2009 U.S. Stamp Program

Note: This is an abbreviated Linn's 2009 U.S. Stamp Program listing. The full program will return.
Jan. 3, Alaska Statehood. Single 42¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Anchorage, AK 99501;Linn's Aug. 25, 2008, page 26; Dec. 22, page 1; USPS item No. 464140 (pane), 464161 (FDC at 80¢), 464165 (digital color postmark at $1.50); Scott 4374.
Jan. 8, Year of the Ox. Single 42¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 12; SSP; New York, NY 10199; Linn'sSept. 1, page 1; Dec. 29, page 1; USPS item No. 573840 (pane), 573861 (FDC at 80¢), 573865 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 573884 (uncut press sheet at $45.36); Scott 4375.
Jan. 14, Oregon Statehood. Single 42¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Portland, OR 97208;Linn's March 10, page 12; Aug. 25, page 26; Sept. 8, page 1; Jan. 5, page 1; USPS item No. 464340 (pane), 464361 (FDC at 80¢), 464365 (digital color postmark at $1.50); Scott 4376.
Jan. 16, Edgar Allan Poe. Single 42¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AV; Richmond, VA 23232;Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; Nov. 3, page 1; Jan. 12, page 10; USPS item No. 464440 (pane), 464461 (FDC at 80¢), 464465 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4377.
Jan. 16, Redwood Forest. Single $4.95 Priority Mail stamped envelope; packet of five; Kansas City, MO 64144; Linn's Dec. 15, page 2; Jan. 5, page 10; USPS item No. 211305 (pack of five at $24.75), 211361 (FDC at $5.33); Scott U666.
Jan. 16, Redwood Forest. Single $4.95 Priority Mail stamp; pane of 20; AP; San Diego, CA 92199;Linn's Oct. 13, page 10; Dec. 1, page 1; Dec. 15, page 2; Jan. 5, page 10; USPS item No. 113440 (pane), 113420 (plate block of four at $19.80), 113410 (single), 113461 (FDC at $5.33); Scott 4378.
Jan. 16, Old Faithful. Single $17.50 Express Mail stamp; pane of 20; AP; San Diego, CA 92199; Linn'sOct. 13, page 10; Dec. 1, page 1; Dec. 15, page 2; Jan. 5, page 10; USPS item No. 113540 (pane), 113520 (plate block of four at $70), 113510 (single), 113561 (FDC at $17.88); Scott 4379.
Feb. 9, Abraham Lincoln. Four 42¢ commemorative stamps: rail-splitter (Scott 4380), lawyer (4381),politician (4382), president (4383); pane of 20; AP; Springfield, IL 62703; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; Nov. 3, page 1; Feb. 2, page 1; USPS item No. 464740 (pane), 464763 (set of four FDCs at $3.20), 464768 (set of four digital color postmark FDCs at $6), 464784 (uncut press sheet at $50.40).
Feb. 17, Miami University. Single 27¢ postal card; AP; Oxford, OH 45056; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; Nov. 3, page 1; Feb. 2, page 1; USPS item No. 223540 (single card at 30¢), 223561 (FDC at 40¢); Scott UX554.
Feb. 21, Civil Rights Pioneers. Six 42¢ commemorative stamps (Scott 4384): Mary Church Terrell and Mary White Ovington (4384a), J.R. Clifford and Joel Elias Spingarn (b), Oswald Garrison Villard and Daisy Gatson Bates (c), Charles Hamilton Houston and Walter White (d), Medgar Evers and Fannie Lou Hamer (e), and Ella Baker and Ruby Hurley (f); souvenir sheet of six; AV; New York, NY 10199; Linn'sSept. 15, page 2; Nov. 3, page 1; Nov. 10, page 11; Feb. 16, page 1; USPS item No. 573940 (souvenir sheet), 573962 (souvenir sheet FDC at $5.02).
Feb. 24, Patriotic Banner. Single nondenominated (10¢) water-activated definitive stamp, coil of 500; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Jan. 5, page 2; Feb. 16, page 12; USPS item No. 787440 (coil of 500), 787430 (strip of 25 with plate No), 787462 (FDC at 90¢); Scott 4385.
Feb. 24, Great Seal. Single 1¢ Official mail definitive stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066;Linn's Jan. 5, page 2; Feb. 23, page 2; USPS item No. 574440 (pane), 574462 (FDC at 81¢); Scott O163.
Feb. 24, Liberty Bell. Single nondenominated (42¢) forever definitive stamp, ATM pane of 18 (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 2, page 2; USPS item No. 573340 (pane), 573361 (FDC at 80¢); Scott 4128b.
April 9, Richard Wright. Single 61¢ 2-ounce letter-rate commemorative stamp, Literary Arts series; pane of 20; Chicago, IL 60607; Linn's Sept. 22, page 13; Jan. 12, page 18; April 6, page 1; USPS item No. 113040 (pane), 113061 (FDC at 99¢); Scott 4386.
April 16, Polar Bear. Two 28¢ definitive stamps (single design), pane of 20 (SSP), coil of 100 (AV); New York, NY 10199; Linn's Oct. 27, page 13; March 16, page 1; April 13, page 1; USPS item No. 113140 (pane), 787240 (coil of 100), 113162 (pane stamp FDC at 94¢), 787262 (coil stamp FDC at 94¢); Scott 4387 (pane stamp), 4389 (coil stamp).
April 17, Koi Fish. Two 28¢ postal cards (two designs) priced at 31¢ each, double-reply postal card priced at 62¢ each (one of each postal card design); AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 29, page 20; March 16, page 1; April 13, page 12; USPS item No. 223140 (random postal card), 223198 (set of two postal cards at), 223240 (reply card), 223163 (set of two FDC postal cards at 82¢), 223261 (reply card FDC at 72¢); Scott UX555 (white fish, orange and white fish card), UX556 (black fish, red and white fish card), UY48 (reply card).
April 28, Purple Heart. Single 44¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn'sMarch 9, page 12; April 20, page 22; USPS item No. 113740 (pane), 113761 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4390.
April 28, Tiffany Lamp. Single 1¢ water-activated definitive stamp, coil of 10,000; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 9, page 12; April 27, page 18; May 18, page 14; USPS item No. 786440 (coil of 10,000), 786430 (strip of 25 with plate No.), 786462 (FDC at 81¢); same as Scott 3758A.
May 1, American Flag. Two 44¢ definitive stamps (single design), water-activated coil of 3,000 (SSP) and self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000 (AV); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Oct. 27, page 13; March 16, page 1; April 27, page 1; USPS item No. 787140 (water-activated coil of 3,000), 787161 (water-activated stamp FDC at 82¢); 787740 (coil of 3,000), 787730 (strip of 25 with plate number); 787840 (coil of 10,000), 787830 (strip of 25 with plate number), 787861 (self-adhesive stamp FDC at 82¢); Scott 4391 (water-activated stamp), 4395 (self-adhesive stamp).
May 1, Wedding Rings. Single 44¢ special stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; April 27, page 11; USPS item No. 574240 (pane), 574261 (FDC at 82¢), 574265 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4397.
May 1, Wedding Cake. Single 61¢ 2-ounce letter-rate special stamp, pane of 20; AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; April 27, page 11; USPS item No. 574140 (pane), 574161 (FDC at 99¢), 574165 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4398.
May 7, The Simpsons. Five 44¢ commemorative stamps showing characters Homer (Scott 4399, UX557), Marge (4400, UX558), Bart (4401, UX559), Lisa (4402, UX560) and Maggie (4403, UX561) from The Simpsons; pane of 20 (convertible booklet, four different booklet cover designs) (SSP) and booklet of 20 picture postal cards (AP); Los Angeles, CA 90052; Linn's Dec. 1, page 1; March 2, page 2; April 27, page 10; May 4, page 1; USPS item No. 679040 (pane), 679098 (set of four panes at $35.20), 679066 (booklet of 20 picture postal cards) 679063 (set of five FDCs at $4.10), 679068 (set of five digital color postmark FDCs at $7.50).
May 8, American Flag. Three 44¢ definitive stamps, coil of 100; SSP (Scott 4392, die cut gauge 11), AP (4393, gauge 9½), AV (4394, gauge 8½); Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Oct. 27, page 13; May 4, page 11; USPS item No. 787040 (AP coil), 787041 (AV coil), 787042 (SSP coil), 787061 (FDC at 82¢, random printer).
May 8, Love: King and Queen of Hearts. Two 44¢ special stamps, pane of 20 (convertible booklet format); AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; May 4, page 1; 678840 (pane), 678863 (set of two FDCs at $1.64), 678868 (digital color postmark set of two FDCs at $3); Scott 4404 (king), 4405 (queen).
May 11, Seabiscuit. Fifteen 44¢ stamped envelopes (single design) priced at 54¢ each; three envelope sizes and two flap types, plus three using old envelope paper; AP; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's Sept. 29, page 20; Feb. 9, page 2; May 11, page 1; June 8, page 2; USPS item No. 264840 (No. 6¾ regular), 264940 (No. 6¾ window), 218740 (No. 9 security), 218840 (No. 9 security window), 218540 (No. 10 regular), 218640 (No. 10 window), 290198 (pack of 18 envelopes: six Seabiscuit and 12 Liberty Bell forever envelope varieties, at $10.92), 218698 (set of three envelopes produced on old paper at $1.62); FDCs at 64¢ each: 264861 (No. 6¾ regular), 264961 (No. 6¾ window), 218761 (No. 9 security), 218861 (No. 9 security window), 218561 (No. 10 regular), 218661 (No. 10 window); 219063 (FDC pack of six self-adhesive flap envelopes at $3.84); Scott U668.
May 11, Liberty Bell. Twelve nondenominated (44¢) forever stamped envelopes (single design), available with preprinted personalized address; multiple envelope sizes and two flap types; AP; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's March 9, page 10; March 16, page 1; May 11, page 1; USPS item No. 290198 (pack of 18 envelopes: six Seabiscuit and 12 Liberty Bell forever envelope varieties, at $10.92); 230568 (water-activated adhesive flap version digital color FDC postmark set of six at $9); 230168 (self-adhesive flap version digital color postmark FDC set of six at $9); Scott U667.
May 15, Mary Lasker. Single 78¢ 3-ounce letter-rate definitive stamp; pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 2, page 1; March 16, page 1; May 11, page 1; USPS item No. 113240 (pane), 113261 (FDC at $1.16); Scott 3432B.
May 15, Liberty Bell. Single nondenominated (44¢) forever stamp; double-sided pane of 20 (convertible booklet); SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's May 18, page 18; May 25, page 11; USPS item No. 678940 (pane), 678961 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4127m.
May 29, Bob Hope. Single 44¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; San Diego, CA 92199; Linn'sNov. 24, page 1; Dec. 8, page 1; Dec. 15, page 1; May 25, page 1; USPS item No. 464640 (pane), 464661 (FDC at 82¢), 464665 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 464684 (uncut press sheet at $79.20); Scott 4406.
June 1, Seabiscuit. Two 44¢ stamped envelopes (single design) priced at 54¢ each, in two envelope sizes; AP (National Envelope); Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's June 8, page 2; July 20, page 2; USPS item No. 218598 (set of two No. 10 regular and window at $1.08), 218563 (FDC set of two at $1.28); Scott U668a.
June?, Big Horn Sheep. Single 17¢ definitive stamp printed on prephosphored paper; pane of 20; Linn'sAug. 10, page 2; USPS item No. 181540 (pane); Scott 4138a.
June 5, American Flag. Single 44¢ definitive stamp, pane of 10 (convertible booklet); AV; McLean, VA 22101; Linn's Oct. 27, page 13; June 1, page 2; 679340 (pane), 679361 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4396.
June 10, Celebrate. Single 44¢ special stamp, pane of 20; SSP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 9, page 12; June 8, page 2; USPS item No. 574540 (pane), 574561 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4407.
June 11, Anna Julia Cooper. Single 44¢ commemorative stamp, Black Heritage series; pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; Oct. 20, page 2; June 8, page 1; USPS item No. 463840 (pane), 463861 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4408.
June 12, Dolphin. Dolphin. Single 64¢ definitive stamp, pane of 20; AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn'sOct. 27, page 13; March 16, page 1; June 8, page 1; 113340 (pane), 113361 (FDC at $1.02); Scott 4388.
June 26, Long-tailed Duck. Two $15 federal migratory waterfowl hunting and conservation stamps issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, water-activated pane of 20, artist-signed pane of one, and self-adhesive pane of one; AP; Nashville, TN 37214; Linn's Nov. 10, 2008, page 1; March 30, page 16; May 11, page 11; June 22, page 1; USPS item No. 334040 (water-activated pane of 20), 334010 (single water-activated stamp from pane of 20), 334140 (self-adhesive pane of one), mail-order only (artist-signed pane), 334084 (uncut press sheet, water-activated pane at $1,000), 334184 (uncut press sheet, self-adhesive pane at $300); Scott RW76 (water-activated), RW76A (self-adhesive), RW76b (artist-signed pane).
June 28, Zion National Park. Single 79¢ definitive stamp, Scenic American Landscapes series; pane of 20; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 16, page 1; June 22, page 1; USPS item No. 574740 (pane), 574761 (FDC at $1.17); Scott C146.
June 28, Grand Teton National Park. Single 98¢ definitive stamp, Scenic American Landscapes series; pane of 20; AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 16, page 1; June 22, page 1; USPS item No. 574640 (pane), 574661 (FDC at $1.36); Scott C147.
July 23, Gulf Coast Lighthouses. Five 44¢ commemorative stamps: Matagorda Island Lighthouse (Scott 4409, U669, UX562), Sabine Pass Lighthouse (4410, U670, UX563), Biloxi Lighthouse (4411, U671, UX564), Sand Island Lighthouse (4412, U672, UX565), Fort Jefferson Lighthouse (4413, U673, UX566); pane of 20 (AP), booklet of 20 picture postal cards (AP), pack of 10 letter sheets (AP); Biloxi, MS 39530;Linn's Sept. 1, page 1; March 6, page 13; July 6, page 10; July 20, page 1; USPS item No. 464540 (pane), 464563 (FDC set of five at $4.10), 464568 (digital color postmark FDC set of five at $7.50), 464566 (booklet of 20 picture postal cards at $14.95), 464580 (pack of 10 letter sheets at $15.95).
Aug. 6, Flags of Our Nation. Ten 44¢ commemorative coil stamps: Kentucky (Scott 4293), Louisiana (4294), Maine (4295), Maryland (4296), Massachusetts (4297), Michigan (4298), Minnesota (4299), Mississippi (4300), Missouri (4301), American Flag with Grain (4302); roll of 50; SSP; Pittsburgh, PA 15290 (APS Stampshow); Linn's July 7, page 1; Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; March 23, page 1; March 30, page 11; Aug. 3, page 1; USPS item No. 787540 (coil of 50), 787563 (set of 10 FDCs at $8.20), 787568 (digital color postmark set of 10 FDCs at $15).
Aug. 7, Liberty Bell. Two nondenominated (44¢) forever stamps; double-sided pane of 20 (convertible booklet); AP, AV; Pittsburgh, PA 15290; Linn's Jan. 5, page 2; Jan. 19, page 30; March 30, page 12; May 18, page 18; Aug. 3, page 10; USPS item No. 678941 (Avery Dennison pane), 678942 (Ashton Potter pane), 678969 (FDC at 82¢, random version); Scott 4125f (Avery Dennison version), 4126d (Ashton Potter version).
Aug. 11, Early Television Memories. Twenty 44¢ commemorative stamps (Scott 4414): Texaco Star Theater (4414a, UX583); I Love Lucy (b, UX575); Red Skelton (c, UX582); Howdy Doody (d, UX574);Dragnet (e, UX570); Lassie (f, UX577); Hopalong Cassidy (g, UX573); You Bet Your Life (h, UX586);Dinah Shore Show (i, UX569); Ed Sullivan Show (j, UX571); Kukla, Fran and Ollie (k, UX576); Phil Silvers Show (l, UX581); Lone Ranger (m, UX578); Perry Mason (n, UX580); Alfred Hitchcock Presents (o, UX567); George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (p, UX568); Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (q, UX579);Tonight Show (r, UX584); Twilight Zone (s, UX585); and The Honeymooners (t, UX572); pane of 20 (AP) and booklet of 20 picture postal cards (SSP); North Hollywood, CA 91605; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Aug. 10, page 1; USPS item No. 463340 (pane), 463362 (pane FDC at $11.30), 463366 (booklet of 20 picture postal cards at $14.95), 463384 (uncut press sheet at $79.20).
Aug. 18, Liberty Bell. Two nondenominated (44¢) stamped envelopes (single design) priced at 54¢ each, No. 10 regular, window; AP (National Envelope); Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn's Sept. 28, page 14; Oct. 5, page 22; USPS item No. 230598 (set of two No. 10 regular and window at $1.08), 230563 (FDC set of two at $1.28); Scott U667a.
Aug. 21, Hawaii Statehood. Single 44¢ commemorative stamp; pane of 20; AV; Honolulu, HI 96820;Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Aug. 17, page 1; USPS item No. 464240 (pane); 464261 (FDC at 82¢), 464265 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50); Scott 4415.
Sept. 3, Eid. Single 44¢ special stamp, pane of 20; AV; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's March 9, page 12; Aug. 31, page 10; USPS item No. 573640 (pane), 573661 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4416.
Sept. 9, Thanksgiving Day Parade. Four 44¢ commemorative stamps: crowd (Scott 4417), drum major (4418) musicians (4419), and turkey balloon (4420); pane of 20; AV; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Sept. 7, page 1; USPS item No. 463740 (pane), 463763 (set of four FDCs at $3.28), 463768 (set of four digital color postmark FDCs at $6).
Sept. 10, Gary Cooper. Single 44¢ commemorative stamp, Legends of Hollywood series; pane of 20; AV; Los Angeles, CA 90052; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Sept. 7, page 1; USPS item No. 463940 (pane), 463961 (FDC at 82¢), 463965 (digital color postmark FDC at $1.50), 463984 (uncut press sheet at $70.40); Scott 4421.
Sept. 22, Supreme Court Justices. Four 44¢ commemorative stamps (Scott 4422): Felix Frankfurter (4422a), William J. Brennan Jr. (b), Louis D. Brandeis (c) and Joseph Story (d); souvenir sheet of four; AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; May 25, page 2; Sept. 21, page 1; USPS item No. 574040 (sheet), 574062 (FDC at $4.26).
Oct. 1, Kelp Forest. Ten 44¢ commemorative stamps (Scott 4423), Nature of America series: brown pelican (4423a, UX594); western gull, southern sea otter and red sea urchin (b, UX587); harbor seal (c, UX593); lion's mane nudibranch (d, UX588); yellowtail rockfish and white-spoted rose anemone (e, UX591); vermilion rockfish (f, UX590); copper rockfish (g, UX596); Pacific rock crab and jeweled top snail (h, UX592); northern kelp crab (i, UX589); and treefish, Monterey turban snail, brooding sea anemone (j, UX595); pane of 10 (AV) and 10 44¢ rate picture postal cards (SSP); Monterey, CA 93940; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Sept. 28, page 1; USPS item No. 464040 (pane), 464062 (pane FDC at $6.90), 464066 (pack of 10 picture postal cards), 464084 (uncut press sheet at $35.20).
Oct. 8, Winter Holidays. Eight 44¢ special stamps (four designs): reindeer (Scott 4425 pane, 4429 ATM pane), snowman (4426, 4430), gingerbread man (4427, 4431), nutcracker (4428, 4432); pane of 20 (convertible booklet format) (SSP) and ATM pane of 18 (AV); New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Oct. 5, page 1; USPS item No. 678540 (pane of 20), 573740 (ATM pane of 18), 678563 (pane of 20 version FDC set of four at $3.28), 678568 (pane of 20 version digital color postmark set of four at $6), 573763 (ATM stamp FDC set of four at $3.28).
Oct. 9, Hanukkah. Single 44¢ special stamp; pane of 20; SSP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Oct. 5, page 16; USPS item No. 573540 (pane), 573561 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4433.
Oct. 9, Kwanzaa. Single 44¢ special stamp; pane of 20; AP; New York, NY 10199; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Oct. 5, page 16; USPS item No. 573440 (pane), 573461 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4434.
Oct. 20, Madonna and Child by Sassoferrato. Single 44¢ special stamp; double-sided pane of 20 (convertible booklet format); AP; San Simeon, CA 93452; Linn's Sept. 1, 2008, page 1; Oct. 19, page 1; USPS item No. 678640 (pane), 678661 (FDC at 82¢); Scott 4424.
*Asterisks precede entries with new or changed information. New/changed information is presented in bold italics.
Stamp printing contractors are identified in the listings using the following abbreviations: AP (Ashton Potter USA Ltd.), CCL (CCL Label Inc.) and SSP (Sennett Security Products). Printing contractors for some earlier issues include AV (Avery Dennison), BEP (Bureau of Engraving and Printing), BCA (Banknote Corp. of America), GL (Guilford Gravure), and SS (Sterling Sommer).
Details of each issue listed in this program are given in the cited issues of Linn’s. Stamps are self-adhesive unless otherwise noted.
Mount Nos. refer to the appropriate ScottMount item number.
Mail orders for mint stamps, uncut press sheets, postal stationery, and the Postal Service's uncacheted first-day covers (FDCs) should be sent to Stamp Fulfillment Services, Box 419636, Kansas City, MO 64141-6636. Postal Service supplied first-day covers are available only in certain formats. They usually cost the face value of the stamps affixed plus 24¢ per cover. The prices of some items, including first-day-canceled stationery, may vary. Orders should use USPS item numbers.
Stamp Fulfillment Services accepts credit card orders by telephone (800-782-6724) or fax (816-545-1212). Orders may be placed from countries other than the United States by calling 816-545-1000. An additional $5.20 shipping fee is added to standard shipping and handling charges for orders to be mailed to a foreign address.
New issues should be ordered no more than two weeks in advance of the date of issue.
Mail, phone or fax orders have a flat service charge of $1.30 for orders up to $50 if they include only prepackaged items, such as the minimum purchase of a block of four sheet stamps or a pane of definitive stamps. A fee of $2.10 is added for custom orders.
A detailed sales catalog called USA Philatelic lists the prepackaged formats. It is free on request from Information Fulfillment, Dept. 6270, U.S. Postal Service, Box 419014, Kansas City, MO 64141-6014. USA Philatelic listings include formats and USPS item numbers other than those listed here.
The grace period for collectors to send covers for first-day cancels ends 60 days after a stamp’s issue date, unless stated otherwise in the listing.
Within the grace period, buy the stamp (or stationery item) at your local post office or philatelic center, affix it to an addressed envelope (postage must make up at least the first-class rate) and send under cover to Customer-Affixed Envelopes, Postmaster, (Name of City, State and ZIP code-9991 or the ZIP+4 code given). No remittance is required.
Most collectors use stamped, addressed return carrier envelopes or peelable return address labels that can be removed after the U.S. Postal Service returns the cover.
Plate numbers. Multistamp issues require as a minimum a plate block with every stamp design represented at least once. Plate block formats are listed by Amos Media Co. in the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers.
Stamp Fulfillment Services requires the purchase of a minimum number of stamps to obtain plate number markings. For stamps with face values of 1¢ to 50¢ the minimum purchase is a full pane.
For stamps with face values of 51¢ to $1.20 the minimum purchase is either a full pane or block per the catalog listing. For stamps with face values of $1.21 and up the minimum purchase is a block of four stamps. Plate numbers on most coil stamps may be obtained with a minimum purchase of 25 stamps. Stamp Fulfillment Services does not guarantee specific plate numbers.
If you collect U.S. new issues, you should own Linn’s U.S. Stamp Yearbooks. The 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2010 yearbooks are sold individually. The 1989, 2007, 2008 and 2009 yearbooks are sold out. For additional information, or to order, visit, or telephone Amos Media Co. at 800-572-6885.
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Feb 5, 2025, 1 PMNetherlands New Guinea 1954-60 set a challenge to assemble
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