2022 U.S. Stamp Program

Jan. 9, Blueberries. Two 4¢ definitive stamps (single design), pane of 20, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; BCA; Blue Hill, ME 04614; Linn’s, Dec. 27, page 1; USPS item No. 121604 (pane); No. 750615 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000), 750604 (coil of 3,000); No. 760815 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000), 760804 (coil of 10,000); 121616 (pane FDC at $1.17), 760816 (coil FDC at $1.17); Scott 5652 (pane), 5653 (coil).
Jan. 9, U.S. Flags. Six (58¢) forever definitive stamps (one design), pane of 20 (BCA), double-sided pane of 20 (BCA, AP), coils of 100 (BCA, AP), 3,000 and 10,000 (BCA); Findlay, OH 45840; Linn’s, Jan. 3, page 1; USPS item No. 121704 (pane), 683602 (BCA double-sided pane), 683604 (AP double-sided pane), 740402 (BCA coil of 100), 740404 (AP coil of 100), 750703 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 3,000), 750715 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000), 750704 (coil of 3,000), 760903 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 10,000), 750915 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000), 760904 (coil of 10,000); 121716 (pane FDC at $1.13), 121721 (color postmark pane FDC at $1.98); 683616 (double-sided pane FDC at $1.13), 683621 (color postmark double-sided pane FDC at $1.98); 760916 (coil FDC at $1.13); Scott 5654 (pane), 5655 (coil of 3,000 and 10,000 stamp), 5656 (BCA coil of 100 stamp), 5657 (AP coil of 100 stamp), 5658 (BCA double-sided pane stamp), 5659 (AP double-sided pane stamp).
Jan. 14, Love. Two (58¢) forever special stamps, pane of 20; BCA; Romeo, MI 48065; Linn’s, Jan. 3, page 12; USPS item No. 578204 (pane), 578216 (FDC set of two at $2.26), 578221 (color postmark FDC set of two at $3.96), 578206 (press sheet with die cuts at $92.80), 578208 (press sheet without die cuts at $92.80); Scott 5660 (blue), 5661 (pink).
Jan. 20, Year of the Tiger. One (58¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Lunar New Year series; New York, NY 10199; Linn’s, Jan. 10, page 1; USPS item No. 481504 (pane); 481516 (FDC at $1.13), 481521 (color postmark FDC at $1.98), 481506 (press sheet with die cuts at $46.40), 481508 (press sheet without die cuts at $46.40); Scott 5662.
Jan. 26, Edmonia Lewis. One (58¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Black Heritage series; Washington, DC 20066; Linn’s, Jan. 24, page 1; USPS item No. 481604 (pane), 481616 (FDC at $1.13), 481621 (color postmark FDC at $1.98), 481606 (press sheet with die cuts at $46.40, 481608 (press sheet without die cuts at $46.40); Scott 5663.
Feb. 1, Butterfly Garden Flowers. Two (5¢) nonprofit definitive coil stamps, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; BCA; Pine Mountain, GA 31822; Linn’s, Jan. 31, page 17; USPS item No. 750803 (strip of 25 with plate number), 750815 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000), 750804 (coil of 3,000); No. 761003 (strip of 25 with plate number); 761015 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000), 761004 (coil of 10,000); 760816 (set of two FDCs at $2.36); Scott 5664 (three flowers), 5665 (two flowers).
Feb. 14, Monument Valley. One $8.95 Priority Mail definitive stamp, pane of four; American Landmarks series; AP; Monument Valley, UT 84536; Linn’s, Feb. 7, page 1; USPS item No. 121504 (pane), 121516 (FDC at $9.50), 121521 (color postmark FDC at $10.35); Scott 5666.
Feb. 14, Palace of Fine Arts. One $26.95 Priority Mail Express definitive stamp, pane of four; American Landmarks series; AP; San Francisco, CA 94188; Linn’s, Feb. 7, page 1; USPS item No. 129804 (pane), 129816 (FDC at $27.50), 129821 (color postmark FDC at $28.35); Scott 5667.
March 3, Title IX. Four (58¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; runner (Scott 5668), swimmer (5669), gymnast (5670), soccer player (5671); AP; Washington, DC 20066; Linn’s, Feb. 28, page 1; USPS item No. 481704 (pane), 481716 (set of four FDCs at $4.52), 481721 (color postmark set of four FDCs at $7.92), 481706 (press sheet with die cuts at $104.40), 481708 (press sheet without die cuts at $104.40).
March 14, Mountain Flora. Eight (58¢) forever definitive stamps (four designs), double-sided pane of 20, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; orange-red wood lily (Scott 5672 coil, 5677 pane), bright yellow alpine buttercup (5673, 5678), dark pink Woods’ rose (5674, 5679), purple pasqueflower (5675, 5676); AP; Alpine, WY 83128; Linn’s, March 14, page 1; USPS item 683704 (double-sided pane), 683716 (set of four FDCs at $4.52), 683721 (color postmark set of four FDCs at $7.92); 750903 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 3,000), 750915 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000); 750904 (coil of 3,000); 761103 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 10,000), 761115 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000), 761104 (coil of 10,000); 761116 (set of four coil stamp FDCs at $4.52).
March 14, African Daisy. One ($1.30) global forever definitive stamp, pane of 10; AP; Kansas City, MO 64108; Linn’s March 7, page 12; USPS item No. 580104 (pane); 580116 (FDC at $1.85), 580121 (color postmark FDC at $2.70); Scott 5680.
March 24, Tulips. Single (58¢) forever stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Mount Vernon, WA 98273; Linn’s, March 14, page 12; USPS item No. 580204 (pane), 580216 (FDC at $1.13), 580221 (color postmark FDC at $1.98); Scott 5681.
March 24, Sunflower Bouquet. Single (78¢) 2-ounce stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Lawrence, KS 66044; Linn’s, March 14, page 12; USPS item No. 578304 (pane), 578316 (FDC at $1.33), 578321 (color postmark FDC at $2.18); Scott 5682.
April 8, Shel Silverstein. Single (58¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Chicago, IL 60607; Linn’s, April 4, page 1; USPS item No. 481904 (pane), 481916 (FDC at $1.13), 481921 (color postmark FDC at $1.98); 481906 (press sheet with die cuts at $69.60), 481908 (press sheet without die cuts at $69.60); Scott 5683.
April 14, Flags on Barns. Four (10¢) presorted standard definitive coil stamps, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; red barn near well (Scott 5684), white barn in winter (5685), white barn with gambrel roof (5686), barn near windmill (5687); AP; Halifax, PA 17032; Linn’s, April 11, page 1; USPS item No. 751103 (strip of 25 with plate number), 751104 (coil of 3,000); No. 761203 (strip of 25 with plate number), 761204 (coil of 10,000).
April 22, George Morrison. Five (58¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; Sun and River (Scott 5688), Phenomena Against the Crimson (5689), Lake Superior Landscape (5690), Red Rock Variation (5691), Untitled (5692); AP; Grand Portage, MN 55605; Linn’s, April 18, page 26; USPS item No. 481804 (pane), 481816 (set of five FDCs at $5.65), 481821 (color postmark set of five FDCs at $9.90); 481806 (press sheet with die cuts at $104.40), 481808 (press sheet without die cuts at $104.40).
May 4, Eugenie Clark. Single (58¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Sarasota, FL 34230; Linn’s, May 2, page 1; USPS item No. 482004 (pane), 482016 (FDC at $1.13), 482021 (color postmark FDC at $1.98); 482006 (press sheet with die cuts at $69.60), 482008 (press sheet without die cuts at $69.60); Scott 5693.
May 13, Women’s Rowing. Four (58¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; red shirts, no oar splash (Scott 5694), red shirts, oar splash (5695), blue shirts, oar splash (5696), blue shirts, no oar splash (5697); AP; Philadelphia, PA 19104; Linn’s, May 9, page 1; USPS item No. 482104 (pane), 482116 (set of four FDCs at $4.52), 482121 (set of four color FDCs at $7.92), 482106 (press sheet with die cuts at $104.40), 482108 (press sheet without die cuts at $104.40).
May 23, Mighty Mississippi. Ten (58¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 10; Minnesota (Scott 5698a), Wisconsin (b), Iowa (c), Illinois (d), Missouri (e), Kentucky (f), Arkansas (g), Tennessee (h), Louisiana (i), Mississippi (j); AP; Memphis, TN 38101; Linn’s, May 23, page 1; USPS item No. 580304 (pane), 580316 (FDC set of 10 at $11.30), 580321 (color postmark set of 10 FDCs at $19.80), 580306 (press sheet with die cuts at $34.80), 580308 (press sheet without die cuts at $34.80).
June 14, Katharine Graham. Single (78¢) 2-ounce stamp, pane of 20; Distinguished Americans series; BCA; Washington, DC 20066; Linn’s, June 6, page 1; USPS item No. 122204 (pane), 122216 (FDC at $1.33), 122221 (color postmark FDC at $2.18); Scott 5699.
June 20, Floral Geometry. Two stamps denominated $2 and $5 in a pane of 10 ($2) and a pane of four ($5); BCA; Kansas City, MO 64108; USPS item No. 121904 ($2 pane), 122004 ($5 pane), 121916 ($2 FDC at $2.55), 122016 ($5 FDC at $5.55), 121921 ($2 color postmark FDC at $3.40), 122021 ($5 color postmark FDC at $6.40); Scott 5700 ($2), 5701 ($5).
June 24, Redheads. $25 federal migratory waterfowl hunting and conservation stamp issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, pane of one and pane of 20; BCA; Fairfax, VA 22031; Linn’s, June 27, page 1; USPS item No. 336704 (pane of 1), 336804 (pane of 20); Scott RW89 (single from pane of 20), RW89A (pane of 1).
July 6, Nancy Reagan. Single (58¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Simi Valley, CA 93065; Linn’s, July 4, page 1; USPS item No. 482604 (pane), 482616 (FDC at $1.13), 482621 (color postmark FDC at $1.98); 482606 (press sheet with die cuts at $69.60), 482608 (press sheet without die cuts at $69.60); Scott 5702.
July 15, Mariachi. Five (60¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; guitarist and Moon (Scott 5703), guitarist and sun (5704), violinist and sun (5705), bass guitarist and sun (5706), trumpet player and sun (5707); BCA; Albuquerque, NM 87101; Linn’s, July 11, page 1; USPS item No. 482304 (pane); 482316 (set of five FDCs at $5.75), 482321 (set of five color postmark FDCs at $10); 482306 (press sheet with die cuts at $72), 482308 (press sheet without die cuts at $72).
July 21, Pete Seeger. Single (60¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 16; Music Icons series; BCA; Newport, RI 02840; Linn’s, July 25, page 1; USPS item No. 580404 (pane), 580416 (FDC at $1.15), 580421 (color postmark FDC at $2); 580406 (press sheet with die cuts at $86.40), 580408 (press sheet without die cuts at $86.40); Scott 5708.
Aug. 3, Go Beyond: Buzz Lightyear. Four (60¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; head in profile (Scott 5709), standing with legs visible (5710), running (5711), standing with feet not visible (5712); AP; Los Angeles, CA 90052; Linn’s, Aug. 1, page 1; USPS item No. 482504 (pane); 482516 (set of four FDCs at $4.60), 482521 (color postmark set of four FDCs at $8); 482506 (press sheet with die cuts at $108), 482508 (press sheet without die cuts at $108).
Aug. 5, National Marine Sanctuaries. Sixteen (60¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 16: balloon fish (5713a), red-footed boobies (b), humpback whale (c), Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, sea stacks (d), Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary at sunset (e), Farallon Islands in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (f), elkhorn coral (g), Hawaiian monk seal (h), queen angelfish (i), sea otter (j), young rockfish explore the reef (k), Atlantic sea nettles (l), California sea lions (m), sand tiger shark (n), Rose Atoll American Samoa (o), icy shoreline in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (p); AP; Santa Cruz, CA 95060; Linn’s, Aug. 1, page 1; USPS item No. 580504 (pane); 580516 (set of 16 FDCs at $18.40), 580521 (color postmark set of 16 FDCs at $32); 580506 (press sheet with die cuts at $57.60) 580508 (press sheet without die cuts at $57.60).
Aug. 12, Elephants. Single (60¢) forever stamp, double-sided pane of 20; AP; Hohenwald, TN 38562; Linn’s, Aug. 8, page 1; USPS item No. 683804 (double-sided pane); 683816 (FDC at $1.15), 683821 (color postmark FDC at $2); Scott 5714.
Aug. 25, Pony Cars. Five (60¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302 (Scott 5715), 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T (5716), 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 (5717), 1967 Mercury Cougar XR-7 GT (5718), 1969 AMC Javelin SST (5719); AP; Sacramento, CA 95813; Linn’s, Aug. 22, page 1; USPS item No. 482404 (pane); 482416 (set of five FDCs at $5.75), 482421 (set of five color postmark FDCs at $10), 482406 (press sheet with die cuts at $72), 482408 (press sheet without die cuts at $72).
Sept. 8, James Webb Space Telescope. Single (60¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Washington, DC 20066; Linn’s, Sept. 5, page 1; USPS item No. 482704 (pane), 482716 (FDC at $1.15), 482721 (color postmark FDC at $2); 482706 (press sheet with die cuts at $72), 482708 (press sheet without die cuts at $72); Scott 5720.
Sept. 15, Holiday Elves. Four (60¢) forever special stamps, double-sided pane of 20; elf and teddy bear (Scott 5722), elf tying ribbon (5723), elf with toy car (5724), elf with rocket (5725); BCA; North Pole, AK 99705; Linn’s, Sept. 12, page 1; USPS item No. 683904 (pane), 683916 (set of four FDCs at $4.60), 683921 (set of four color postmark FDCs $8).
Sept. 22, Christmas: Virgin and Child. Single (60¢) forever special stamp, double-sided pane of 20; AP; Boston, MA 02205; Linn’s, Sept. 19, page 50; USPS item No. 684104 (pane), 684116 (FDC at $1.15), 684121 (color postmark FDC at $2); Scott 5721.
Sept. 30, Charles M. Schulz. Ten (60¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; Charlie Brown (Scott 5726a), Lucy van Pelt (b), Franklin (c), Sally Brown (d), Pig-Pen (e), Linus van Pelt (f), Snoopy and Woodstock (g), Schroeder (h), Peppermint Patty (i), and Marcie (j); BCA; Santa Rosa, CA 95404; Linn’s, Sept. 26, page 1; USPS item No. 561704 (pane), 561716 (set of 10 FDCs at $11.50), 561721 (set of 10 color postmark FDCs at $20); 561706 (press sheet with die cuts at $72), 561708 (press sheet without die cuts at $72).
*Oct. 11, Snowy Beauty. Ten (60¢) forever definitive stamps, double-sided pane of 20; camellia (Scott 5727), winter aconite (5728), crocuses (5729), hellebore (5730), winterberry (5731), pansies (5732), plum blossoms (5733), grape hyacinths (5734), daffodils (5735), ranunculus (5736); AP; Guilford, IN 47022; Linn’s, Oct. 3, page 1; USPS item No. 684004 (pane), 684016 (set of 10 FDCs at $11.50), 684021 (set of 10 color postmark FDCs at $20).
*Oct. 13, Kwanzaa. Single (60¢) forever special stamp, pane of 20; BCA; St. Louis, MO 63121; Linn’s, Oct. 10, page 1; USPS item No. 580604 (pane), 580616 (FDC at $1.15), 580621 (color postmark FDC at $2); Scott 5737.
*Oct. 18, Women Cryptologists of World War II. Single (60¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Annapolis Junction, MD 20701; Linn’s, Oct. 10, page 12; USPS item No. 482204 (pane), 482216 (FDC at $1.15), 482221 (color postmark FDC at $2), 482206 (press sheet with die cuts at $72), 482208 (press sheet without die cuts at $72); Scott 5738.
*Oct. 20, Hanukkah. Single (60¢) forever special stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Chagrin Falls, OH 44022; Linn’s, Oct. 24, page 1; USPS item No. 580704 (pane), 580716 (FDC at $1.15), 580721 (color postmark FDC at $2); Scott 5739.
*Asterisks precede entries with new or changed information.
New/changed information is presented in bold italics.
Stamp printing contractors are identified in the listings using the following abbreviations: AP (Ashton Potter USA Ltd.), and BCA (Banknote Corporation of America).
Details of each issue listed in this program are given in the cited issues of Linn’s. Stamps are self-adhesive unless otherwise noted.
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