
Postiljonen publishes new 'Fakes Forgeries & Experts Journal'

Apr 29, 2021, 9 PM

The Fakes Forgeries & Experts Journal, 18th edition, will be released May 14 at the London 2015 Europhilex stamp show at the Business Design Centre, Islington, in London.

The release of the 18th edition of the Fakes Forgeries & Experts Journal, a publication that informs collectors about fakes and forged items and also explains how philatelic experts work, will coincides with the London 2015 Europhilex stamp exhibition taking place May 13-16 at the Business Design Centre, Islington, in London.

Postiljonen, an international stamp auction house in Sweden, has published the journal. Edited for the second time by Jonas Hallstrom of Sweden, it has received a facelift on the presentation side of the content, according to a press release announcing the journal. The press release also thanks the advertisers who made the journal possible: Heinrich Kohler, Corinphila, David Feldman and the Universal Postal Union.

Thanks to the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philateliques, the presentation of the journal will be conducted at the association's meeting at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 14, at the London 2015 Europhilex stamp show.

The new publication presents 19 articles by different authors, six of them making their first appearance in the Fakes Forgeries & Experts Journal. 

In alphabetical order, the authors and the subjects include:

Akthem Al-Manaseer, "Fakes of The Mosul Provisionals."

Claes Arnrup, "Iceland - The 1897 3 Prir Surcharge."

Jean-Francois Brun, "Reference Marks - The Use of Reference Marks for the Identification and Authentication of Postage Stamps."  

Benoit Chandanson, "Reunion."

Michele Chauvet, "Anatomy of a Balloon."

David B. Escott, "Using Perforation Fingerprints to Classify Stamps as Having 'Non-Compliant' Perforations.'"

Richard Gratton, "New Discovery of Engraved Forgeries of Newfoundland First Issues."

Udo Gross, "The Kingdom of Prussia No. 1 stamp of 1851: An X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of Colour and Ink"? and "The 1847 U.S. No. One Stamp Franklin 5¢ an Experimental Colour and Ink Study."

John M. Hotchner, "The U.S. 2¢ 3rd Bureau Issue Assaulted by Counterfeiters."   

Wolfgang Maassen, "Forgeries and Falsifications of Philatelic Literature - A First Look Back."

Vladimir Milic, "Overprint Fakes on the Stamp Series of Yugoslavia - 'Tourism' and 'Postal Service.'" 

Abed H. Najjar "The World's Most Forensically Tested Philatelic Gem: 'The Iconic Victor Hugo Plate 77 Cover'"; and "The Use of X-Ray Microfluorescence to Detect Faking Using Paints."

Robert P. Odenweller, "A Dangerous Chalon Forgery."

Jouni Takalo, "North-Ingria II Series Stamps: Separating Forged from Genuine by the Properties of Fibre Structure."?

Daisy Todd, "Stop Associating 'Conservation' with 'Restoration.'"

Hendrik W. van der Vlist, "Forged Stamps, Overprints, Perforations and Cancellations from Former Netherlands Territory Surinam."        

Paul Wijnants, "Forged Belgian Railway Cancel on Forged Medaillon Cover."   

Information about ordering the journal can be found online.