US Stamps
United States 2016 nonprofit stamp is a sleeper

Stamp Market Tips by Henry Gitner and Rick Miller
On April 28, 2016, the United States Postal Service issued a nondenominated (5¢) “USA” and Star horizontal self-adhesive coil stamp (Scott 5061) for use by nonprofit organizations.
Antonio Alcala and Lesli Badani designed the stamp. The untagged lithographed stamp with gauge 10 vertical serpentine die cuts was produced by Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd.
The 2019 Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers values a mint single at the catalog minimum of 25¢. A plate number strip of five with plate no. P111 is valued at $1.60. A used plate number single is valued at $1.25.
This stamp was only in use for 10 months before being replaced by the nondenominated (5¢) “USA” and Star with Blue Frame horizontal coil stamp (Scott 5172) on Feb. 10, 2017.
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The 2016 “USA” and Star coil is a sleeper. Most dealers and collectors have yet to notice that it is not readily available in quantity. At present, there is just normal demand, but look for demand to exceed supply in the future. Make sure you have what you want for your collection now, while it is still readily available.