2007 U.S. Stamp Program

Jan. 10, Ella Fitzgerald. Single 39¢ commemorative stamp, Black Heritage series, pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Jan. 1, page 1; USPS item No. 460740 (pane), 460761 (FDC at 77¢); Scott 4120
Jan. 11, Oklahoma Statehood. Single 39¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Oklahoma City, OK 73125; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Sept. 25, 2006, page 34; Jan. 8, page 1; USPS item No. 460840 (pane), 460861 (FDC at 77¢); Scott 4121.
Jan. 13, Hershey's Kiss Single 39¢ special stamp, Love series, pane of 20 (convertible booklet format); AV; Hershey, PA 17033; Linn's Oct. 2, 2006, page 2; Oct. 30, 2006, page 1; Jan. 8, page 1; USPS item No. 676740 (pane), 676761 (FDC at 77¢), 676765 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4122.
Feb. 21, International Polar Year. Two 84¢ international 1-ounce letter-rate stamps, souvenir sheet of two; Fairbanks, AK 99709; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Sept. 18, 2006, page 15; Dec. 18, 2006, page 1; Feb. 19, page 1; USPS item No. 569840 (souvenir sheet at $1.68), 569862 (FDC at $4.18), 569884 (uncut press sheet at $25.20), 569874 (IPY book with IPY souvenir sheets of eight different countries at $29.95); Scott 4123, aurora borealis (a), aurora australis (b).
March 15, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Single 39¢ commemorative stamp, Literary Arts series, pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; March 12, page 1; USPS item No. 460940 (pane), 460961 (FDC at 77¢); Scott 4124.
March 16, Silver Coffeepot. Single 3¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20; SSP; New York, NY 10199; Linn'sNov. 21, 2005, page 10; Jan. 29, page 20; March 12, page 20; USPS item No. 103340 (pane), 103361 (FDC at 80¢); Scott 3749C.
March 16, Tiffany Lamp. Single 1¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Nov. 13, 2006, page 22; Jan. 29, page 20; March 12, page 20; USPS item No. 104140 (pane), 104161 (FDC at 78¢); Scott 3748A.
April 12, Liberty Bell. Four nondenominated (41¢) forever (definitive) stamps, double-sided pane of 20 (printed by AP, AV and SSP), vending booklet of 20 (SSP) and ATM pane of 18 (AV); Philadelphia, PA 19104; Linn's March 12, page 12; April 9, page 1; April 16, page 20; USPS item No. 676640 (AP double-sided pane of 20), 676641 (AV double-sided pane of 20), 676642 (SSP double-sided pane of 20), 676661 (double-sided pane of 20 FDC at 79¢ with random version), 676665 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 676540 (vending booklet of 20), 676561 (vending booklet of 20 FDC at 79¢), 569940 (ATM pane of 18), 569961 (ATM pane of 18 FDC at 79¢); Scott 4125 (Avery Dennison version, large microprinted "Forever," bell 16 millimeters wide), 4126 (Ashton Potter, small microprinted "Forever," bell 16mm wide), 4127 (Sennett Security Products, medium microprinted "Forever," bell 15mm wide), 4128 (ATM stamp).
April 12, American Flag. Seven nondenominated (41¢) definitive stamps, pane of 20 (AP), water-activated pane of 100 (AP), coil of 100 (printed by AP, AV, SSP), water-activated coils of 100, 3,000 and 10,000 (SSP), coil of 10,000 (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 26, page 19; April 16, page 12; USPS item No. 102740 (pane of 20), 102761 (pane of 20 FDC at 79¢), 106440 (water-activated pane of 100), 106461 (water-activated pane of 100 FDC at 79¢), 784440 (AP coil of 100), 784441 (AV coil of 100), 784442 (SSP coil of 100), 784461 (coil of 100 FDC at 79¢ with random version), 785240, 784540, 785340 (water-activated coil of 100, 3,000, 10,000, respectively), 785230, 784530, 785330 (water-activated coil of 100, 3,000, 10,000, respectively, strip of 25 with plate number), 785261, 784561, 785361 (water-activated coil of 100, 3,000, 10,000, respectively FDC at 79¢), 785040 (coil of 10,000), 785030 (coil of 10,000 strip of 25 with plate number), 785061 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4129 (water-activated sheet stamp), 4130 (sheet stamp), 4131 (water-activated coil stamp), 4132 (Ashton Potter coil stamp, gauge 9½), 4133 (Sennett Security Products coil stamp, gauge 11), 4134 (Avery Dennison coil stamp, gauge 8½), 4135 (Avery Dennison coil stamp with rounded corners, gauge 11).
May 6, Air Force One. Single $4.60 Priority Mail stamped envelope; packet of five; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's April 16, page 16; USPS item No. 222305 (packet of five envelopes at $23), 222361 (FDC at $4.98); Scott U660.
May 6, Marine One. Three $16.25 Express Mail stamped envelopes with backs picturing different Star Wars designs: Darth Vader, Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi; packet of three; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn'sApril 2, page 1; April 16, page 22; USPS item No. 232303 (packet of three envelopes at $48.75), 232363 (FDC set of three at $49.89); Scott U661.
May 6, Star Wars Express Mail. Single $16.25 Express mail stamped envelope; Linn;s April 2, page 1.
May 11, Settlement of Jamestown. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, double-sided pane of 20 (one stamp one side, 19 on the other); SSP; Jamestown, VA 23081; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; March 5, page 8; April 30, page 1; USPS item No. 461040 (pane), 461061 (FDC at 79¢), 461065 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4136.
May 12, Florida Panther. Four 26¢ defini-tive stamps (one design), pane of 20 (AP), water-activated pane of 100 (AP), coil of 100 (SSP) and pane of 10, convertible booklet for-mat (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; May 7, page 1; USPS item No. 104540 (pane of 20), 104562 (pane of 20 FDC at 90¢), 116740 (water-activated pane of 100), 116762 (water-activated pane of 100 FDC at 90¢), 785540 (coil of 100), 785562 (coil of 100 FDC at 90¢), 677440 (pane of 10, convertible booklet), 677462 (pane of 10, convertible booklet FDC at 90¢); Scott 4137 (water-activated stamp), 4139 (pane of 20 stamp), 4141 (coil stamp), 4142 (pane of 10 stamp).
May 12, Horses. Six 41¢ stamped envelope priced at 50¢ each (No. 6¾ and No. 10 regular and window, No. 9 security regular and window); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; May 7, page 12; USPS item No. 262340 (No. 6¾ regular), 262361 (No. 6¾ regular FDC at 60¢), 262440 (No. 6¾ window), 262461 (No. 6¾ win-dow FDC at 60¢), 212540 (No. 9 security), 212561 (No. 9 security FDC at 60¢), 212640 (No. 9 security window), 212661 (No. 9 security window), 212340 (No. 10 regular), 212361 (No. 10 regular FDC at 60¢), 212440 (No. 10 window), 212461 (No. 10 window FDC at 60¢); Scott U662.
May 12, Pineapple. Single 26¢ postal card and single 52¢ double-reply postal card; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; May 7, page 47; USPS item No. 224740 (postal card at 28¢), 224761 (postal card FDC at 38¢), 224840 (double-reply postal card at 56¢), 224861 (double-reply postal card FDC at 66¢); Scott UX488 (postal card), UY46 (reply card).
May 12, Great Seal. Single 41¢ Official stamped envelope priced at 50¢, No. 10 size; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 23, page 8; May 7, page 28; USPS item No. 212740 (No. 10 envelope at 50¢), 212761 (FDC at 60¢); Scott UO93.
May 12, Navajo Necklace. Single 2¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20 (SSP); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's, May 7, page 26; May 14, page 18; USPS item No. 180440 (pane of 20), 180462 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 3753.
May 14, Big Horn Sheep. One 17¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20 (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn'sApril 16, page 1; May 14, page 15; May 28, page 8; USPS item No. 101540 (pane), 101562 (FDC at 94¢);Scott 4138.
May 21, Big Horn Sheep. One 17¢ defini-tive stamp, coil of 100 (SSP); Washington, DC 20066; Linn'sApril 16, page 1; May 14, page 15; May 28, page 8; USPS item No. 785740 (coil of 100), 785762 (FDC at 94¢); Scott 4140.
May 25, Star Wars. Fifteen 41¢ commemorative stamps and 15 26¢ picture postal cards: Darth Vader (Scott 4143a, UX489), Millennium Falcon (b, UX493), Emperor Palpatine (c, UX494), Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi (d, UX495), Luke Skywalker (e, UX490), Princess Leia and R2-D2 (f, UX500), C-3PO (g, UX491), Queen Padme Amidala (h, UX492), Obi-Wan Kenobi (i, UX496), Boba Fett (j, UX497), Darth Maul (k, UX498), Chewbacca and Han Solo (l, UX501), X-wing Starfighter (m, UX502), Yoda (n, UX499), Stormtroopers (o, UX503); pane of 15 (SSP) and booklet of 15 picture postal cards (SSP); Los Angeles, CA 90052; Linn's March 26, page 1, April 2, page 1; April 9, page 2; May 7, page 13; May 21, page 1; USPS item No. 570140 (pane), 570162 (pane FDC at $8.65), 570163 (set of 15 FDCs at $11.85), 570168 (set of 15 digital color postmark FDCs at $22.50), 570166 (booklet of 15 picture postal cards at $12.95), 570184 (uncut press sheet at $18.45).
June 1, Hagatna Bay. Single 90¢ stamp, Scenic American Landscapes; pane of 20; AV; Barri-gada, GU 96913; Linn's April 16, page 1; May 7, page 15; USPS item No. 570340 (pane), 570361 (FDC at $1.28); Scott C143.
June 1, Okefenokee Swamp. Single 69¢ stamp, Scenic American Landscapes; pane of 20; AP; McLean, VA 22101; Linn's April 16, page 1; USPS item No. 570240 (pane), 570261 (FDC at $1.07); Scott C142.
June 13, Air Force One. Single $4.60 Priority Mail stamp, pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn'sApril 16, page 1; June 11, page 1; USPS item No. 112640 (pane), 112620 (plate block at $18.40), 112661 (FDC at $4.98); Scott 4144.
June 13, Marine One. Single $16.25 Express Mail stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066;Linn's April 16, page 1; June 11, page 1; USPS item No. 112540 (pane), 112520 (plate block at $65), 112561 (FDC at $16.63); Scott 4145.
June 13, Margaret Chase Smith. Single 58¢ definitive stamp, Distinguished Americans; pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; June 4, page 1; USPS item No. 102840 (pane), 102861 (FDC at 96¢); Scott 3427.
June 13, Harriet Beecher Stowe. Single 75¢ definitive stamp, Distinguished Americans; pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; June 4, page 1; USPS item No. 104040 (pane), 104061 (FDC at $1.13); Scott 3430.
June 21, Pacific Lighthouses. Five 41¢ commemorative stamps and five 26¢ picture postal cards: Diamond Head(Scott 4146, UX507), Five Finger (4147, UX505), Grays Harbor (4148, UX504), Umpqua River (4149, UX506) and St. George Reef (4150, UX508), pane of 20 (AV) and booklet of 20 cards (SSP); Westport, WA 98595; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 9, 2006, page 20; Feb. 12, page 28; April 16, page 55; June 18, page 1; USPS item No. 461240 (pane), 461263 (set of five FDCs at $3.95), 461268 (digital color postmark set of five FDCs at $7.50), 461266 (booklet of 20 postal cards at $12.95).
June 22, Ring-necked Ducks. Two $15 federal migratory waterfowl hunting and conservation stamps issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, water-activated pane of 20 and artist-signed pane of one, self-adhesive pane of one; SSP; Springfield, MO 65807; Linn's, April 23, page 2; May 7, page 26; June 18, page 1; USPS item No. 333640 (water-activated pane of 20), 333740 (self-adhesive pane of one), 333684 (water-activated stamp press sheet at $1,320), 333784 (self-adhesive stamp press sheet at $396); Scott RW74 (water-activated stamp), RW74A (self-adhesive stamp), RW74b (artist signed pane of one).
June 25, Great Seal. Single 41¢ Official water-activated stamp, coil of 100; SSP; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's April 23, page 8; June 25, page 28; USPS item No. 785440 (coil of 100), 785430 (strip of 25 with plate number), 785420 (strip of five), 785461 (FDC at 79¢); Scott O162.
June 27, Silver Hearts. Single 41¢ special stamp for 1-ounce rate, pane of 20 (convertible booklet format), Love series; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; June 25, page 21; USPS item No. 677140 (pane), 677161 (FDC at 79¢), 677165 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4151.
June 27, Silver Heart. Single 58¢ special stamp for 2-ounce rate, pane of 20, Love series; AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; June 25, page 21; USPS item No. 570940 (pane), 570961 (FDC at 96¢), 570965 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4152.
June 29, Pollination. Four 41¢ commemorative stamps: Morrison's bumble bees (Scott 4153, 4153a), calliope hummingbird (Scott 4154, a), lesser long-nosed bat (Scott 4155, a) and Southern dogface butterfly (Scott 4156, a), double-sided pane of 20, convertible booklet format; AP; Washington, DC 20066;Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 30, 2006, page 2; Feb. 5, page 49; April 16, page 55; June 25, page 1; USPS item No. 676840 (pane), 676863 (set of four FDCs at $3.16), 676868 (set of four digital color postmark FDCs at $6).
July 4, Patriotic Banner. Two (10¢) nondenominated definitive stamp (single design), coil of 3,000 (AV) and coil of 10,000 (AV, SSP); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 30, page 2; July 2, page 12; USPS item No. 784640 (coil of 3,000), 784630 (coil of 3,000 strip of 25 at $2.50), 784662 (coil of 3,000 FDC at 87¢), 784740 (coil of 10,000 by SSP), 784730 (coil of 10,000 by SSP strip of 25 at $2.50), 784741 (coil of 10,000 by SSP), 784731 (coil of 10,000 by AV strip of 25 at $2.50), 784762 (coil of 10,000 with random version of stamp FDC at 87¢); Scott 4157 (AV version with rounded corner die cuts) 4158 (SSP version with pointed corner die cuts).
July 19, Chippendale Chair. Single 4¢ water-activated definitive stamp, American Design; coil of 10,000; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 30, page 8; July 9, page 8; 785640 (coil of 10,000), 785630 (strip of 25 with plate number), 785662 (FDC at 81¢); Scott 3761.
July 26, Marvel Comics. Twenty 41¢ commemorative stamps (AV) and 20 26¢ picture postal cards: Spider-Man (4159a, UX509), The Hulk (b, UX510), Sub-Mariner (c, UX511), The Thing (d, UX512), Captain America (e, UX513), Silver Surfer (f, UX514), Spider-Woman (g, UX515), Iron Man (h, UX516), Elektra (i, UX517), Wolverine (j, UX518), The Amazing Spider-Man cover (k, UX519), The Incredible Hulk cover (l, UX520), Sub-Mariner cover (m, UX521), The Fantastic Four cover (n, UX522), Captain America cover (o, UX523), The Silver Surfer cover (p, UX524), Marvel Spotlight on The Spider-Woman cover (q, UX525), Iron Man cover (r, UX526), Daredevil Featuring Elektra cover (s, UX527), The X-Men cover (t, UX528); pane of 20 and booklet of 20 cards (AP), San Diego, CA 92199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 9, 2006, page 20; July 23, page 1; USPS item No. 461440 (pane), 461462 (pane FDC at $10.70), 461468 (digital color postmark set of 20 FDCs at $30), 461466 (booklet of 20 postal cards at $12.95), 461484 (uncut press sheet at $32.80).
Aug. 4, Vintage Mahogany Speedboats. Four 41¢ commemorative stamps: Hutchinson (Scott 4160), Chris-Craft (4161), Hacker-Craft (4162), Gar Wood (4163); pane of 12; AP; Clayton, NY 13624; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Jan. 29, page 2; July 30, page 2; Aug. 20, page 13; USPS item No. 461840 (pane), 461863 (set of four FDCs at $3.16).
Aug. 7, Purple Heart. Single 41¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's June 25, page 2; July 30, page 10; Aug. 6, page 18; USPS item No. 107440 (pane), 107461 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4164.
Aug. 9, Louis Comfort Tiffany. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, American Treasures; AP; Portland, OR 97208; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; July 30, page 1; USPS item No. 676940 (pane), 676961 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4165.
Aug. 10, Flower Blossoms. Twenty 41¢ definitive stamps (10 designs): iris (Scott 4166 coil, 4178 pane), dahlia (4167, 4179), magnolia (4168, 4180), red gerbera daisy (4169, 4181), coneflower (4170, 4184), tulip (4171, 4185), water lily (4172, 4182), poppy (4173, 4183), chrysanthemum (4174, 4176), orange gerbera daisy (4175, 4177); roll of 100 (AP), double-sided pane of 20 (AV); Portland, OR 97208; Linn's, April 16 issue, page 1; July 23, page 39; July 30, page 20; Aug. 6, page 1; USPS item No. 785140 (coil), 785163 (set of 10 coil stamp FDCs at $7.90), 677240 (pane), 677263 (set of 10 pane stamp FDCs at $7.90).
Aug. 15, American Flag. Four 41¢ definitive stamps (one design), double-sided pane of 20 (convertible booklet format) (SSP), pane of 10 (convertible booklet format) (AP), roll of 100 (AV), roll of 3,000 and 10,000 (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's April 16, page 1; Aug. 6, pages 13 and 30; 677540 (double-sided pane of 20), 677561 (double-sided pane of 20 FDC at 79¢), 677040 (pane of 10, convertible booklet format), 677061 (pane of 10 stamp FDC at 79¢), 784861 (roll of 100 stamps, random printer, FDC at 79¢), 784841 (AV roll of 100), 784940 (roll of 3,000), 784930 (strip of 25 with plate number, roll of 3,000), 784961 (roll of 3,000 stamp FDC at 79¢, 785840 (roll of 10,000), 785830 (strip of 25 with plate number, roll of 10,000), 785861 (roll of 10,000 stamp FDC at 79¢); Scott 4188 (coil of 100 stamp, die cuts 8½), 4189 (coil of 3,000, 10,000 stamp, die cuts 11), 4190 (pane of 10 stamp, light gray flagpole), 4191 (pane of 20 stamp, dark gray flagpole).
Aug. 16, The Art of Disney: Magic.. Four 41¢ commemorative stamps and four 26¢ picture postal cards: Mickey Mouse (Scott 4192, UX529), Tinkerbell and Peter Pan (4193, UX530), Dumbo and Timothy Mouse (4194, UX531), and Aladdin and Genie (4195, UX532); pane of 20 (AV), booklet of 20 cards (AP); Orlando, FL 32862; Linn's June 26, 2006, page 8; Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Aug. 13, page 1; USPS item No. 569740 (pane), 569763 (set of four FDCs at $3.16), 569768 (set of four digital color postmark FDCs at $6), 569766 (picture postal card booklet of 20 at $12.95).
Aug. 17, Celebrate. Single 41¢ special stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Stamford, CT 06907; Linn's, April 16 issue, page 1; Aug. 13, page 2; USPS item No. 570540 (pane), 570561 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4196.
Aug. 17, Jimmy Stewart. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, Legends of Hollywood, pane of 20; AP; Universal City, CA 91608; Linn's Aug. 21, 2006, page 1; Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Aug. 13, page 1; USPS item No. 461140 (pane), 461161 (FDC at 79¢), 461165 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 461184 (uncut press sheet at $73.80); Scott 4197.
Aug. 28, Alpine Tundra. Ten 41¢ commemorative stamps, Nature of America series: elk (Scott 4198a), golden eagle (b), yellow-bellied marmot (c), American pika (d), bighorn sheep (e), Magdalena alpine butterfly (f), white-tailed ptarmigan (g), Rocky Mountain parnassian butterfly (h), Melissa arctic butterfly (i), brown-capped rosy-finch (j); pane of 10; SSP; Estes Park, CO 80517; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Feb. 5, page 10; May 7, page 15; Aug. 20, page 1; USPS item No. 461340 (pane), 461362 (pane FDC at $6.60), 461384 (uncut press sheet at $32.80).
Aug. 31, Gerald Ford. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Grand Rapids, MI 49599, and Rancho Mirage, CA 92270; Linn's Jan. 15, page 22; May 7, page 28; June 25, page 13; Aug. 27, page 1; USPS item No. 571040 (pane), 571061 (California postmark FDC at 79¢), 571069 (Michigan postmark FDC at 79¢), 571084 (uncut press sheet at $49.20); Scott 4199.
Sept. 12, Jury Duty. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn'sSept. 11, 2006, page 1; May 7, page 8; Sept. 10, page 1; USPS item No. 461740 (pane), 461761 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4200.
Sept. 14, Mendez v. Westminster School District. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Santa Ana, CA 92711; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Sept. 10, page 1; USPS item No. 461640 (pane), 461661 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4201.
Sept. 28, Eid. Single 41¢ special stamp, Holiday Celebrations, pane of 20; AV; Washington, DC 20066;Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Sept. 24, page 1; USPS item No. 570840 (pane), 570861 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4202.
Oct. 1, Polar Lights. Two 41¢ commemorative stamps: aurora borealis (Scott 4203), aurora australis (4204), pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 1, page 1; USPS item No. 461940 (pane), 461963 (set of two FDCs at $1.58), 461968 (digital color postmark set of two FDCs at $3).
Mid-October, American Flag. Single 41¢ definitive stamp, coil of 100; stamp was to have been issued Aug. 15 but was not shipped until mid-October; AP; no ceremony; Linn's Oct. 1, page 14; Nov. 12, page 13; Dec. 24, pages 12-13; USPS item No. 784840 (AP roll of 100); Scott 4186, gauge 9½.
Oct. 25, Yoda. Single 41¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; SSP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's May 7, page 10; June 11, page 28; Aug. 27, page 8; Oct. 22, page 1; USPS item No. 461540 (pane), 461561 (FDC at 79¢), 461565 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 461584 (left uncut press sheet, $24.60), 461586 (right uncut press sheet, $24.60); Scott 4205.
Oct. 25, Christmas Knits. Twelve 41¢ special stamps (four designs): pane of 20 (SSP) and double-sided pane of 20 (SSP), Scott 4207-10 (deer, Christmas tree, snowman, bear); vending booklet of 20 (SSP), 4211-14, small stamps; ATM pane of 18 (AV) 4215-18; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 29, page 32; USPS item No. 569640 (pane of 20), 569663 (pane of 20 stamps, set of four FDCs at $3.16), 569668 (random format, digital color postmark set of four FDCs at $3.16), 676440 (double-sided pane of 20), 676463 (double-sided pane of 20 stamps, set of four FDCs at $3.16), 676363 (vending booklet of 20), 569540 (ATM pane of 18), 569563 (ATM pane stamps, set of four FDCs at $3.16).
Oct. 26, Hanukkah. Single 41¢ special stamp, Holiday Celebrations, pane of 20; SSP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 22, page 12; USPS item No. 570640 (pane), 570661 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4219.
Oct. 26, Kwanzaa. Single 41¢ special stamp, Holiday Celebrations series, pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 11, 2006, page 1; Oct. 22, page 12; USPS item No. 570740 (pane), 570761 (FDC at 79¢); Scott 4220.
Early November, American Flag. Single 41¢ definitive stamp, coil of 100; stamp was to have been issued Aug. 15 but was not shipped until early November; SSP; no ceremony; Linn's Oct. 1, page 14; Nov. 12, page 13; Dec. 24, pages 12-13; USPS item No. 784842 (SSP roll of 100); Scott 4187, gauge 11.
*Asterisks precede entries with new or changed information. New/changed information is presented in bold italics.
Stamp printing contractors are identified in the listings using the following abbreviations: AP (Ashton Potter USA Ltd.), CCL (CCL Label Inc.) and SSP (Sennett Security Products). Printing contractors for some earlier issues include AV (Avery Dennison), BEP (Bureau of Engraving and Printing), BCA (Banknote Corp. of America), GL (Guilford Gravure), and SS (Sterling Sommer).
Details of each issue listed in this program are given in the cited issues of Linn’s. Stamps are self-adhesive unless otherwise noted.
Mount Nos. refer to the appropriate ScottMount item number.
Mail orders for mint stamps, uncut press sheets, postal stationery, and the Postal Service's uncacheted first-day covers (FDCs) should be sent to Stamp Fulfillment Services, Box 419636, Kansas City, MO 64141-6636. Postal Service supplied first-day covers are available only in certain formats. They usually cost the face value of the stamps affixed plus 24¢ per cover. The prices of some items, including first-day-canceled stationery, may vary. Orders should use USPS item numbers.
Stamp Fulfillment Services accepts credit card orders by telephone (800-782-6724) or fax (816-545-1212). Orders may be placed from countries other than the United States by calling 816-545-1000. An additional $5.20 shipping fee is added to standard shipping and handling charges for orders to be mailed to a foreign address.
New issues should be ordered no more than two weeks in advance of the date of issue.
Mail, phone or fax orders have a flat service charge of $1.30 for orders up to $50 if they include only prepackaged items, such as the minimum purchase of a block of four sheet stamps or a pane of definitive stamps. A fee of $2.10 is added for custom orders.
A detailed sales catalog called USA Philatelic lists the prepackaged formats. It is free on request from Information Fulfillment, Dept. 6270, U.S. Postal Service, Box 419014, Kansas City, MO 64141-6014. USA Philatelic listings include formats and USPS item numbers other than those listed here.
The grace period for collectors to send covers for first-day cancels ends 60 days after a stamp’s issue date, unless stated otherwise in the listing.
Within the grace period, buy the stamp (or stationery item) at your local post office or philatelic center, affix it to an addressed envelope (postage must make up at least the first-class rate) and send under cover to Customer-Affixed Envelopes, Postmaster, (Name of City, State and ZIP code-9991 or the ZIP+4 code given). No remittance is required.
Most collectors use stamped, addressed return carrier envelopes or peelable return address labels that can be removed after the U.S. Postal Service returns the cover.
Plate numbers. Multistamp issues require as a minimum a plate block with every stamp design represented at least once. Plate block formats are listed by Amos Media Co. in the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers.
Stamp Fulfillment Services requires the purchase of a minimum number of stamps to obtain plate number markings. For stamps with face values of 1¢ to 50¢ the minimum purchase is a full pane.
For stamps with face values of 51¢ to $1.20 the minimum purchase is either a full pane or block per the catalog listing. For stamps with face values of $1.21 and up the minimum purchase is a block of four stamps. Plate numbers on most coil stamps may be obtained with a minimum purchase of 25 stamps. Stamp Fulfillment Services does not guarantee specific plate numbers.
If you collect U.S. new issues, you should own Linn’s U.S. Stamp Yearbooks. The 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2010 yearbooks are sold individually. The 1989, 2007, 2008 and 2009 yearbooks are sold out. For additional information, or to order, visit, or telephone Amos Media Co. at 800-572-6885.
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Feb 5, 2025, 1 PMNetherlands New Guinea 1954-60 set a challenge to assemble
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Feb 4, 2025, 4 PMAmerican Vistas coil stamps to arrive Feb. 21 at San Diego Stamp Show
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Feb 3, 2025, 4 PMNew philatelic catalog focuses on 1918-19 Western Ukraine