
New Hampshire Stamp Clubs

Jun 25, 2024, 4 PM

Dover, Great Bay Stamp Club. Meets 7 p.m. second Tuesday, Strafford Lodge Building, Upper 6th Street. Lew Jennison, 28 High Road, Lee, NH 03824.

Dublin, New England Precancel Club. Meeting times and places vary. Philip Cayford, Box 497, Dublin, NH 03444.

Manchester, Manchester Stamp Club. Meets 7:30 p.m. fourth Monday, The Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 673 Weston Road, Manchester, N.H. Robert A. Dion, Box 1, North Salem, NH 03073.

Milford, Purgatory Stamp Club. Meets 7 p.m. second Monday, Milford Public Library. Harry Tong, Federal Hill Road, Milford, NH 03055.

Nashua, Nashua Philatelic Society. Meets 7 p.m. first Monday, Chandler Memorial Library. Ralph L. Bauer, Box 364, Nashua, NH 03061.

Wolfeboro Falls, Wolfeboro Stamp Club. Warren Gould, Box 452, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896.