By Topic – November 2021

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Nov. 15, 2021 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Antarctic & Arctic
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 642, 649, 654, 659); Russia (8279)
Albania (3045, 3047); Botswana (1108a); China (Taiwan) (4592, 4593-4596); Dominican Republic (1685, 1686); Finland (1628, 1629, 1635, 1637e); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 647, 654, 659); Great Britain (4084); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1605, 1619, 1625, 1625a, 1627, 1627a, 1629, 1630); Great Britain (Jersey) (2377, 2397, 2398, 2400, 2404a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145e, 2145f, 2146j, 2153, 2154, 2156, 2158, 2168, 2171, 2173); Grenada (4359h, 4359i, 4359j, 4959k, 4360h, 4360i, 4360j, 4360k, 4361b, 4367, 4370, 4375); Grenada Grenadines (3041-3042); Guatemala (732, 734, 737); Italy (3678, 3679, 3680, 3682, 3690, 3691, 3694); Kosovo (459, 467); Latvia (1060, 1066); Macedonia (839, 849, 850, 853, 854); Russia (8263, 8266, 8269, 8270, 8272, 8274, 8275, 8276, 8277, 8281, 8283, 8284); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3416c, 3416d, 3417c, 3417d, 3426a, 3426d, 3431a, 3435, 3436, 3438, 3447, 3477, 3486, 3487, 3493-3494); Slovakia (879, 880); Vatican City (1748, 1750, 1751, 1771, 1772); Wallis & Futuna Islands (827, 832)
Finland (1637e); Grenada (4359h, 4359j, 4959k, 4360h, 4360j, 4360k); Grenada Grenadines (3042); Italy (3691); Kosovo (467); Macedonia (855); Russia (8280a, 8281, 8283)
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1630, 1631); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3478)
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1623, 1623a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2403, 2404a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145b, 2146g); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3467, 3484)
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1629, 1631); Great Britain (Alderney) (694, 696a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2378)
Bulgaria (4977-4978); China (Taiwan) (4592); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2155); Grenada (4376b, 4376c)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips
United States (5636-3639, 5636a-5639a)
Great Britain (Jersey) (2383-2390); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2156, 2157); Italy (3681); Macedonia (841, 843); Russia (8269, 8270, 8272, 8273); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3419b, 3419c, 3424, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3428, 3429, 3443, 3444, 3445, 3446, 3447, 3448, 3465a); Vatican City (1759, 1771)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Albania (3045d); Kosovo (459b); Macedonia (871); Russia (8277); Vatican City (1764)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3429c)
Sculpture & Statues
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144c, 2146c, 2168, 2174); Grenada (4376a, 4376d, 4376e, 4377); Grenada Grenadines (3041); Macedonia (850, 852); Russia (8271, 8281, 8284); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3416c, 3419c, 3430, 3449, 3477, 3479); Vatican City (1765, 1770)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Dominican Republic (1682); French Polynesia (1265); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 654, 655); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1599, 1600); Great Britain (Alderney) (714, 714a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2170); Grenada (4365); Russia (8267); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3420b, 3420d, 3459, 3460, 3476, 3477, 3483); Surinam (1626)
Italy (3675)
Black Americans
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3422c, 3423c)
China (Taiwan) (4592b, 4603); Colombia (1559); Finland (1628); Finland (Aland) (444); French Polynesia (1265); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1613); Great Britain (Alderney) (705, 706, 707, 708, 709); Great Britain (Jersey) (2405, 2417); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2147, 2169); Italy (3683); Latvia (1062); Macedonia (841); Russia (8284); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3416a, 3420, 3427d, 3428d, 3435, 3439, 3443, 3461, 3462a, 3465b, 3465c, 3466, 3478, 3483, 3487); Vatican City (1748, 1772)
Coins & Currency
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1577, 1578, 1579, 1581, 1581a); Great Britain (Alderney) (691-696, 696a)
Endangered Species
Andorra (French) (835); Czech Republic (3867); Finland (Aland) (445); French Polynesia (1263-1264); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1605-1612, 1608a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2391-2396, 2395a); Kosovo (460-462); Latvia (1069-1070); Vatican City (1768-1769)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Finland (1636); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3414-3415)
Andorra (French) (835); Czech Republic (3867); Finland (1636); Finland (Aland) (445); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1607, 1608, 1608a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2391, 2395, 2395a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145a, 2145f, 2146f); Kosovo (460-462); Latvia (1069-1070); Macedonia (852-853); Vatican City (1768-1769)
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (642)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Finland (1637d); Great Britain (4083-4092); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1576-1581, 1581a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2137, 2153); Macedonia (864); Russia (8274); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3428c, 3495-3496); United States (5640-3643, 5640a-5643a); Wallis & Futuna Islands (831d)
Famous People
Grenada Franklin D. Roosevelt (4367b), Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini (4367); St. Thomas & Prince Islands Mohandas K. Gandhi (3417, 3436), Jimmy Carter (3423b)
Great Britain (MH498); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1613-1618); Great Britain (Alderney) (711-714, 714a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2405-2410, 2418-2423); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2147-2152); Guatemala (733); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3420, 3422b, 3439, 3461, 3478)
Land Mammals
Andorra (French) (835); Colombia (1560); Finland (1632a, 1632d, 1632e, 1636); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 643i, 643o, 656, 659); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1576-1581, 1581a, 1619); Great Britain (Alderney) (692, 696a, 706, 708); Great Britain (Jersey) (2395a, 2396, 2402, 2404a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2137, 2144d, 2146d); Italy (3682); Kosovo (460-462); Latvia (1061); Russia (8273, 8274); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3414-3415, 3424b, 3436, 3446, 3454-3458); Vatican City (1758, 1772)
Land Mammals: Cats
Czech Republic (3867); Finland (1627, 1637d); Great Britain (Alderney) (691, 696, 696a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2429); Italy (3680); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3440, 3465b); Vatican City (1748, 1770)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1613); Russia (8266); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3418b, 3439, 3478, 3480, 3495-3496)
Land Mammals: Horses
China (Taiwan) (4592); Finland (1637b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1617); Great Britain (Alderney) (712, 714a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2419); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2153); Grenada (4359k, 4360k); Italy (3682); Macedonia (850, 852-853); Russia (8263, 8270, 8274); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3426a)
Sea Mammals
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1610); Great Britain (Jersey) (2393, 2394); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3465d, 3470, 3487)
Sea Mammals: Whales
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3414-3415, 3465d); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (646-648)
Botswana (1108, 1108a); Colombia (1560); Finland (1628, 1632c, 1636a); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 642, 643b, 643c, 643e, 643f, 643j, 643k, 643l, 643m, 643n, 643o, 649, 650, 651, 655, 659); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1582-1598, 1605, 1621); Great Britain (Alderney) (695, 696a, 705, 706); Great Britain (Jersey) (2383-2390, 2391, 2395, 2395a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2137a, 2138-2143, 2145a, 2145e, 2145f, 2146f, 2146j); Grenada (4359c, 4359d, 4359e, 4359f, 4359g, 4359p, 4360c, 4360d, 4360e, 4360f, 4360g, 4360p, 4361, 4368-4369, 4370-4371, 4372-4373, 4375); Guatemala (737); Latvia (1061, 1064, 1065, 1070); Macedonia (856, 871); New Caledonia (1273-1274); Russia (8263); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3433, 3434c, 3435, 3442, 3452, 3482); Vatican City (1768-1769, 1772); Wallis & Futuna Islands (831, 832)
Finland (1632f); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1606, 1609); Grenada (4372)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Finland (1632b, 1636b); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1608a, 1611); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145d, 2146i); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3471, 3488, 3491); Surinam (1627)
Fish & Fishing
Albania (3044c); Colombia (1560c, 1560d); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (643g, 643n, 655); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1607, 1608, 1608a, 1612); Grenada (4370b); Grenada Grenadines (3035-3036); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3489); Vatican City (1772)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Colombia (1560a, 1560d); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 653, 655, 657); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1620); Great Britain (Jersey) (2392); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144e, 2146e, 2155); Grenada Grenadines (3035b, 3037-3038); Latvia (1064); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3489)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Great Britain (Jersey) (2449, 2452a); Grenada Grenadines (3039-3040); Latvia (1069)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Colombia (1560e, 1560g); Finland (Aland) (445); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (655); Great Britain (Jersey) (2392); Macedonia (868); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3465d, 3472, 3489)
Other Terrestrial Life
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641); Grenada Grenadines (3032); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3423a); Wallis & Futuna Islands (826-827)
Fire Fighting
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3468, 3485)
Albania (3047c); Bulgaria (4979); China (Taiwan) (4604); Colombia (1560); Dominican Republic (1683, 1687); Finland (1637b); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641d, 654, 656); Great Britain (Jersey) (2377, 2451a, 2452a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2167); Grenada (4366, 4367, 4374); Grenada Grenadines (3033b, 3033c, 3034a); Guatemala (736, 737); Italy (3678, 3680, 3687, 3690); Kosovo (466b); Macedonia (847, 850, 860, 863); Russia (8274, 8275, 8278); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3417a, 3418a, 3422a, 3423b, 3423c, 3426c, 3436, 3441, 3442, 3445, 3459c, 3467, 3478, 3484)
Colombia (1560); French Polynesia (1263-1264); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 658c); Great Britain (Jersey) (2399, 2404a); Grenada (4374c); Slovakia (882)
China (Taiwan) (4597-4600); Finland (1631, 1632, 1637d); French Polynesia (1266, 1267); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (658); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1581a, 1599-1601, 1604, 1608a); Great Britain (Alderney) (693, 696a, 709); Great Britain (Jersey) (2387, 2388, 2389); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145c, 2146h, 2167-2174); Grenada (4374, 4375b); Italy (3685); Kosovo (464); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3420c, 3425a, 3436, 3446, 3471, 3488); United States (5640-3643, 5640a-5643a); Vatican City (1758, 1759, 1772); Wallis & Futuna Islands (827, 829)
Flowers: Orchids
Grenada (4375a); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3473, 3490)
Flowers: Roses
Finland (1632e); Grenada (4377a)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Albania (3044c, 3044d); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1580, 1581a); Great Britain (Alderney) (697-704); Italy (3682); Kosovo (463-464); Russia (8277)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (644); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3475, 3492)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Colombia (1560); Finland (1637a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2145f); Guatemala (736, 737); Latvia (1063-1065); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3431b, 3479); Vatican City (1770); Wallis & Futuna Islands (832)
Maps & Globes
Bulgaria (4979); Colombia (1559); Czech Republic (3865); Dominican Republic (1682); Finland (1627, 1628, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637); Finland (Aland) (443); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 654, 655); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1628-1633); Great Britain (Jersey) (2377-2382); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144-2146, 2145f); Guatemala (737); Italy (3678, 3682); Kosovo (466b); Macedonia (849, 850, 853); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3437, 3441); Slovakia (880); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (646b, 647b, 648b); Vatican City (1772)
Grenada Grenadines (3032); Wallis & Futuna Islands (826-827)
China (Taiwan) (4596); Dominican Republic (1688); Finland (1635, 1637c); Finland (Aland) (444); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (656); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1599-1601); Great Britain (Alderney) (712, 714, 714a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2421); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2167-2174); Grenada (4363-4364, 4365, 4366, 4367); Russia (8274, 8275, 8284); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3420b, 3420d, 3445, 3467a)
Motor Vehicles
Finland (1635); Finland (Aland) (440-441); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (654); Great Britain (Jersey) (2404, 2404a); Grenada (4363b, 4364); Macedonia (872); Russia (8281); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3468, 3485); Vatican City (1748)
Albania (3045a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2443-2454, 2451a, 2452a); Italy (3677)
French Polynesia (1265)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3474, 3491)
Nobel Prize
Botswana (1107-1108, 1108a); Grenada (4367d); Macedonia (867); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3422, 3423, 3441, 3442, 3462c, 3462d, 3464, 3481); Surinam (1626a)
Performing Arts
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3425b, 3425c, 3444)
Bulgaria (4976); Colombia (1557, 1559); Dominican Republic (1684); Great Britain (Alderney) (709); Great Britain (Jersey) (2425); Grenada (4376-4377); Guatemala (736); Italy (3693); Russia (8251); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3431, 3432, 3444, 3450, 3451)
Music: Rock Stars
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3422c, 3423d)
Movies, Television & Stars
Kosovo (458); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3421, 3440, 3463, 3480);
Latvia (1059)
Personalized Stamps
Czech Republic (3865); Finland (Aland) (432)
Dominican Republic (1682); Grenada (4359- 4361); Italy (3682)
Prepared Foods and Culinary Arts
Albania (3044); Great Britain (Jersey) (2428); Italy (3679, 3683); Russia (8273)
China (Taiwan) (4602); Guatemala (737); Macedonia (848); Russia (8280); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3465c)
Red Cross
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3466, 3483)
Bulgaria (4977-4978); China (Taiwan) (4593); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1619); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144c, 2146c, 2153, 2156); Grenada (4359h, 4359i, 4359j, 4359k, 4360h, 4360i, 4360j, 4360k); Guatemala (737b); Macedonia (839, 854, 867); Russia (8274, 8276, 8283, 8284); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3417c, 3424, 3426a, 3426d, 3436, 3443, 3465a, 3493-3494); Vatican City (1748, 1750, 1751, 1758, 1759, 1760-1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1770, 1772); Wallis & Futuna Islands (832)
Colombia (1557); Finland (1627-1629); Latvia (1060-1062); Macedonia (869); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3434, 3453, 3465a)
Macedonia (867); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3416, 3435, 3441, 3462, 3479); Vatican City (1760-1763, 1767, 1771)
Science & Technology
Albania (3046); Macedonia (844); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3442, 3464, 3481); South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (646b, 647b, 648b)
Macedonia (871); Russia (8283)
Great Britain (Guernsey) (1622-1627, 1622a-1627a); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3469); Slovakia (879)
Computers & Mathematics
Great Britain (Jersey) (2427); Italy (3682)
Earth Science & Earth Features
China (Taiwan) (4603); Colombia (1560); Czech Republic (3866); Finland (Aland) (442); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (643a, 643d, 643h, 643m, 643n, 649, 650, 652, 655, 657, 659); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1622, 1622a, 1624, 1624a, 1626, 1626a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2399, 2404a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144a, 2145f, 2146a); Italy (3690); Macedonia (855-856)
Finland (1635a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2173); Italy (3691); Macedonia (866, 870); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3423a, 3466a, 3466d)
Medicine: COVID-19 Pandemic
Grenada Grenadines (3032); Wallis & Futuna Islands (826-827)
Ships & Watercraft
Finland (1637e); Finland (Aland) (444); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (641, 645, 646, 650, 656); Great Britain (4085, 4092); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1605, 1620, 1621); Great Britain (Jersey) (2378, 2401, 2404, 2404a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2144b, 2146b, 2157, 2167); Grenada (4359h, 4359i, 4359j, 4360h, 4360i, 4360j, 4370, 4375); Latvia (1067); Macedonia (845); Russia (8269, 8272, 8278, 8279b); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3426, 3445, 3448, 3467b, 3467c, 3477, 3484); Vatican City (1772); Wallis & Futuna Islands (827, 831)
Finland (Aland) (442); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (649); Grenada Grenadines (3033-3034); Russia (8281); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3418, 3437, 3469, 3486)
Great Britain (Jersey) (2411-2417, 2443-2454, 2451a, 2452a); Italy (3675, 3676)
Italy (3694); Kosovo (466-467)
Italy (3689)
Stamps On Stamps
Dominican Republic (1682); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1619-1621); Grenada (4359-4961); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3465, 3482)
Colombia (1559); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (648); Macedonia (862); Vatican City (1765a)
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2153); Italy (3682); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3417d); Wallis & Futuna Islands (829)
Native Costumes
China (Taiwan) (4592); Colombia (1559); Kosovo (465b); Macedonia (841); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3427a, 3427b)
Toys & Games
Great Britain (Jersey) (2429); Kosovo (465); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3429d, 3439)
United Nations
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (643); Italy (3687)
Finland (1634)
Andorra (French) (836); China (Taiwan) (4592); Colombia (1557, 1559); Dominican Republic (1683); Finland (1635, 1637d, 1637f); Finland (Aland) (444); French Polynesia (1265, 1266, 1267); Great Britain (MH498); Great Britain (Guernsey) (1613-1618); Great Britain (Alderney) (710, 713, 714a); Great Britain (Jersey) (2405-2410, 2423, 2426); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2147-2152, 2156, 2167, 2168, 2169, 2172, 2173); Grenada (4367); Guatemala (734); Italy (3678, 3681, 3682, 3691, 3692, 3694); Kosovo (458b); Macedonia (841, 861, 866, 867); Russia (8263, 8269); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3418d, 3420c, 3421, 3422b, 3425, 3427, 3428, 3429, 3440, 3443, 3444, 3446, 3447, 3459, 3461c, 3462c, 3463b, 3464c, 3466a, 3466b, 3476, 3477, 3478, 3480, 3487); Vatican City (1748); Wallis & Futuna Islands (826-827, 829a)
Writers & Literature
Great Britain (Alderney) (705-710); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (2153-2158); Italy (3684, 3685, 3686); Latvia (1068); Macedonia (857, 858, 859, 864); Russia (8263, 8266); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3419, 3423d, 3438, 3445)
Finland (1630); Vatican City (1765b)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Czech Republic (3856a), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Postal Updates
Feb 13, 2025, 6 PMUSPS to continue accepting mail from China and Hong Kong
US Stamps
Feb 13, 2025, 2 PMCelebrity appearances at Allen Toussaint stamp event
World Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 6 PMGreenland’s 2025 stamp program
US Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 1 PMU.S. 2006 $1 Official mail stamp in demand