By Topic - November 2010
The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the November 22 Linn's Stamp News Special Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Antarctic & Arctic
Greenland (568-569, 569a, 571, 572, 572a); Iceland (1205); Mozambique (1820b, 1820f)
Albania (2848); Austria (2273); Bulgaria (4538a, 4539a, 4540a); France (3829c, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3833a, 3834, 3835, 3836, 3837a, 3838, 3841, 3841a, 3845, 3845a, 3846, 3847, 3849a, 3850, 3851, 3853a, 3867, 3869, 3870); Germany (2589, 2591);Great Britain (2615a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1363, 1388, 1389, 1392, 1395);Greece (2432, 2433); Greece (Mount Athos) (48, 49, 50, 51-55); Grenada Grenadines(2752); Guyana (4014, 4015, 4018); Honduras (C1273, C1278, C1279); Hungary (4167, 4168); Iceland (1205, 1209, 1211); Indonesia (2241a, 2241c, 2241d, 2243c); Iraq(1775); Israel (1827, 1828); Italy (2989, 2990, 2999, 3000-3004); Japan (3178c, 3179d, 3191b, 3191d, 3193h, 3193i, 3193j, 3204, 3205, 3217, 3218a, 3218b, 3218c, 3218d, 3220a, 3220b, 3232, 3233b, 3236k, 3241); Kuwait (1701, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1707-1708); Kyrgyzstan (347, 359); Luxembourg (1301); Mozambique (1820a, 1822, 1824, 1829c, 1829f, 1830, 1831a, 1831e, 1831f, 1835, 1836, 1843, 1844, 1849, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1858, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1871); United Nations (1007, 1008-1009, U30-U31)
France (3829, 3829c, 3833a, 3849, 3849a, 3853, 3853a); Gibraltar (1242); Italy (2995);Japan (3205, 3233c); Kyrgyzstan (348, 350); Mozambique (1835b, 1849)
Austria (B385); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1387, 1390, 1391, 1397); Japan (3193c);Liechtenstein (1488-1489, 1490)
France (3853a); Japan (3233e)
France (3866); Israel (1827)
Bulgaria (4550); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1394, 1397, 1398); Italy (2966); Japan(3205c)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips
Greenland (572, 572a); Japan (3190, 3206, 3231-3232)
Children's Art
Kuwait (1704, 1705); Luxembourg (1299-1300)
Albania (2814-2815); Bulgaria (4548, 4549); France (3829, 3829c); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1395, 1396, 1399); Hungary (4169); Italy (2992, 2994, 3005); Japan (3205d, 3217c, 3217d, 3217i, 3217j, 3219); Kyrgyzstan (359)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Grenada (3756f); Kiribati (975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980); Marshall Islands (964q)
Bulgaria (4551); China (Taiwan) (3944)
Sculpture & Statues
China (Taiwan) (3944); Great Britain (2615a); Greece (2430, 2431, 2432, 2434);Grenada (3756d); Guatemala (625-626); Iceland (1201); Japan (3193f, 3193j, 3217a, 3217e, 3220, 3236j)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Australia (3228b); Germany (2587); Gibraltar (1239, 1241, 1243); Great Britain(2833, 2833a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1366-1368); Grenada (3733-3734);Guyana (4016-4017); Honduras (C1273-C1274, C1275-C1278, C1279-C1281, C1282-C1284); Israel (1828); Kiribati (975, 976, 980, 981); Kyrgyzstan (358); Mozambique(1829c, 1829e, 1829f, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1855, 1864); United Nations(1014, UC29); United Nations (Vienna) (475-479)
Zeppelins, Airships & Balloons
Gibraltar (1240, 1242); Greece (2429a, 2429d, 2429f); Mozambique (1837b)
Kiribati (977); Mozambique (1855)
France (3853, 3853a); Germany (2587); Israel (1828); Luxembourg (1303);Mozambique (1821, 1848)
Black Americans
Grenada Grenadines (2745); Guyana (4024)
Australia (3343-3348, 3346a, 3347a, 3348a); Botswana (884-887); Canada (2404);China (Taiwan) (3944); Germany (2586); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1351, 1361-1365, 1365c, 1373); Greece (2429, 2429c, 2429f); Grenada (3754-3755, 3757);Grenada Grenadines (2737a, 2737d, 2754-2755); Guatemala (627-630); Guyana(4015); Honduras (C1275, C1278, C1282); Indonesia (2239a); Iraq (1779-1783);Israel (1829); Italy (2994a, 2994b); Japan (3178a, 3190, 3206c, 3206e, 3206h, 3217c, 3217d); Kuwait (1705, 1706); Kyrgyzstan (351); Liechtenstein (1490); Luxembourg(1299); Mozambique (1820b, 1820e, 1849)
Coins & Currency
Canada (2403); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1387-1392)
Bulgaria (4538-4540); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1362b, 1362c); Greece (2429, 2429c, 2429f); Hungary (4166); Iceland (1196-1199, 1198a, 1199a); Italy (2996-2997);Liechtenstein (1490)
Australia (3337-3342, 3337a, 3338b, 3339a, 3340b)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Greece (2430, 2432, 2437); Grenada (3735); Guyana (4020); Iceland (1196, 1198, 1198a); Indonesia (2220-2223, 2222a); Japan (3174-3176, 3176a, 3191, 3231c);Kyrgyzstan (352); Marshall Islands (964)
Famous People
Bahamas Winston Churchill (1298-1303); Great Britain (Isle of Man) Winston Churchill (1368); Grenada Grenadines Barack Obama (2745); Guatemala Louis Braille (620);Guyana Barack Obama, Hu Jintao (4024)
Grenada (3751); Grenada Grenadines (2737)
Australia (3242a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1364b, 1369-1374); Greenland (570);Iraq (1785); Italy (2994d); Kuwait (1702, 1703)
Royalty: Princess Diana
Grenada (3752-3753); Guyana (4026-4027)
Land Mammals
Australia (3337-3342, 3337a, 3338b, 3339a, 3340b); Botswana (888); Bulgaria (4538b, 4539b, 4540); China (Taiwan) (3944); France (3866); Germany (2586, 2587); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1363a); Greece (Mount Athos) (53); Greenland (572, 572a);Grenada (3735); Guatemala (622); Guyana (4020); Hungary (4159a, 4161, 4166);Iceland (1212); Indonesia (2239a); Israel (1829, 1836); Italy (2966, 2997); Japan(3192e); Kyrgyzstan (359e); Marshall Islands (964e, 964i, 964l, 964m, 964n); Monaco(2606); Mozambique (1820b, 1820c, 1820e, 1847)
Land Mammals: Bats
United States (4474b, UX616, UX616a)
Land Mammals: Cats
Botswana (891); Greece (2429a, 2429d, 2429f); Grenada (3735c); Guyana (4020c, 4029, 4031); Indonesia (2220-2223, 2222a, 2237b, 2237e); Israel (1836); Italy (2966, 2994); Japan (3177, 3219a, 3219d, 3231-3232); Kyrgyzstan (352); Marshall Islands(964s)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Bulgaria (4546); Greece (2434); Grenada (3735k); Guyana (4020k); Israel (1828);Japan (3206); Marshall Islands (964t); Mozambique (1820f, 1847)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Botswana (889); Mozambique (1820a, 1847)
Land Mammals: Horses
Australia (3337, 3337a, 3338, 3338b, 3341, 3342); Bulgaria (4549); Canada (2404);Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1350a, 1352, 1357, 1360a); Grenada (3735g, 3747-3750);Guyana (4020g); Italy (2994b, 2994d); Japan (3193, 3217d); Mozambique (1820d, 1847, 1858)
Sea Mammals
Marshall Islands (964g)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Japan (3233d)
Algeria (1501); Australia (3340, 3340b); Bulgaria (4538-4540); China (Taiwan)(3942-3943); France (3827-3828, 3829c, 3839, 3841a); Great Britain (Isle of Man)(1362a, 1387, 1397); Greece (Mount Athos) (52); Greenland (571); Grenada (3735j, 3751); Grenada Grenadines (2741, 2742); Guatemala (596); Guyana (4020j, 4025);Honduras (C1280); Hungary (4161, 4163, 4166); Iceland (1212); Indonesia (2239a, 2243c); Ireland (1891-1894, 1894a); Israel (1835a, 1836); Italy (3004); Japan (3191b, 3191d, 3192b, 3205b, 3206b, 3206d, 3206f, 3206g, 3219c, 3235e, 3238, 3242); Kuwait(1701, 1702, 1712-1714); Kyrgyzstan (314, 317); Malta (1415); Marshall Islands(964a, 964d, 964f, 964r); Mozambique (1852); United States (4474, UX611, UX612a, UX613, UX614a, UX615, UX616, UX616a, UX619, UX620a)
China (Taiwan) (3938-3941); Germany (2572A); Guyana (4020g); Honduras (C1274);Hong Kong (1406, 1406a); Hungary (4162, 4164, 4165); Israel (1836); United States(4474, UX617, UX618a)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Hungary (4162, 4165, 4166); Israel (1835a, 1836); Japan (3192a, 3192c, 3192d, 3231a); Kyrgyzstan (357c); United States (4474f, UX612, UX612a)
Fish & Fishing
Austria (B385); France (3838, 3841a, 3851, 3853a); Germany (2587); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1349b, 1354, 1356a, 1373); Grenada (3737); Hong Kong (1403, 1406a);Iceland (1212); Kenya (792); Marshall Islands (962, 964o, 965)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
France (3850, 3853a); Grenada (3737); Iceland (1212); Indonesia (2242a); Malta(1417); Marshall Islands (962, 965); Monaco (2605)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
France (3830, 3833a); Hungary (4165); Marshall Islands (962)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1394); Greece (Mount Athos) (49, 54); Grenada (3735f);Guyana (4020f); Hong Kong (1404, 1406a); Hungary (4159a, 4164); Malta (1414)
Other Terrestrial Life
Great Britain (2835, 2838); Iceland (1209); United States (4474j, UX614, UX614a)
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals
Iraq (1786-1788)
Fire Fighting
Great Britain (2615a); Mozambique (1843, 1870)
Barbados (1161-1165); Denmark (1486, 1486a, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1492, 1493, 1494, 1495); France (3868, 3883); Germany (2588); Great Britain (2615a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1363b, 1365, 1365c, 1369, 1390); Greenland (571); Grenada(3751); Guyana (4014, 4021a, 4024); Honduras (C1275, C1278, C1281); Iceland(1200); Indonesia (2229-2236, 2243, 2243c); Iraq (1781, 1783); Italy (2993, 2994);Japan (3217, 3236b, 3236d, 3236f); Kiribati (976, 981); Kuwait (1704-1706);Mozambique (1825c, 1825d, 1825e, 1826b, 1826c, 1826d, 1827d, 1827e, 1828, 1852, 1853, 1872, 1873); United Nations (1013, 1015)
Canada (B16, B16a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1373); Greece (Mount Athos) (47, 48, 50, 54); Hong Kong (1405, 1406a); Indonesia (2238, 2239a, 2240); Iraq (1776-1778);Japan (3234); Liechtenstein (1492)
Albania (2815); Bulgaria (4538a, 4539a, 4540, 4550); China (Taiwan) (3934-3937);France (3829, 3829c, 3845a, 3851, 3853a); Germany (2572A); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1364b); Greece (Mount Athos) (46, 51); Greenland (571); Grenada (3735, 3753);Grenada Grenadines (2754c); Guyana (4020f, 4020j); Hungary (4165, 4166); Iceland(1200-1202); Indonesia (2223); Iraq (1786a, 1786e); Israel (1835a, 1836); Italy(2999); Japan (3178d, 3178e, 3179c, 3180-3189, 3191a, 3191c, 3191e, 3192, 3193a, 3193b, 3194-3203, 3204a, 3204b, 3204e, 3205j, 3207-3216, 3219b, 3219c, 3221-3230, 3231a, 3231b, 3231d, 3231e, 3232d, 3232e, 3234a, 3234e, 3234j, 3237, 3238);Kyrgyzstan (357, 357c); Latvia (757); Mozambique (1836, 1863); United Nations(U30-U31); United States (4474, UX611, UX612a, UX613, UX614a, UX615, UX616a, UX620, UX620a)
Flowers: Orchids
Grenada (3741-3746); Grenada Grenadines (2746-2751); Malta (1416); United States(4474i, UX618, UX618a)
Flowers: Roses
France (3841a); Grenada (3752a, 3752d, 3237); Luxembourg (1302, 1304)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Albania (2843); Bulgaria (4540); France (3831, 3832, 3833, 3833a, 3834, 3835, 3837, 3837a, 3841, 3841a, 3843, 3844, 3845, 3845a, 3847, 3849, 3849a, 3850, 3851, 3852, 3853, 3853a, 3866); French Polynesia (1030); Germany (2587); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1350b, 1358, 1360a); Grenada (3738); Hungary (4166b); Indonesia (2238, 2240, 2242); Israel (1836); Italy (3004); Japan (3178a, 3178d); Kyrgyzstan (359b);Liechtenstein (1488); United States (4474g, UX617, UX618a)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Austria (B385); Canada (2403); Guyana (4019, 4023); Hungary (4167); Japan (3217);Latvia (753-755)
Israel (1829-1831)
Maps & Globes
Algeria (1501); Canada (2403, 2404); France (3883); Grenada (3740); Grenada Grenadines (2745); Guyana (4021a, 4025); Honduras (C1280); Hungary (4160);Indonesia (2237c, 2237e); Iraq (1789-1793); Japan (3193, 3205, 3235, 3236c, 3236g, 3236l, 3237); Luxembourg (1303); Mozambique (1826, 1853); United Nations (1007, 1008-1009, 1010-1011,1013, 1015, UC29); United Nations (Geneva) (522, 522a);United Nations (Vienna) (474, 474a)
Grenada (3756c)
Bahamas (1298-1303); Bulgaria (4549a); Denmark (1485-1495, 1486a); France(3868); Gibraltar (1243c); Great Britain (2833, 2833a); Great Britain (Isle of Man)(1366-1368); Greece (2437-2440); Grenada (3733-3734); Grenada Grenadines (2741, 2742, 2743, 2744); Guatemala (625-626); Guyana (4016-4017); Israel (1826); Italy(2994); Japan (3193d); Kiribati (975-981); Kyrgyzstan (358); Mozambique (1828, 1829, 1830a, 1830b, 1830c, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842b, 1842c, 1842d, 1842f, 1844, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1871); United Nations (1014, 1015, 1016);United Nations (Geneva) (527); United Nations (Vienna) (475-479)
Motor Vehicles
Germany (2587); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1377, 1379); Grenada (3755); Grenada Grenadines (2744); Japan (3193e); Kiribati (979); Kyrgyzstan (358); Mozambique(1843, 1844, 1855, 1870, 1871); United Nations (Geneva) (523-527)
Albania (2848); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1350c, 1359, 1360a, 1375, 1376, 1378, 1380); Grenada (3747-3750); Israel (1828); Italy (2991); Kuwait (1704);Mozambique (1822, 1823, 1824, 1849, 1850, 1851)
Bulgaria (4540); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1350d, 1360, 1360a); Mozambique(1821, 1848)
France (3843, 3845a)
Nobel Prize
Austria (2274); Bahamas (1298-1303); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1368); Grenada Grenadines (2745); Guyana (4024); United States (4475)
Performing Arts
Botswana (890); French Polynesia (1028); Guyana (4021a); Ireland (1895)
Bulgaria (4544-4545); French Polynesia (1027-1029); Germany (2587); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1398); Guatemala (615-619); Guyana (4020a, 4021a); Hungary (4168);Iraq (1779); Italy (3004); Japan (3179b, 3191d, 3191e, 3192b, 3192d); Marshall Islands (964r)
Music: Rock Stars: Elvis
Grenada (3736); Grenada Grenadines (2740-2744); Guyana (4028-4031)
Movies, Television & Stars
Grenada (3754c); Grenada Grenadines (2741, 2742, 2743, 2744); Guyana (4028-4031); Italy (2988)
Hungary (4159); Indonesia (2230, 2231, 2232, 2235, 2236)
Monaco (2606)
Personalized Stamps
Guyana (4022); Iceland (1203-1204); Japan (3056-3060)
Kuwait (1712-1714)
Australia (3228b, 3242a, 3253b, 3257c); Austria (B385); Bulgaria (4546); France(3829c, 3869); Germany (2588); Grenada (3733-3734); Guyana (4016-4017); Japan(3219)
Austria (B385); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1381-1386); Iraq (1772-1775); Italy(2995); Japan (3233c); Kyrgyzstan (347-350); Monaco (2607); Mozambique (1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863)
Red Cross
Kiribati (979); Mozambique (1844, 1871)
Austria (2273, 2274); Bulgaria (4548); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1363, 1393);Greece (Mount Athos) (46, 48, 49, 50, 51-55); Hungary (4159a); Indonesia (2241, 2241d); Italy (2989, 2992, 2998, 3000); Japan (3178c, 3179d, 3193i, 3204, 3205g, 3217c, 3217d, 3217i, 3217j, 3218a, 3218b, 3218c, 3218d, 3220, 3232b); United States(4475)
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1347, 1348); Grenada (3737-3740); Guatemala (621-624); Japan (3179a, 3179b, 3179e)
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1393); Grenada Grenadines (2752-2753); Guyana (4018-4019, 4023)
Science & Technology
Liechtenstein (1491-1493); Monaco (2605)
Greece (2430, 2431, 2432, 2434)
Botswana (888-891); Japan (3190); Marshall Islands (963, 964)
Computers & Mathematics
Hungary (4158, 4158ae-4158bh); Kuwait (1709-1711)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Algeria (1502-1503); Austria (B385); France (3822); Greenland (568-569, 569a, 570, 572a); Iceland (1206-1208); Japan (3193a, 3193b, 3205h, 3231d, 3233); Kyrgyzstan(314, 317); Liechtenstein (1494); Mozambique (1853)
Australia (3336); Botswana (886); Canada (B16, B16a); Great Britain (2834-2839);Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1372); Iceland (1209); Italy (B50); Kiribati (979);Mozambique (1844, 1871)
Australia (3343-3348, 3346a, 3347a, 3348a); China (Taiwan) (3942-3943); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1361-1365, 1365c); Grenada (3754-3755); Grenada Grenadines(2754-2755); Iraq (1779-1783)
Service Organizations (Intl.)
Guyana (4029, 4031)
Ships & Watercraft
Australia (3345, 3348, 3348a); Austria (B385); Barbados (1161-1165); Canada (2404);Denmark (1485-1495, 1486a); France (3833a, 3837a, 3853a); Germany (2588, 2589);Gibraltar (1243a, 1243c); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1349c, 1350c, 1355, 1356a, 1359, 1360a, 1368, 1389); Greenland (569, 569a); Italy (2994, 3003); Japan (3205);Kuwait (1701-1703); Kyrgyzstan (359d); Marshall Islands (964c); Mozambique(1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857); United Nations (1012-1016)
France (3827-3828); Grenada Grenadines (2738-2739); Mozambique (1841d, 1845, 1846, 1872, 1873)
Barbados (1161-1165); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1349d, 1356, 1356a); Grenada(3757, 3750); Japan (3204a); Luxembourg (1303)
Bulgaria (4551); France (3867); Iceland (1210); Kyrgyzstan (353-356); Latvia (756)
Bulgaria (4547); Honduras (C1278, C1282-C1284); Hungary (4160); Indonesia (2237, 2237e); Iraq (1769-1770, 1789-1793); Japan (3235-3236)
Stamps On Stamps
Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1368, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374); Iraq (1784-1785);Japan (3190g, 3190h)
France (3868)
Grenada (3756a, 3757); Indonesia (2229, 2234, 2235, 2236); Ireland (1885-1890, 1885a, 1886a, 1887b, 1888a, 1889a, 1890b)
Native Costumes
Bulgaria (4544); French Polynesia (1027-1029); Germany (2587); Grenada (3756b, 3757); Guatemala (607-614); Japan (3193, 3204a, 3233a); Kyrgyzstan (351);Mozambique (1820a, 1820c); United Nations (1007)
Toys & Games
Guatemala (627-630); Honduras (C1275-C1278); Israel (1835a); Japan (3178c);Liechtenstein (1490)
United Nations
Indonesia (2229-2236); Italy (2995); Kyrgyzstan (351); United Nations (1007, 1008-1009, 1010-1011, 1012-1016, U30-U31, UC29); United Nations (Geneva) (522, 522a, 523-527); United Nations (Vienna) (474, 474a, 475-479)
Israel (1832, 1834, 1835a)
Australia (3242a, 3336, 3343, 3345, 3346, 3346a, 3348, 3348a); Austria (2274);Botswana (885, 887, 890); Bulgaria (4544-4545, 4550); France (3867, 3871-3876, 3883); French Polynesia (1027, 1028); Germany (2587); Gibraltar (1239); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1349a, 1350a, 1350b, 1353, 1356a, 1357, 1358, 1360a, 1361b, 1363b, 1364b, 1365, 1365c, 1369-1374, 1393); Greenland (567, 570); Grenada (3752-3753, 3754, 3757); Grenada Grenadines (2737b, 2737d, 2740, 2742, 2754-2755);Guatemala (608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 614); Guyana (4021, 4029); Hungary (4159);Indonesia (2241c, 2241d); Ireland (1885, 1885a, 1886, 1886a, 1887, 1887b, 1888, 1888a, 1889, 1889a, 1895); Israel (1826, 1828); Italy (2994a, 2994b, 2998, B50);Japan (3192b, 3205d, 3217c); Kiribati (977, 978); Luxembourg (1299, 1301); Marshall Islands (964b); Mozambique (1821d, 1821e, 1847, 1848, 1849); United Nations (1006-1007); United States (4475, 4476)
Writers & Literature
Bulgaria (4538-4540); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1361-1365, 1365c); Greece (2429, 2429c, 2429f); Hungary (4159, 4166); Iceland (1196-1199, 1198a, 1199a); Italy (2966, 2988, 2996-2997); Kyrgyzstan (340); Liechtenstein (1490); Luxembourg (1301);United States (4476)
Grenada Grenadines (2737)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1318a), will only appear in "By Topic" listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Number changes: To stamps in November 2010 Scott Stamp Monthly, Denmark (1467a becomes 1464b).
Postal Updates
Feb 13, 2025, 6 PMUSPS to continue accepting mail from China and Hong Kong
US Stamps
Feb 13, 2025, 2 PMCelebrity appearances at Allen Toussaint stamp event
World Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 6 PMGreenland’s 2025 stamp program
US Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 1 PMU.S. 2006 $1 Official mail stamp in demand