By Topic - December 2019

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Dec. 16, 2019 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Antarctic & Arctic
New Zealand (2874c); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162-L166, L166a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604a)
Afghanistan (1465); Andorra (French) (809); Austria (2816); Barbados (1310, 1312, 1313-1316); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2352, 2353, 2354, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2365-2371, 2372, 2373, 2375, 2376, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2405, 2406, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2422, 2422c, 2429-2433, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2471, 2472-2473, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2489, 2504, 2505, 2506, 2507, 2509, 2511, 2513, 2514, 2515); Colombia (1506, 1510, 1515); Dominican Republic (1641c, 1645, 1646-1647, 1651); Equatorial Guinea (327a, 327c); Estonia (902, 904a); Ethiopia (1871); France (5625, 5639, 5641, 5674, 5675, 5676, 5677, 5684, 5689a, 5691, 5706, 1O79); Great Britain (3815, 3822, 3821a, 3824b, 3825e, 3825f, 3826a, 3826h, 3826k, 3826m); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1504, 1506, 1507, 1511a, 1512, 1513, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (624, 627, 629); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Iceland (1501); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1017); Malta (1659-1662); Mauritius (1191, 1194, 1196b); New Zealand (2842b, 2867, 2867a, 2867b); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L166a); Romania (6277, 6284, 6288, 6288a, 6289); San Marino (2056, 2058); Tristan da Cunha (1161, 1164); Vatican City (1721, 1723, 1724, 1725); Wallis & Futuna Islands (807)
Cambodia (2369); Colombia (1506e); Dominican Republic (1645e); Great Britain (Alderney) (624); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Romania (6257)
Croatia (1142b, 1142e, 1142f, 1142k); Czech Republic (3790); Ethiopia (1873); France (5660); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1487, 1512); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)
Cambodia (2452-2457); France (5655, 5694-5705, 5705a); Great Britain (Alderney) (619, 622a); Latvia (1016)
Austria (2817); Latvia (1023); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L166, L166a)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips
Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); France (5661-5672, 5672a, 5708); Great Britain (3815-3826, 3821a, 3824b, 3825f, 3825g, 3826k, 3826l, 3826m); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1514); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)
Children’s Art
Croatia (1141); Dominican Republic (1641); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Latvia (1027); Tristan da Cunha (1161-1164)
Colombia (1506, 1513); Czech Republic (3790, 3794-3795); Dominican Republic (1646-1647); Ecuador (2234); Equatorial Guinea (330); France (5641, 5642, 5673, 5690); Iceland (1500); New Zealand (2869-2873, 2873a, 2883-2887, 2887a); Romania (6285-6288, 6285a-6288a); San Marino (2058a)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Cambodia (2484); Ethiopia (1874); France (5624); Great Britain (Alderney) (630, 630a); San Marino (2059)
France (5626-5637, 5637a)
Sculpture & Statues
Austria (2816); Cambodia (2370, 2374, 2407-2411, 2422a, 2422c, 2438-2443, 2448, 2451, 2458-2459, 2460-2465, 2466-2471, 2474, 2478-2483, 2485, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2508, 2524); France (5625d, 5626-5637. 5637a, 5674, 5676, 5677); Great Britain (3825, 3825f); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494, 1499); Romania (6284); San Marino (2058b)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Colombia (1509); Estonia (904b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Great Britain (Alderney) (623, 628); Honduras (C1426-C1428); Iceland (1498); Latvia (1024); Mauritius (1190)
Mauritius (1196)
Cambodia (2365); Croatia (1141); Dominican Republic (1641); France (5678, 5679, 5681, 5683, 5684, 5686, 5687, 5688, 5689a, B788, B790, B793, B796a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513, 1516); Great Britain (Alderney) (629); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Mauritius (1192); Montserrat (1422-1423); New Zealand (2874d); Sri Lanka (2186); Vatican City (1721, 1724); Wallis & Futuna Islands (807)
Coins & Currency
Dominican Republic (1648-1649); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513)
Endangered Species
France (5657-5658, 5658d, 5658e)
France (5656); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1489, 1491, 1491a, 1493a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2217, 2219, 2219a); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a)
Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); New Zealand (2874, 2884, 2885, 2887, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162, L166a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604a)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Cambodia (2510); Christmas Island (578-580, 579a, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); France (5622-5623, 5622a, 5623a, 5623b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1474-1479, 1479b); Great Britain (Alderney) (634, 634a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1995-1998); Iceland (1500); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2868, 2868i); Tristan da Cunha (1164); United States (5420-5423); Wallis & Futuna Islands (808)
Famous People
Colombia Mohandas K. Gandhi (1505); Czech Republic Mohandas K. Gandhi (3798)
Austria (2818); Benin (929A); Cambodia (2400-2401, 2412, 2485); Colombia (1507a); Great Britain (MH478, MH478a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494-1499, 1505, 1507, 1508, 1511a, 1512, 1514, 1515, 1516); Montserrat (1422-1423); Romania (6289)
Land Mammals
Botswana (1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077a); Cambodia (2366, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2510); Canada (3190-3194, 3194a); Christmas Island (578, 579a, 580, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); Colombia (1506a, 1506b, 1506e, 1506j); Croatia (1142); Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); Ecuador (2225b, 2226a, 2226b); Equatorial Guinea (330c); Estonia (905); Ethiopia (1880-1882); France (5639b, 5642); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1474-1479, 1479b, 1512, 1514); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994, 1995-1998); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2842b); San Marino (2059); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604b, 605b); Wallis & Futuna Islands (808)
Land Mammals: Bats
United States (5423)
Land Mammals: Cats
Benin (1460F); Botswana (1073, 1077a); Cambodia (2458-2459, 2474, 2496-2503); Christmas Island (580i, 580n); Croatia (1142o, 1142s); Czech Republic (3791, 3792-3793, 3793a); Dominican Republic (1649b); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889); Latvia (1020); San Marino (2056, 2058b); United States (5420)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Christmas Island (580d, 580r); Colombia (1513j); Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); France (5671, 5672a, 5673); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Cambodia (2370); Sri Lanka (2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a)
Land Mammals: Horses
Christmas Island (580k, 580p); Colombia (1506a, 1506b, 1506e, 1506f, 1511, 1513b); Czech Republic (3796); Kazakhstan (889); Romania (6289)
Austria (2817); Botswana (1077, 1077a); Cambodia (2428, 2444, 2490-2495, 2512, 2518); Christmas Island (580k, 580l, 580p, 580r); Colombia (1506, 1509, 1513); Croatia (1142k, 1142m, 1142q, 1142r); Dominican Republic (1641, 1642, 1649, 1652); Ecuador (2225a, 2225d, 2226c, 2226d, 2226e, 2227, 2229-2230); Ethiopia (1875-1879); Fiji (1407A-1407B); France (5638, 5656, 5697, 5705a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1488-1493, 1491a, 1493a, 1509, 1511a, 1513); Great Britain (Alderney) (633, 633a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2215-2220, 2219a, 2227); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a, 1024, 1028); Mauritius (1193, 1195, 1196); New Zealand (2883, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L165, L166, L166a); Romania (6273-6276, 6273a-6276a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (607, 609, 610, 611); Sri Lanka (2187); Tristan da Cunha (1163); United States (5420); Vatican City (1722)
Croatia (1142n); Ecuador (2229a)
Fish & Fishing
Cambodia (2516); Croatia (1142c, 1142r); France (5664, 5672a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); New Zealand (2868c, 2868i, 2887, 2887a); Tristan da Cunha (1162)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
New Zealand (2868a, 2868f, 2868i); Tristan da Cunha (1162)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Kazakhstan (889)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Benin (C399); Christmas Island (580f, 580j, 580o, 580p); Colombia (1515); Croatia (1142p); Ecuador (2231-2233); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2868e, 2868i)
Other Terrestrial Life
San Marino (2054); United States (5422)
Fire Fighting
Estonia (904); Latvia (1021)
Afghanistan (1465); Barbados (1308, 1310); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2365-2371, 2412, 2422c, 2428, 2466, 2470); Colombia (1506, 1507, 1510, 1513); Croatia (1142d); Dominican Republic (1641, 1644, 1651); Ecuador (2228); Estonia (902); France (5625c, 5693, 5706); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1500, 1500a, 1501, 1501a, 1503b); Great Britain (Alderney) (618, 622a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a); New Zealand (2862c); Romania (6284, 6289); San Marino (2054, 2058a); Sri Lanka (2187); Vatican City (1725)
Benin (1460F); Dominican Republic (1642); Ecuador (2227); Equatorial Guinea (327b, 328); Montserrat (1420-1421); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (603b, 606, 608)
Cambodia (2340-2345, 2444, 2446-2451, 2489); Christmas Island (578, 579a, 580, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); Croatia (1140); Czech Republic (3789); Dominican Republic (1644); Ecuador (2225d, 2226e, 2226g); France (5643-5654, 5654a, 5657-5658, 5658d, 5658e); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1476, 1476a, 1479, 1479a, 1479b, 1514); Great Britain (Alderney) (631, 631a, 632, 632a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2216); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1996, 1998); Iceland (1502); Latvia (1020, 1022); New Zealand (2884, 2885, 2886, 2887a); Romania (6279-6283, 6279a-6283a)
Flowers: Orchids
Ecuador (2225e)
Flowers: Roses
Great Britain (Alderney) (631, 631a)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Austria (2816); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2366, 2417-2421); Dominican Republic (1641); Ecuador (2226h); France (5685, 5689a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1478, 1478a, 1479b); Honduras (C1426-C1428); Montserrat (1420-1421)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
Cambodia (2519-2524); Latvia (1020)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Benin (1460F); Colombia (1506, 1513); Croatia (1142); Dominican Republic (1641, 1649); Equatorial Guinea (327b, 328); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)
Holograms & 3-D
New Zealand (2862); San Marino (2057)
Canada (3195-3198, 3198a)
Maps & Globes
Barbados (1311); Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); Dominican Republic (1641d, 1643, 1646-1647); Ecuador (2228); Estonia (900); France (5659); Iceland (1498); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1016, 1018-1019, 1018a); Vatican City (1721)
Colombia (1508); Tristan da Cunha (1164)
Cambodia (2434-2437); Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); Colombia (1509, 1512); Estonia (900); Ethiopia (1871); France (5625c, 5638, 5691, 5706); Great Britain (Alderney) (623-629); Latvia (1024-1026); Romania (6289)
Motor Vehicles
Cambodia (2368, 2369); Estonia (900, 904a); France (5638, 5706); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1509, 1511a, 1513, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (628); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Latvia (1021, 1025); New Zealand (2874c); Tristan da Cunha (1164)
Barbados (1312); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1517); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); San Marino (2054)
Dominican Republic (1652); Estonia (903)
Nobel Prize
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1516)
Performing Arts
Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2423-2427); Dominican Republic (1644); Great Britain (Jersey) (2221-2227)
Colombia (1507, 1511); Dominican Republic (1644); Estonia (902); Ethiopia (1872); France (5625d, 5668, 5672a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (630, 630a)
Music: Rock Stars
Canada (3195-3198, 3198a)
France (5639, 5674)
Personalized Stamps
Estonia (901)
Dominican Republic (1643); France (5674); New Zealand (2842b)
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); New Zealand (2867, 2867a, 2867b); Romania (6253-6257, 6253a-6256a)
Red Cross
Dominican Republic (1640); France (B787-B796, B796a); Great Britain (Alderney) (629)
Afghanistan (1465); Austria (2815); Barbados (1308); Cambodia (2352, 2353, 2354, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2372-2376, 2402, 2403, 2405, 2406, 2407-2411, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2422, 2422c, 2429-2433, 2438-2443, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2460-2465, 2472-2473, 2474-2477, 2478-2483, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2504-2509); Colombia (1506a, 1506h, 1510); Dominican Republic (1645a, 1646-1647); Equatorial Guinea (327a, 330); France (5625, 5675); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1480, 1513); Great Britain (Alderney) (621, 622a); New Zealand (2871, 2873a); Romania (6278); San Marino (2058a, 2059); Sri Lanka (2183-2185, 2185a, 2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a); Vatican City (1725)
Barbados (1310, 1312); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); United States (5424-5427, 5427b)
Romania (6277); Vatican City (1721-1724)
Science & Technology
Andorra (French) (807); Cambodia (2367); France (5655); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1508, 1511a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (603a)
Andorra (French) (810); France (5642); Vatican City (1725)
New Zealand (2857, 2858, 2859, 2860)
Computers & Mathematics
Cambodia (2368)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Barbados (1309); Cambodia (2446, 2447); Ecuador (2225c, 2226f); France (5707); New Zealand (2863, 2864, 2865, 2866, 2866a, 2867b, 2870, 2873a, 2874a, 2874b, 2875, 2876-2881, 2881a); Romania (6285, 6285a)
Earth Sciences & Earth Features: Waterfalls
New Zealand (2873, 2873a)
Benin (C399); Colombia (1515); Dominican Republic (1640); Ethiopia (1871); Great Britain (Alderney) (629); Iceland (1499); Sri Lanka (2186)
Service Organizations (Intl.)
Dominican Republic (1645)
Ships & Watercraft
Barbados (1310, 1312); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2370, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516, 2517); Colombia (1506f, 1506g); France (5625b, 5641a, 5659e); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1514, 1515, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (617-622, 622a, 623, 625, 626); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Latvia (1026); Mauritius (1194, 1196); New Zealand (2868, 2868i, 2874e, 2883-2887, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162, L166a); Romania (6286, 6286a, 6287, 6287a); Tristan da Cunha (1161, 1162, 1163)
France (5693); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1500-1503, 1500a-1503a, 1503b, 1515); Malta (1658); New Zealand (2857-2862); San Marino (2057)
Cambodia (2365); France (5659); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1516, 1517); Mauritius (1193-1196); New Zealand (2882)
France (5659); Mauritius (1196)
Cambodia (2466-2471); France (5659c); Mauritius (1196); San Marino (2055, 2056)
Stamps On Stamps
Austria (2818); Barbados (1311); Dominican Republic (1643); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1507, 1508, 1511a, 1512-1517)
Cambodia (2368); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1510, 1511a); Malta (1661)
Croatia (1140)
Native Costumes
Benin (929A); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2370, 2423-2427, 2450); Colombia (1513); Dominican Republic (1649d); France (5641b, 5692); Malta (1655-1657); New Zealand (2874d, 2884, 2885, 2886, 2887a); Romania (6289); Sri Lanka (2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a); Vatican City (1721)
Toys & Games
France (5684, 5688, 5689a)
United Nations
Cambodia (2372-2376, 2434-2437, 2446-2451, 2474-2477); Dominican Republic (1641); France (2O82)
Austria (2816)
Andorra (French) (809); Austria (B403); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2367, 2368, 2370, 2417, 2418, 2420, 2421, 2423-2427, 2524); Colombia (1506g, 1506i, 1513); Dominican Republic (1644, 1649d, 1650); Estonia (904a); France (5626-5637, 5637a, 5640, 5641b, 5659, 5661, 5666, 5670, 5672a, 5677, 5689, 5689a, 5690, 5692, 5706, B792, B795, B796a); Great Britain (3816. 3820, 3821a, 3826, 3826m, MH478, MH478a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494, 1495, 1497, 1498, 1507, 1508, 1510, 1511a, 1512-1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (617, 620, 621, 622, 622a, 629, 631, 631a, 632, 632a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2221-2227); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Mauritius (1192); Montserrat (1422-1423); New Zealand (2857, 2858); Romania (6289); Sri Lanka (2188-2190, 2188a-2190a)
Writers & Literature
Canada (3195-3198, 3198a); Czech Republic (3791); Great Britain (Alderney) (630-635, 630a-635a)
Austria (B403); Kazakhstan (888)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Ghana (2674Ef), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Postal Updates
Feb 13, 2025, 6 PMUSPS to continue accepting mail from China and Hong Kong
US Stamps
Feb 13, 2025, 2 PMCelebrity appearances at Allen Toussaint stamp event
World Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 6 PMGreenland’s 2025 stamp program
US Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 1 PMU.S. 2006 $1 Official mail stamp in demand