
By Topic - December 2019

Nov 27, 2019, 11 AM
A €0.90 stamp issued Sept. 27, 2019, in Austria’s Photographic Art series depicts Good Times, Bad Times by Anna Jermolaewa. This Austrian stamp is included in two categories in the December By Topic Listing: Art and Birds (under Fauna).

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Dec. 16, 2019 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.

Antarctic & Arctic

New Zealand (2874c); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162-L166, L166a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604a)


Afghanistan (1465); Andorra (French) (809); Austria (2816); Barbados (1310, 1312, 1313-1316); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2352, 2353, 2354, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2365-2371, 2372, 2373, 2375, 2376, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2405, 2406, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2422, 2422c, 2429-2433, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2471, 2472-2473, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2489, 2504, 2505, 2506, 2507, 2509, 2511, 2513, 2514, 2515); Colombia (1506, 1510, 1515); Dominican Republic (1641c, 1645, 1646-1647, 1651); Equatorial Guinea (327a, 327c); Estonia (902, 904a); Ethiopia (1871); France (5625, 5639, 5641, 5674, 5675, 5676, 5677, 5684, 5689a, 5691, 5706, 1O79); Great Britain (3815, 3822, 3821a, 3824b, 3825e, 3825f, 3826a, 3826h, 3826k, 3826m); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1504, 1506, 1507, 1511a, 1512, 1513, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (624, 627, 629); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Iceland (1501); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1017); Malta (1659-1662); Mauritius (1191, 1194, 1196b); New Zealand (2842b, 2867, 2867a, 2867b); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L166a); Romania (6277, 6284, 6288, 6288a, 6289); San Marino (2056, 2058); Tristan da Cunha (1161, 1164); Vatican City (1721, 1723, 1724, 1725); Wallis & Futuna Islands (807)


Cambodia (2369); Colombia (1506e); Dominican Republic (1645e); Great Britain (Alderney) (624); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Romania (6257)


Croatia (1142b, 1142e, 1142f, 1142k); Czech Republic (3790); Ethiopia (1873); France (5660); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1487, 1512); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)


Cambodia (2452-2457); France (5655, 5694-5705, 5705a); Great Britain (Alderney) (619, 622a); Latvia (1016)


Austria (2817); Latvia (1023); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L166, L166a)

Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips

Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); France (5661-5672, 5672a, 5708); Great Britain (3815-3826, 3821a, 3824b, 3825f, 3825g, 3826k, 3826l, 3826m); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1514); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)

Children’s Art

Croatia (1141); Dominican Republic (1641); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Latvia (1027); Tristan da Cunha (1161-1164)


Colombia (1506, 1513); Czech Republic (3790, 3794-3795); Dominican Republic (1646-1647); Ecuador (2234); Equatorial Guinea (330); France (5641, 5642, 5673, 5690); Iceland (1500); New Zealand (2869-2873, 2873a, 2883-2887, 2887a); Romania (6285-6288, 6285a-6288a); San Marino (2058a)

Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media

Cambodia (2484); Ethiopia (1874); France (5624); Great Britain (Alderney) (630, 630a); San Marino (2059)


France (5626-5637, 5637a)

Sculpture & Statues

Austria (2816); Cambodia (2370, 2374, 2407-2411, 2422a, 2422c, 2438-2443, 2448, 2451, 2458-2459, 2460-2465, 2466-2471, 2474, 2478-2483, 2485, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2508, 2524); France (5625d, 5626-5637. 5637a, 5674, 5676, 5677); Great Britain (3825, 3825f); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494, 1499); Romania (6284); San Marino (2058b)


Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters

Colombia (1509); Estonia (904b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Great Britain (Alderney) (623, 628); Honduras (C1426-C1428); Iceland (1498); Latvia (1024); Mauritius (1190)


Mauritius (1196)


Cambodia (2365); Croatia (1141); Dominican Republic (1641); France (5678, 5679, 5681, 5683, 5684, 5686, 5687, 5688, 5689a, B788, B790, B793, B796a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513, 1516); Great Britain (Alderney) (629); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Mauritius (1192); Montserrat (1422-1423); New Zealand (2874d); Sri Lanka (2186); Vatican City (1721, 1724); Wallis & Futuna Islands (807)

Coins & Currency

Dominican Republic (1648-1649); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513)

Endangered Species

France (5657-5658, 5658d, 5658e)


France (5656); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1489, 1491, 1491a, 1493a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2217, 2219, 2219a); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a)


Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); New Zealand (2874, 2884, 2885, 2887, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162, L166a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604a)

Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology

Cambodia (2510); Christmas Island (578-580, 579a, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); France (5622-5623, 5622a, 5623a, 5623b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1474-1479, 1479b); Great Britain (Alderney) (634, 634a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1995-1998); Iceland (1500); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2868, 2868i); Tristan da Cunha (1164); United States (5420-5423); Wallis & Futuna Islands (808)

Famous People

Colombia Mohandas K. Gandhi (1505); Czech Republic Mohandas K. Gandhi (3798)


Austria (2818); Benin (929A); Cambodia (2400-2401, 2412, 2485); Colombia (1507a); Great Britain (MH478, MH478a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494-1499, 1505, 1507, 1508, 1511a, 1512, 1514, 1515, 1516); Montserrat (1422-1423); Romania (6289)


Land Mammals

Botswana (1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077a); Cambodia (2366, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2510); Canada (3190-3194, 3194a); Christmas Island (578, 579a, 580, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); Colombia (1506a, 1506b, 1506e, 1506j); Croatia (1142); Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); Ecuador (2225b, 2226a, 2226b); Equatorial Guinea (330c); Estonia (905); Ethiopia (1880-1882); France (5639b, 5642); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1474-1479, 1479b, 1512, 1514); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994, 1995-1998); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2842b); San Marino (2059); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (604b, 605b); Wallis & Futuna Islands (808)

Land Mammals: Bats

United States (5423)

Land Mammals: Cats

Benin (1460F); Botswana (1073, 1077a); Cambodia (2458-2459, 2474, 2496-2503); Christmas Island (580i, 580n); Croatia (1142o, 1142s); Czech Republic (3791, 3792-3793, 3793a); Dominican Republic (1649b); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889); Latvia (1020); San Marino (2056, 2058b); United States (5420)

Land Mammals: Dogs

Christmas Island (580d, 580r); Colombia (1513j); Czech Republic (3792-3793, 3793a); France (5671, 5672a, 5673); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889)

Land Mammals: Elephants

Cambodia (2370); Sri Lanka (2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a)

Land Mammals: Horses

Christmas Island (580k, 580p); Colombia (1506a, 1506b, 1506e, 1506f, 1511, 1513b); Czech Republic (3796); Kazakhstan (889); Romania (6289)


Austria (2817); Botswana (1077, 1077a); Cambodia (2428, 2444, 2490-2495, 2512, 2518); Christmas Island (580k, 580l, 580p, 580r); Colombia (1506, 1509, 1513); Croatia (1142k, 1142m, 1142q, 1142r); Dominican Republic (1641, 1642, 1649, 1652); Ecuador (2225a, 2225d, 2226c, 2226d, 2226e, 2227, 2229-2230); Ethiopia (1875-1879); Fiji (1407A-1407B); France (5638, 5656, 5697, 5705a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1488-1493, 1491a, 1493a, 1509, 1511a, 1513); Great Britain (Alderney) (633, 633a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2215-2220, 2219a, 2227); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (889); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a, 1024, 1028); Mauritius (1193, 1195, 1196); New Zealand (2883, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L165, L166, L166a); Romania (6273-6276, 6273a-6276a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (607, 609, 610, 611); Sri Lanka (2187); Tristan da Cunha (1163); United States (5420); Vatican City (1722)


Croatia (1142n); Ecuador (2229a)

Fish & Fishing

Cambodia (2516); Croatia (1142c, 1142r); France (5664, 5672a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1515); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); New Zealand (2868c, 2868i, 2887, 2887a); Tristan da Cunha (1162)

Fish & Fishing: Marine Life

New Zealand (2868a, 2868f, 2868i); Tristan da Cunha (1162)

Fish & Fishing: Shells

Kazakhstan (889)

Reptiles & Amphibians

Benin (C399); Christmas Island (580f, 580j, 580o, 580p); Colombia (1515); Croatia (1142p); Ecuador (2231-2233); Kazakhstan (889); New Zealand (2868e, 2868i)

Other Terrestrial Life

San Marino (2054); United States (5422)

Fire Fighting

Estonia (904); Latvia (1021)


Afghanistan (1465); Barbados (1308, 1310); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2365-2371, 2412, 2422c, 2428, 2466, 2470); Colombia (1506, 1507, 1510, 1513); Croatia (1142d); Dominican Republic (1641, 1644, 1651); Ecuador (2228); Estonia (902); France (5625c, 5693, 5706); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1500, 1500a, 1501, 1501a, 1503b); Great Britain (Alderney) (618, 622a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1018-1019, 1018a); New Zealand (2862c); Romania (6284, 6289); San Marino (2054, 2058a); Sri Lanka (2187); Vatican City (1725)


Benin (1460F); Dominican Republic (1642); Ecuador (2227); Equatorial Guinea (327b, 328); Montserrat (1420-1421); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (603b, 606, 608)


Cambodia (2340-2345, 2444, 2446-2451, 2489); Christmas Island (578, 579a, 580, 580m, 580n, 580o, 580p, 580q, 580r); Croatia (1140); Czech Republic (3789); Dominican Republic (1644); Ecuador (2225d, 2226e, 2226g); France (5643-5654, 5654a, 5657-5658, 5658d, 5658e); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1476, 1476a, 1479, 1479a, 1479b, 1514); Great Britain (Alderney) (631, 631a, 632, 632a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2216); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1996, 1998); Iceland (1502); Latvia (1020, 1022); New Zealand (2884, 2885, 2886, 2887a); Romania (6279-6283, 6279a-6283a)

Flowers: Orchids

Ecuador (2225e)

Flowers: Roses

Great Britain (Alderney) (631, 631a)

Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops

Austria (2816); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2366, 2417-2421); Dominican Republic (1641); Ecuador (2226h); France (5685, 5689a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1478, 1478a, 1479b); Honduras (C1426-C1428); Montserrat (1420-1421)

Gems, Minerals & Jewelry

Cambodia (2519-2524); Latvia (1020)

Heraldry & Coats of Arms

Benin (1460F); Colombia (1506, 1513); Croatia (1142); Dominican Republic (1641, 1649); Equatorial Guinea (327b, 328); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994)

Holograms & 3-D

New Zealand (2862); San Marino (2057)


Canada (3195-3198, 3198a)

Maps & Globes

Barbados (1311); Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); Dominican Republic (1641d, 1643, 1646-1647); Ecuador (2228); Estonia (900); France (5659); Iceland (1498); Kazakhstan (890); Latvia (1016, 1018-1019, 1018a); Vatican City (1721)


Colombia (1508); Tristan da Cunha (1164)


Cambodia (2434-2437); Christmas Island (582-583, 583a); Colombia (1509, 1512); Estonia (900); Ethiopia (1871); France (5625c, 5638, 5691, 5706); Great Britain (Alderney) (623-629); Latvia (1024-1026); Romania (6289)

Motor Vehicles

Cambodia (2368, 2369); Estonia (900, 904a); France (5638, 5706); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1509, 1511a, 1513, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (628); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Latvia (1021, 1025); New Zealand (2874c); Tristan da Cunha (1164)


Barbados (1312); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1517); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); San Marino (2054)


Dominican Republic (1652); Estonia (903)

Nobel Prize

Great Britain (Guernsey) (1516)

Performing Arts


Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2423-2427); Dominican Republic (1644); Great Britain (Jersey) (2221-2227)


Colombia (1507, 1511); Dominican Republic (1644); Estonia (902); Ethiopia (1872); France (5625d, 5668, 5672a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (630, 630a)

Music: Rock Stars

Canada (3195-3198, 3198a)


France (5639, 5674)

Personalized Stamps

Estonia (901)


Dominican Republic (1643); France (5674); New Zealand (2842b)


Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); New Zealand (2867, 2867a, 2867b); Romania (6253-6257, 6253a-6256a)

Red Cross

Dominican Republic (1640); France (B787-B796, B796a); Great Britain (Alderney) (629)


Afghanistan (1465); Austria (2815); Barbados (1308); Cambodia (2352, 2353, 2354, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2372-2376, 2402, 2403, 2405, 2406, 2407-2411, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2422, 2422c, 2429-2433, 2438-2443, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2460-2465, 2472-2473, 2474-2477, 2478-2483, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2504-2509); Colombia (1506a, 1506h, 1510); Dominican Republic (1645a, 1646-1647); Equatorial Guinea (327a, 330); France (5625, 5675); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1480, 1513); Great Britain (Alderney) (621, 622a); New Zealand (2871, 2873a); Romania (6278); San Marino (2058a, 2059); Sri Lanka (2183-2185, 2185a, 2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a); Vatican City (1725)


Barbados (1310, 1312); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1513); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); United States (5424-5427, 5427b)


Romania (6277); Vatican City (1721-1724)

Science & Technology

Andorra (French) (807); Cambodia (2367); France (5655); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1508, 1511a); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (603a)


Andorra (French) (810); France (5642); Vatican City (1725)


New Zealand (2857, 2858, 2859, 2860)

Computers & Mathematics

Cambodia (2368)

Earth Science & Earth Features

Barbados (1309); Cambodia (2446, 2447); Ecuador (2225c, 2226f); France (5707); New Zealand (2863, 2864, 2865, 2866, 2866a, 2867b, 2870, 2873a, 2874a, 2874b, 2875, 2876-2881, 2881a); Romania (6285, 6285a)

Earth Sciences & Earth Features: Waterfalls

New Zealand (2873, 2873a)


Benin (C399); Colombia (1515); Dominican Republic (1640); Ethiopia (1871); Great Britain (Alderney) (629); Iceland (1499); Sri Lanka (2186)

Service Organizations (Intl.)

Dominican Republic (1645)

Ships & Watercraft

Barbados (1310, 1312); Benin (1460F); Cambodia (2370, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516, 2517); Colombia (1506f, 1506g); France (5625b, 5641a, 5659e); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1514, 1515, 1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (617-622, 622a, 623, 625, 626); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Latvia (1026); Mauritius (1194, 1196); New Zealand (2868, 2868i, 2874e, 2883-2887, 2887a); New Zealand (Ross Dependency) (L162, L166a); Romania (6286, 6286a, 6287, 6287a); Tristan da Cunha (1161, 1162, 1163)


France (5693); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1500-1503, 1500a-1503a, 1503b, 1515); Malta (1658); New Zealand (2857-2862); San Marino (2057)


Cambodia (2365); France (5659); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1516, 1517); Mauritius (1193-1196); New Zealand (2882)


France (5659); Mauritius (1196)


Cambodia (2466-2471); France (5659c); Mauritius (1196); San Marino (2055, 2056)

Stamps On Stamps

Austria (2818); Barbados (1311); Dominican Republic (1643); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1507, 1508, 1511a, 1512-1517)


Cambodia (2368); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1510, 1511a); Malta (1661)


Croatia (1140)

Native Costumes

Benin (929A); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2370, 2423-2427, 2450); Colombia (1513); Dominican Republic (1649d); France (5641b, 5692); Malta (1655-1657); New Zealand (2874d, 2884, 2885, 2886, 2887a); Romania (6289); Sri Lanka (2187, 2188-2190, 2188a-2190a); Vatican City (1721)

Toys & Games

France (5684, 5688, 5689a)

United Nations

Cambodia (2372-2376, 2434-2437, 2446-2451, 2474-2477); Dominican Republic (1641); France (2O82)


Austria (2816)


Andorra (French) (809); Austria (B403); Cambodia (2347, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2367, 2368, 2370, 2417, 2418, 2420, 2421, 2423-2427, 2524); Colombia (1506g, 1506i, 1513); Dominican Republic (1644, 1649d, 1650); Estonia (904a); France (5626-5637, 5637a, 5640, 5641b, 5659, 5661, 5666, 5670, 5672a, 5677, 5689, 5689a, 5690, 5692, 5706, B792, B795, B796a); Great Britain (3816. 3820, 3821a, 3826, 3826m, MH478, MH478a); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1494, 1495, 1497, 1498, 1507, 1508, 1510, 1511a, 1512-1517); Great Britain (Alderney) (617, 620, 621, 622, 622a, 629, 631, 631a, 632, 632a, 635, 635a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2221-2227); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1994); Mauritius (1192); Montserrat (1422-1423); New Zealand (2857, 2858); Romania (6289); Sri Lanka (2188-2190, 2188a-2190a)

Writers & Literature

Canada (3195-3198, 3198a); Czech Republic (3791); Great Britain (Alderney) (630-635, 630a-635a)


Austria (B403); Kazakhstan (888)


Unaccompanied minors, such as Ghana (2674Ef), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.