By Topic - April 2019

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Apr. 15, 2019 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Albania (3028); Australia (4905, 4910, 4910a); Austria (2764, 2765); Belgium (2876, 2877, 2878); Croatia (RA123); Finland (1555a, 1570, 1572a, 1572b); France (5565, 5567b, 5568); Hong Kong (1977); India (3027, 3043a, 3058, 3068, 3070); Indonesia (2424, 2449, 2460, 2460c, 2467b, 2467c, 2468, 2472a, 2472c, 2476, 2478b, 2478d, 2479, 2483-2485, 2486c); Japan (4214a, 4214b, 4216c, 4216d, 4216e, 4217, 4222a, 4222e, 4222f, 4222i, 4233a, 4233b, 4234, 4238, 4246, 4249); Kazakhstan (860, 861); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (97-98, 98a); Liberia (3184, 3186-3187, 3234a, 3237, 3237a, 3241b, 3243e, 3248a, 3254a, 3255, 3270, 3281, 3297-3298); Libya (1830, 1832, 1834e); Malta (1640, 1644); Marshall Islands (1207b, 1211); Nigeria (884, 886, 888, 890); Panama (961, 971-975, 976, 979, 980); Qatar (1143); Tokelau (489-492, 492a, 497-500, 500a); Uzbekistan (857, 858a, 862); Vatican City (1710)
Finland (1564); Indonesia (2477, 2483-2485, 2486c); Japan (4222j, 4244); Kazakhstan (860)
Japan (4234d, 4238f, 4238h); Marshall Islands (1210-1211); Qatar (1143)
Japan (4228-4232); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (95-96, 96a)
Albania (3028-3035); Finland (1570); Great Britain (3803-3814, 3812a, 3813a, 3814b); Japan (4241-4246, 4249); Liberia (3272, 3280-3281); Panama (991)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips: Disney
Japan (4223-4224)
Children’s Art
Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a)
Albania (3021b); Kazakhstan (877); Liberia (3253); Libya (1834a, 1834d); Panama (978); Vatican City (1708, 1710)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Japan (4216i, 4234); Libya (1834c, 1834f)
Sculpture & Statues
Belgium (2877, 2878); Hong Kong (1976); India (3080, 3080a); Indonesia (2462, 2467b, 2467c, 2468, 2483, 2486c, 2488); Japan (4216h, 4217a); Kazakhstan (860, 861); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (92); Liberia (3186-3187, 3198, 3234a, 3248-3249, 3252f); Malta (1641-1643); Uzbekistan (862g)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Finland (1566a, 1566b); France (C81); Honduras (C1422-C1424); Indonesia (2483, 2484); Japan (4234); Liberia (3185, 3235c, 3256)
Zeppelins, Airships & Balloons
Liberia (3256-3257)
France (5567b); Indonesia (2486c); Japan (4227)
Black Americans
Fiji (1399); Liberia (3254b)
Croatia (RA127); Fiji (1396, 1398); Finland (1555f, 1556, 1563); France (5567); India (3068-3069); Indonesia (2466, 2467a, 2482b); Japan (4213, 4214, 4223h, 4233-4234, 4239, 4244, 4249b); Liberia (3233b, 3233c, 3272); Libya (1829); Panama (969); Vatican City (1707)
Coins & Currency
India (3027)
Endangered Species
Kazakhstan (875); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (99-102, 102a)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Finland (1562)
Finland (1564); Liechtenstein (1777)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Fiji (1392-1395); Finland (1559b); Great Britain (3808, 3812a); Hungary (4498); Indonesia (2456-2457, 2456d); Liberia (3227-3228, 3248-3249, 3289-3290); Marshall Islands (1212-1213)
Famous People
Albania Woodrow Wilson (3024b); Germany Helmut Schmidt (3072); Liberia Deng Xiaoping (3198), Donald Trump (3238, 3255), George Washington (3241a, 3241c, 3252f), John Adams (3241a, 3241b, 3241c, 3241d, 3241f), Thomas Jefferson (3241d, 3241e, 3241f, 3242a, 3242c, 3242d, 3242f, 3252f); Benjamin Franklin (3241e), James Madison (3243a, 3243c), James Monroe (3243d, 3243f), Theodore Roosevelt (3252-3253), Abraham Lincoln (3252f), George W. Bush (3254d), Richard Nixon (3254e, 3297c); Marshall Islands Kim Jong Un (1207a, 1207b) Donald Trump (1207b, 1207c); Zimbabwe Xi Jinping (1248, 1248a)
Liberia (3254c)
Barbados (1303-1307); Great Britain (3802, MH477, MH477a); India (3027, 3059, 3093, 3094, 3096a); Liberia (3254a, 3270-3271, 3272, 3273, 3274-3275); Liechtenstein (1776); Norway (1858); Tokelau (493-496, 496a)
Royalty: Princess Diana
Liberia (3191-3192)
Land Mammals
Australia (4903, 4908, 4908a, 4917, 4925, 4925a); Belgium (2877); Ecuador (2213e, 2213f, 2213h); Finland (1558, 1561b, 1562, 1571c); Guyana (4589-4590); Hungary (4498); India (3043a); Indonesia (2476, 2477, 2479); Japan (4220, 4221, 4223-4224, 4226a, 4233, 4235-4236, 4247, 4248e); Kazakhstan (874); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (99, 102, 102a); Liberia (3189, 3197, 3219-3220, 3221-3222, 3236, 3237a, 3239-3240, 3244-3245, 3268-3269, 3272, 3289-3290, 3292, 3293-3294, 3295-3296); Marshall Islands (1212a, 1212b, 1212d, 1212h, 1212i, 1212l, 1213); Norway (1825); Uzbekistan (861b, 861d, 867, 868)
Land Mammals: Bats
Japan (4214)
Land Mammals: Cats
Ecuador (2213d); Great Britain (3805, 3813a); Guyana (4589-4590); Honduras (C1422); Indonesia (2464, 2479); Japan (4219, 4221, 4223b, 4223d, 4223i, 4237); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (100, 101, 102a); Liberia (3187, 3190, 3192, 3233-3234, 3266, 3272, 3274b, 3274c, 3275, 3287-3288); Marshall Islands (1208-1209, 1212c); Panama (970)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Croatia (RA126); Ecuador (2213c); Fiji (1392-1395); Finland (1571e); Honduras (C1424); Indonesia (2478-2479, 2478c); Japan (4249b); Liberia (3196c, 3227-3228); Marshall Islands (1212k)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Japan (4221); Liberia (3223-3224, 3294)
Land Mammals: Horses
Ecuador (2213g); Great Britain (3802c, 3813, 3813a); Hong Kong (1973); Indonesia (2475h, 2479); Japan (4233, 4249g); Kazakhstan (860, 861, 874); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (92a); Liberia (3235d, 3246-3247); Libya (1828); Marshall Islands (1212g)
Sea Mammals
Japan (4214)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Japan (4214)
Albania (3028); Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a, 4914, 4922, 4922a); Austria (2763); Croatia (RA126); Ecuador (2213a, 2213b); Fiji (1396-1399); Finland (1562b, 1571b, 1573c); Great Britain (3802f); Guyana (4589-4590, 4592b); Hong Kong (1972); Indonesia (2452, 2456-2457, 2456d, 2460, 2460c, 2466, 2467b, 2468, 2479, B245); Japan (4214, 4218, 4219a, 4219c, 4220b, 4220j, 4221f, 4222, 4223g, 4226e, 4227h, 4241, 4243, 4247e, 4247g, 4248c, 4260, 4261); Kazakhstan (860, 861); Kyrgyzstan (581); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (93); Liberia (3225-3226, 3264, 3265, 3272, 3274b, 3275, 3283-3284, 3295-3296, 3297c); Libya (1829, 1833); Liechtenstein (1777); Marshall Islands (1212j); Panama (983, 985b, 989); Uzbekistan (46A, 845-856, 861, 863, 866)
Finland (1571a); Japan (4223, 4248f); Kazakhstan (860); Liberia (3196b); Liechtenstein (1778-1781); Uzbekistan (864)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Guyana (4589); Japan (4223e, 4250, 4261); Kazakhstan (874); Liberia (3196d, 3285-3286, 3291); Marshall Islands (1212); Panama (964)
Fish & Fishing
Albania (3023); Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a); Finland (1562c, 1567); Indonesia (2470-2471); Japan (4208a, 4209d, 4217e); Kazakhstan (860); Nigeria (885, 889); Panama (982, 985a)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a); Cayman Islands (1212, 1216, 1216a); Indonesia (2440c, 2470-2471); Japan (4209g, 4215, 4227b, 4234)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a); Cayman Islands (1212, 1214, 1216, 1216a); Japan (4214, 4223d); Liberia (3192)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Fiji (1400-1403); Guyana (4589); Honduras (C1423); Indonesia (2440a, 2479); Japan (4214, 4220, 4221h); Liberia (3182-3183, 3188, 3196a); Marshall Islands (1212f); Uzbekistan (865)
Fire Fighting
Panama (980)
Albania (3024b, 3024c, 3028); Finland (1555a); France (5470B, 5567b); Indonesia (2462-2463, 2471); Japan (4249c, 4249d); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (92); Liberia (3184-3185, 3186-3187, 3198, 3235a, 3235b, 3238, 3241a, 3241b, 3241d, 3242a, 3242d, 3243a, 3243b, 3243d, 3254, 3255, 3261-3265, 3270, 3297-3298); Libya (1830, 1833); Liechtenstein (1776); Malta (1646); Marshall Islands (1207, 1214-1216); Panama (986, 989); Qatar (1143); Uzbekistan (857); Vatican City (1706)
Finland (1560a, 1560d, 1560e); Indonesia (2465-2466, 2482b, B245); Japan (4210e, 4210i, 4214, 4226b, 4227f, 4235g, 4247, 4248d, 4248e, 4248g); Kazakhstan (875); Uzbekistan (46A, 861c, 863)
Albania (3022, 3026c, 3034); Australia (4914, 4922, 4922a); Barbados (1303, 1307); Belgium (2878); Croatia (RA129); Fiji (1392-1395); Finland (1560b, 1560c, 1562b, 1565, 1571d); Germany (3058, 3060, 3060a, 3061, 3061a, 3062, 3062a); Great Britain (3804, 3806, 3813a); Guyana (4589); Indonesia (2449, 2450b, 2450d, 2452, 2469, 2478a, 2478d, 2479, 2480d); Japan (4209b, 4209c, 4209d, 4210, 4211-4212, 4214, 4217, 4218b, 4218c, 4219a, 4219b, 4219d, 4222, 4223f, 4225d, 4225h, 4226c, 4226j, 4234g, 4235f, 4242, 4243, 4247d, 4247h, 4248a, 4248b, 4257-4258, 4259, 4261, 4265, 4267-4268); Kazakhstan (860, 861, 874, 875); Liberia (3186-3187, 3192, 3198, 3274a, 3274b, 3275, 3280-3281, 3289-3290, 3291); Marshall Islands (1212l, 1213); Panama (981); South Africa (1361A, 1361B, 1361C, 1361G, 1361I, 1361J); United States (5350-5359, 5359a); Uzbekistan (861, 862b, 862g)
Flowers: Orchids
Indonesia (2462-2463)
Flowers: Roses
Australia (4915, 4916, 4920, 4923, 4923a, 4924, 4924a, 4928, 4928a); Japan (4267-4268); Kyrgyzstan (582-585, 585a)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Australia (4903, 4908, 4908a, 4916, 4924, 4924a); Austria (2766); Finland (1568c, 1568e, 1574); India (2974, 2974y, 2974z, 2974aa, 2974ab); Indonesia (2450, 2473-2474); Japan (4208e, 4209a, 4225c, 4226, 4233, 4247a, 4248, 4250b, 4257, 4261); Kazakhstan (875, 878c); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (93); Liberia (3272); Libya (1832); Uzbekistan (46A, 863); Vatican City (1709)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
Albania (3032); Australia (4913, 4921, 4921a); Finland (1569); Japan (4216g, 4237f); Panama (963, 964, 965, 982, 983, 985)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (93); Liberia (3192, 3264, 3265, 3272, 3274b, 3274c, 3275); Panama (989); Uzbekistan (46A, 863)
Liberia (3255c); Marshall Islands (1211)
Maps & Globes
Fiji (1398); Finland (1555, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1577); France (5543); Guyana (4592a); Indonesia (2462-2463, 2467b, 2468, 2482); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (93, 96a); Liberia (3249, 3255, 3285-3286); Libya (1829, 1831, 1833, 1836); Nigeria (884-891); Uzbekistan (858, 863); Zimbabwe (1246, 1248a)
Austria (2764); Barbados (1303-1307); Belgium (2877, 2878); Finland (1566); France (5567, 5568-5569, C81); India (3067); Indonesia (2461); Japan (4214); Liberia (3184-3185, 3235, 3252b, 3272a, 3274a, 3274d, 3275); Libya (1828); Qatar (1143a); Zimbabwe (1248, 1248a)
Motor Vehicles
Finland (1570b); Indonesia (2472a, 2472c); Liberia (3185); Panama (974, 980)
Indonesia (2482b, 2484, 2485); Japan (4234); Liberia (3297)
Liberia (3297)
Japan (4225e, 4226a, 4226d); Liberia (3267)
Nobel Prize
Finland (1555b); Liberia (3254b); Libya (1836)
Performing Arts
Cambodia (2351); Finland (1555e); Japan (4263)
Albania (3021a); Belgium (2877d); Cayman Islands (1212-1216, 1216a); Hong Kong (1974); Indonesia (2467b, 2468); Japan (4223i, 4223j, 4235c, 4249i, 4249j, 4262-4263); Liberia (3235d, 3274b, 3274c, 3275, 3280); Norway (1823, 1824); Panama (981, 992, 993, 994)
Music: Rock Stars: Elvis
Liberia (3229-3232, 3276-3279)
Movies, Television & Stars
Barbados (1303-1307); Liberia (3231, 3273, 3274a, 3274d, 3275, 3276, 3277, 3279); Marshall Islands (1208-1209); Tokelau (493-496, 496a)
Kazakhstan (860b)
Nigeria (884-891)
Indonesia (2452); Liberia (3280-3281); Marshall Islands (1210-1211)
Albania (3024a)
Albania (3032); Belgium (2877e); France (5567); Indonesia (2483-2485); Japan (4217j, 4233a, 4233d, 4239-4240, 4249a, 4249b); Uzbekistan (862)
Red Cross
Croatia (RA122, RA123, RA126, RA127, RA128, RA129, RA130, RA131, RA132, RA134); France (B786); Panama (969)
Albania (3024a); Barbados (1304, 1307b); Belgium (2877); Finland (1563); Great Britain (3811, 3812a); Indonesia (2460b, 2460c, 2467b, 2467c, 2468, 2478b, 2478d, 2479); Japan (4216c, 4216d, 4216e, 4234a, 4234h, 4238d); Kazakhstan (860, 861b); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (97-98, 98a); Liberia (3254); Libya (1830, 1835); Malta (1640, 1644); Uzbekistan (858a); Vatican City (1706, 1707, 1708)
Belgium (2879-2880, 2879a-2880a); Cayman Islands (1212-1216, 1216a); Croatia (1095, 1095a); Finland (1557-1558, 1576-1577); Kazakhstan (878); Malta (1641-1643)
Vatican City (1702-1705, 1707,1709)
Science & Technology
Germany (3071)
Austria (2765); Panama (982-985)
Germany (3073-3074); Liberia (3250-3251); Marshall Islands (1206)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Austria (2763); Croatia (RA123); Finland (1561a); Germany (3070); India (3059); Indonesia (2440b, 2440d, 2441, 2458-2459, 2478c, 2478d, 2479); Japan (4216, 4217i, 4222b, 4227h, 4227j, 4233); Kyrgyzstan (581); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (93); Uzbekistan (858b); United States (5360)
Earth Sciences & Earth Features: Waterfalls
Finland (1572c); Indonesia (B245)
Great Britain (3803, 3807, 3810, 3814b)
Indonesia (2466, 2482b)
Service Organizations (Intl.)
Indonesia (2464); Liberia (3233-3234); Panama (970)
Ships & Watercraft
Fiji (1392-1395); Finland (1566e, 1566f); Indonesia (2440b, 2441, 2472, 2488); Japan (4209g, 4214, 4227, 4233e, 4234, 4245); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (95-96, 96a, 98, 98a); Liberia (3185, 3186, 3235b, 3235e, 3264, 3265); Libya (1834a, 1834f); Malta (1644a, 1645-1646); Nigeria (885, 889); Panama (971-975); Qatar (1140)
Guyana (4591-4592); Indonesia (2482a, 2484); Kazakhstan (874); Kyrgyzstan (581); Liberia (3227a, 3297-3298)
Indonesia (2449, 2475-2477, 2486); Japan (4227); Uzbekistan (859)
Japan (4213)
Indonesia (2475e)
France (5470B)
Liberia (3258-3260)
Indonesia (2475b, 2486b); Liberia (3236-3237, 3237a, 3261-3265); Uzbekistan (860)
Stamps On Stamps
Great Britain (3802); Liberia (3256-3257); Marshall Islands (1210)
Indonesia (2472c, 2482); Kazakhstan (874); Kyrgyzstan (581)
Albania (3026-3027); France (5566); Japan (4237); Liechtenstein (1775); Uzbekistan (46A, 863)
Native Costumes
Albania (3029, 3030, 3031, 3033, 3034, 3035); Cambodia (2351); Fiji (1399); Finland (1569); Hong Kong (1972-1978); India (3093-3096, 3096a); Indonesia (2467b, 2467c, 2468, 2480-2481); Japan (4209c, 4209d, 4214, 4217b, 4222c, 4222d, 4244, 4245, 4246, 4249); Libya (1828, 1832, 1835); Panama (962)
Toys & Games
Australia (4917, 4925, 4925a); Japan (4235-4236, 4244)
United Nations
Indonesia (2460, 2460c); Japan (4216); Jordan (2385); Kazakhstan (875); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (97-98, 98a); Malta (1644); Uzbekistan (857)
Albania (3021b, 3029, 3030, 3031, 3033, 3034, 3035); Australia (4906, 4911, 4911a); Barbados (1303-1307); Belgium (2877a, 2877b, 2877c); Cambodia (2351); Fiji (1396, 1398, 1399); Finland (1555b, 1555c, 1555e, 1555f, 1569); France (5566, 5567, B786); Great Britain (3808, 3812, 3812a, MH477, MH477a); Hong Kong (1972, 1974, 1976); India (3093-3096, 3096a); Indonesia (2475a, 2475d, 2480b, 2481, 2486c); Japan (4214, 4227c, 4239, 4246, 4249, 4262a, 4262c, 4263); Kazakhstan (876, 877); Liberia (3191-3192, 3233a, 3235a, 3241b, 3254a, 3255c, 3270-3271, 3272, 3273, 3274a, 3274d, 3275, 3280-3281); Libya (1832, 1834c); Nigeria (887, 891); Norway (1858); Panama (962, 969, 988); Tokelau (493-496, 496a); Zimbabwe (1247, 1248a)
Writers & Literature
Australia (4903-4912, 4908a-4912a); Finland (1556, 1559); France (5565); Hong Kong (1972-1978); Japan (4222j, 4261); Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post) (94, 103, 104); Liberia (3272)
Belgium (2877); France (5567b); Indonesia (2460, 2460c)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Jamaica (1102d), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Postal Updates
Feb 5, 2025, 6 PMNew U.S. money order design debuts in February
World Stamps
Feb 5, 2025, 1 PMNetherlands New Guinea 1954-60 set a challenge to assemble
US Stamps
Feb 4, 2025, 4 PMAmerican Vistas coil stamps to arrive Feb. 21 at San Diego Stamp Show
US Stamps
Feb 4, 2025, 1 PMVoting remains open for Linn’s 2024 U.S. stamp poll