, 4399j, 4403h, 4416, 4416a, 4417, 4421, 4421a); Luxembourg (1545); Macao (1586a); Netherlands (1599b); Oman (643, 643a); Papua New Guinea (1997-2000); United States (5530)
Coins & Currency
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (408-409, 409a); Czech Republic (3813); Japan (4405i)
Endangered Species
Australia (5179-5183, 5179a-5183a)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (408-409, 409a); Czech Republic (3825); Luxembourg (1542-1543); Romania (6407-6408, 6407a, 6408a, 6408b, 6408c)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (412); China (People’s Republic) (4693, 4695-4696, 4696a); French Polynesia (1247); Japan (4382h); Macao (1586b, 1609); Romania (6406)
Famous People
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) Mohandas K. Gandhi (629)
Caribbean Netherlands (115); Falkland Islands (1273, 1275, 1276); Romania (6442-6446, 6442a-6445a)
Land Mammals
Australia (5181, 5181a, 5186); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (635); China (People’s Republic) (4678, 4683, 4683a, 4684a, 4695-4696, 4696a, 4697); Falkland Islands (1275, 1282); Germany (3181-3182); Israel (2265); Japan (4382a, 4383a, 4398e, 4411i, 4415, 4416a); Korea (South) (2570); Mexico (2505I, 3165, 3173); Mongolia (2944, 2945, 2949, 2950, 2951); Namibia (1390-1392); Netherlands (1599b, 1599d, 1599f, 1599j); Papua New Guinea (1999); Romania (6424-6427, 6424a-6427a, 6439, 6439a); United States (5532, 5539, 5541b)
Land Mammals: Bats
Romania (6431, 6431a)
Land Mammals: Cats
Bermuda (1172); China (People’s Republic) (4684d); Czech Republic (3812); Japan (4404d, 4406); Mali (1167); Mongolia (2946); Namibia (1390-1392); Oman (643a); Romania (6406, 6413)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Czech Republic (3825); Japan (4383h)
Land Mammals: Horses
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (408-409, 409a); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (635); Czech Republic (3816, 3816a, 3825); French Polynesia (1250); Luxembourg (1542-1543); Macao (1608d, 1609); Mongolia (2944); Namibia (1393); Romania (6407-6408, 6407a, 6408a, 6408b, 6408c); United States (5541, 5541b)
Sea Mammals
Caribbean Netherlands (122d)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Namibia (1385)
Australia (5182, 5182a, 5196, 5198, 5199a, 5200, 5200a, 5202, 5202a); Caribbean Netherlands (116-118); China (People’s Republic) (4684b, 4693); Czech Republic (3821-3822, 3830c, 3832-3833); Falkland Islands (1274, 1275, 1277-1282); French Polynesia (1255); Israel (2269, 2269a); Italy (3631); Japan (4386a, 4386d, 4403f, 4404a, 4404b, 4404c, 4406, 4407h, 4408e, 4410h, 4411c, 4411j, 4415, 4416a); Luxembourg (1544-1545); Macao (1586b); Mexico (3165, 3171, 3175); Mongolia (2947, 2948); Namibia (1386-1389); Netherlands (1599h, 1601); Oman (643a, 649, 649a); Palau (1404-1406, 1407-1408, 1446); Papua New Guinea (1997-2000, 2007-2012); Romania (6406, 6408, 6408a, 6408b, 6408c, 6413, 6417, 6417a, 6420-6423, 6420a-6423a); United States (5533, 5536, , 5537, 5541b)
Czech Republic (3824); Hungary (4565a); Japan (4408j); New Caledonia (1263)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Australia (5179, 5179a); Caribbean Netherlands (119-121); Czech Republic (3830c); Japan (4404f)
Fish & Fishing
Australia (5196, 5199a, 5200, 5200a); Caribbean Netherlands (122c, 122e, 123a, 123c, 123d, 124a, 124b, 124c, 124e); Hungary (4565d); Japan (4382c, 4383c, 4398b, 4406, 4407d, 4408e, 4409, 4410); Kazakhstan (918-923); Korea (South) (2574b, 2574c); Macao (1609); Mexico (3171); Palau (1410-1411, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1442-1443, 1446); Papua New Guinea (1994-1996, 1997, 1998); Romania (6440, 6440a)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Caribbean Netherlands (123b); Christmas Island (594-597, 597a); Japan (4395, 4408e, 4409); Palau (1410-1411, 1422, 1424b, 1426, 1442-1443, 1444-1445)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Australia (5190, 5191a, 5192, 5195a, 5195b); Caribbean Netherlands (122a); Czech Republic (3830c); French Polynesia (1254); Hungary (4567c); Japan (4395, 4402i)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Australia (5180, 5180a, 5183, 5183a, 5198, 5199a, 5202, 5202a); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (635); Caribbean Netherlands (122b, 123e, 124d); Japan (4404e); Mexico (3168); Palau (1446a, 1446e); Romania (6438, 6438a, 6441, 6441a)
Other Terrestrial Life
Australian Antarctic Territory (L234, L237a)
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals
Romania (6430, 6430a, 6432, 6432a)
Australia (5185, 5186); Bermuda (1170, 1171); China (People’s Republic) (4685, 4686, 4687, 4688, 4692); Falkland Islands (1276); Macao (1586a); Mexico (3178-3179); Namibia (1394); Oman (649, 649a); Palau (1409); Papua New Guinea (2010, 2012); Romania (6292, 6413)
Caribbean Netherlands (125a); China (People’s Republic) (4684b, 4687, 4690); French Polynesia (1248); Hungary (4565c); Israel (2264, 2270, 2270a); Japan (4386c, 4386e, 4386f, 4392, 4398j, 4402, 4403a, 4403c, 4403i, 4404, 4406, 4411, 4422e, 4423a, 4424a, 4425-4426); Korea (South) (2574a, 2574d); Mexico (3178-3179); Palau (1426); United States (5534, 5540, 5541b)
Bermuda (1170, 1172); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (412); Caribbean Netherlands (121a, 125-127); China (People’s Republic) (4683, 4683a, 4684f, 4689, 4692); Czech Republic (3824); Falkland Islands (1275); Hungary (4565b, 4567); Israel (2268, 2268a); Japan (4382a, 4382b, 4382e, 4382j, 4383a, 4383b, 4383d, 4383g, 4383i, 4383j, 4386a, 4386b, 4386e, 4386f, 4390-4391, 4396, 4397, 4402, 4403b, 4403e, 4403g, 4403j, 4404i, 4407i, 4408g, 4408i, 4410, 4411, 4422b, 4422d, 4422f, 4422h, 4422i, 4423-4424); Korea (South) (2570); Macao (1586a); Mexico (3165); Mongolia (2945-2951); Oman (643, 643a); Palau (1405, 1407-1408, 1446); Papua New Guinea (2001, 2002, 2005a)
Flowers: Orchids
Caribbean Netherlands (126c, 127e); Czech Republic (3830b); Japan (4404g); Mongolia (2949)
Flowers: Roses
Hungary (4567b); Japan (4384-4385, 4407j, 4423-4424)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
China (People’s Republic) (4684a, 4687, 4688, 4690); Czech Republic (3829, 3830b, 3833); French Polynesia (1253); Israel (2265); Japan (4398f, 4398h, 4402d, 4405c, 4405f, 4405j, 4407a, 4407b, 4407f, 4407g, 4408c, 4408h, 4413, 4416a, 4418, 4421a, 4422g, 4425c, 4425f, 4425g, 4425j, 4426); Korea (South) (2570); Luxembourg (1544); Mexico (3171); Netherlands (1599e); Papua New Guinea (2001-2006)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
Australia (5188-5195, 5191a, 5195a, 5195b); Japan (4392f)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Australia (5186); Bermuda (1172); Czech Republic (3812); Romania (6407, 6407a, 6408b, 6408c, 6413)
Israel (2265, 2268-2270, 2268a-2270a); Palau (1409b); United States (5530)
Maps & Globes
Australia (5185, 5186, 5187, 5199, 5199a, 5203, 5203a); Czech Republic (3823); Japan (4406); Luxembourg (1542-1543); Mali (1168); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L170a); Palau (1409f); Papua New Guinea (1997-2000); Romania (6407-6408, 6407a, 6408a, 6408b, 6408c)
Czech Republic (3819); French Polynesia (1252)
Falkland Islands (1276); French Polynesia (1255); Korea (South) (2570, 2573); Mongolia (2944); Norfolk Island (1160-1161, 1161a); Papua New Guinea (2010, 2012); Romania (6405, 6405a, 6414, 6414a)
Motor Vehicles
Australia (5186); China (People’s Republic) (4688, 4690); Japan (4403, 4412, 4416a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L167, L170a); Norfolk Island (1161, 1161a); Papua New Guinea (1998, 2011b)
Australia (5184-5187); Japan (4406)
Czech Republic (3826-3827, 3827a); Japan (4405b)
Performing Arts
China (People’s Republic) (4693); Japan (4392h, 4399j); Macao (1586b); Mongolia (2938-2939)
Bermuda (1172); China (People’s Republic) (4693); Czech Republic (3814, 3814a, 3816, 3816a, 3831); French Polynesia (1254); Japan (4392c, 4392g); Luxembourg (1542); Macao (1586b); Mexico (3172); Romania (6408b)
Music: Rock Stars
Hungary (4566)
Movies, Television & Stars
French Polynesia (1254); Italy (3632)
Mongolia (2941, 2943a); Romania (6447-6448, 6447a-6448a)
Germany (3183)
Personalized Stamps
Czech Republic (3819); Namibia (1393, 1394)
Czech Republic (3812); Falkland Islands (1273-1276); Germany (3180); Japan (4390-4391, 4422); Mongolia (2938-2939); Romania (6446)
Papua New Guinea (2009, 2011d, 2012)
Australia (5186)
Bermuda (1171); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (413); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (635); China (People’s Republic) (4693); Czech Republic (3813, 3818, 3823a, 3828); Hungary (4567); Japan (4386c, 4398i, 4401, 4406j); Luxembourg (1541); Macao (1586b); Mexico (3178-3179); Mongolia (2942, 2943a); Oman (649, 649a); Palau (1441); Papua New Guinea (1993); Romania (6404, 6404a, 6413, 6429, 6429a)
Netherlands (1599); United States (5525, 5525a)
Romania (6418, 6418a)
Science & Technology
China (People’s Republic) (4679, 4680, 4682); New Caledonia (1263)
Australia (5188-5195, 5191a, 5195a, 5195b); Japan (4400, 4410, 4411d); Mexico (3179); Romania (6430, 6430a)
Australian Antarctic Territory (L236, L237a)
Computers & Mathematics
Papua New Guinea (2011c)
Earth Science & Earth Features
French Polynesia (1249-1251); Japan (4382g, 4383f, 4398c, 4403, 4411e, 4411f, 4422); Mongolia (2945-2951); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L170, L170a); Palau (1423, 1446); Romania (6431, 6431a, 6433, 6433a);
China (People’s Republic) (4681, 4685); United States (5542)
Medicine: COVID-19 Pandemic
French Polynesia (1252); Papua New Guinea (2011a)
Ships & Watercraft
Australia (5185, 5186, 5187); Australian Antarctic Territory (L234-L237, L237a); Bermuda (1166, 1169, 1172); China (People’s Republic) (4686); Falkland Islands (1276); French Polynesia (1249, 1255); Japan (4382c, 4383c, 4398b, 4408e, 4422); Palau (1446e)
China (People’s Republic) (4678); Palau (1409); Romania (6292)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (410); Japan (4393-4394); Palau (1446d)
Korea (South) (2572)
China (People’s Republic) (4685); Oman (643a)
China (People’s Republic) (4691, 4697-4698); Japan (4380-4381); Korea (South) (2572); New Zealand (2934-2939, 2939a); Palau (1446f)
Italy (3631); Korea (South) (2572)
Stamps On Stamps
Falkland Islands (1273, 1274, 1275); Japan (4406h); Mexico (3177); Romania (6446)
Falkland Islands (1273); Japan (4399f)
China (People’s Republic) (4684d); Mexico (3165)
Native Costumes
China (People’s Republic) (4684f); French Polynesia (1250); Japan (4382d, 4382f, 4383d, 4383e, 4392, 4393-4394, 4398a, 4398g, 4398h, 4405e, 4406, 4408d, 4408e, 4422); Mexico (3163); Mongolia (2938-2939); Niger (O24); Oman (643a); Papua New Guinea (1998, 1999, 2000); Romania (6434-6437, 6434a-6437a)
Toys & Games
Mexico (3167)
United Nations
Japan (4386, 4410); Oman (643, 643a)
Australia (5184, 5185); Burkina Faso (1367); Caribbean Netherlands (115b, 115c); China (People’s Republic) (4684a, 4684d, 4685, 4686, 4688, 4690, 4692); Czech Republic (3819, 3830b, 3830c); Falkland Islands (1273, 1276); French Polynesia (1252); Germany (3183); Hungary (4566, 4567); Italy (3620, 3633); Jamaica (1132-1135, 1135a); Japan (4382d, 4382f, 4382i, 4383d, 4383e, 4383h, 4386e, 4392, 4403, 4406, 4422); Korea (South) (2570, 2572); Luxembourg (1540, 1541, 1544-1545); Macao (1586a, 1608-1609); Mexico (3167, 3174, 3177); Mongolia (2938-2939); Netherlands (1599a, 1599e, 1599g); New Zealand (2935, 2936, 2938, 2939a); Niger (O24); Oman (643, 643a); Palau (1409c, 1409g); Papua New Guinea (1997-2000, 2011c); Romania (6434-6437, 6434a-6437a); United States (5531)
Writers & Literature
Jamaica (1132-1135, 1135a); Kazakhstan (916-917); Macao (1608-609); Romania (6428-6429, 6428a-6429a, 6447-6448, 6447a-6448a)
Mexico (3177); Papua New Guinea (2007-2012)
Unaccompanied minors, such as French Polynesia (1139b, 1139c), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Number changes: To stamps in 2021 Catalogue, Namibia (1383 becomes 1384, 1384 becomes 1383).