By Topic - January 2015
The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the January 19 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Andorra (French) (732, 734); Armenia (1002, 1003-1004); Ascension (1123, 1124, 1125, 1126); Australia (4169, 4171, 4175, 4176, 4176a, 4194-4201, 4201b); Austria(2520, 2521); Bangladesh (821); Barbados (1224, 1225, 1226, 1227); Belarus (905);Bosnia & Herzegovina (723); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (504-506); Brunei (650);Burma (410, 411-412); Croatia (919, 920, 921, 922); Finland (1471, 1478d, 1480);Gambia (3576, 3577, 3584b, 3584c, 3585d); Germany (2805, 2806); Great Britain(3342b); Great Britain (Jersey) (1801); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1673, 1674, 1676); Hong Kong (1631, 1634, 1639, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1648); Hungary (4305, 4305d, 4311, 4312-4314, 4315, 4319, 4332, 4333, 4334); Iceland (1357); Kiribati (1013);Kuwait (1724); Liechtenstein (1626, 1631-1633); Malta (1524, 1525, 1529); Mexico(2883, 2885, 2887, 2890, 2893); Monaco (2778, 2779); New Zealand (2533, 2533a, 2535, 2535a, 2537, 2537a, 2538b, 2538d, 2539, 2539a, 2540, 2540a, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e); St. Helena (1083)
Bangladesh (821); Bosnia & Herzegovina (723); Croatia (923); Finland (1468-1477);Great Britain (Jersey) (1794, 1794a); Hungary (4333)
Great Britain (Jersey) (1790, 1792, 1794a, 1801); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1680)
Great Britain (Jersey) (1789, 1791, 1794a, 1800)
Kenya (863)
Austria (2525); Gambia (3584-3587); Gibraltar (1483-1488)
Children's Art
Cape Verde (999-1000)
Andorra (French) (733); Austria (2519, 2523); Canada (2797, 2797a); Gambia (3567-3570, 3572, 3573, 3574, 3576-3579); Hong Kong (1644-1650); Iceland (1356-1359);Liechtenstein (1625-1626); Mexico (2889); Monaco (2777); Spain (3990); Vatican City (1577-1578, 1581)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Barbados (1227); Liechtenstein (1627-1630); Spain (3997)
Gambia (3568b, 3577b)
Sculpture & Statues
Armenia (999-1001); Australia (4167, 4171, 4172, 4175, 4176a); Austria (2524);Barbados (1224); Burma (410); Croatia (922); Gambia (3571); Gibraltar (1481c);Great Britain (Jersey) (1793, 1794a); Hong Kong (1635); Hungary (4314, 4315);Mexico (2887); Spain (3993, 3997); Vatican City (1579)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Canada (2778a, 2779); Gibraltar (1477, 1478, 1479, 1480); Mexico (2891); St. Helena(1083, 1084); Spain (3995)
Finland (1478f)
Armenia (1002); Austria (2523); Canada (2794-2795, 2795a); Cape Verde (999-1000);Gambia (3576c); Great Britain (3336-3343, 3337a, 3337b, 3338a, 3338b, 3341a, 3342a, 3342b); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1675); Iceland (1356); Kiribati (1014, 1015);Latvia (884a, 884c); Malta (1527, 1528, 1530); New Zealand (2540, 2540a, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e, 2548-2553, 2553d, 2553e, 2553f, B213-B216); St. Martin (59a); Spain(3990)
Endangered Species
New Zealand (2543-2547, 2547b)
Armenia (992-993); Hungary (4318)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Hungary (4324b); Liechtenstein (1634); New Zealand (2534, 2534a, 2538b, 2538d, 2542e)
Famous People
Austria (2523); Barbados (1227); Brunei (650); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1679);Kuwait (1724c, 1724e, 1724f); Liechtenstein (1624); Luxembourg (1393); St. Martin(59); Spain (3997)
Land Mammals
Albania (2950); Finland (1478d, 1479); Gambia (3567b, 3590-3591); Gibraltar (1485, 1488); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1673, 1680); Hungary (4306); Iceland (1360, 1360a); Kenya (861); Liechtenstein (1634); Luxembourg (B492-B493); Monaco(2777); United States (4945, 4945a, 4946, 4947, 4949b)
Land Mammals: Cats
Gambia (3567); Gibraltar (1482); Kenya (861); Mexico (2889); New Zealand (2534, 2534a, 2538b, 2538d, 2542e); St. Martin (59a, 59d)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Azerbaijan (1062-1066); Gambia (3580-3581); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1681-1688); New Zealand (2540, 2540a, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e); Spain (3997)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Hungary (4306)
Land Mammals: Horses
Andorra (French) (733); Armenia (992, 998); Australia (4194-4201, 4201b); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1679); Mexico (2893); New Zealand (2542, 2542a, 2538b, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e); Spain (3995); Vatican City (1581)
Sea Mammals
French Southern & Antarctic Territories (509)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Canada (2778e, 2783)
Australia (4205, 4205a, 4208, 4209a); Belarus (906); Canada (2796c, 2800a);Curaçao (185); French Southern & Antarctic Territories (509); Gambia (3585d, 3587b, 3588-3589); Gibraltar (1481); Great Britain (3336, 3338, 3338a, 3338b, 3340, 3342b); Hong Kong (1648); Hungary (4305, 4305d, 4306j, 4315, 4320); Kenya (861);Kuwait (1724); Luxembourg (B493); Mexico (2887, 2888, 2891, 2892); New Zealand(2543-2547, 2547b); United States (CVP88A)
Australia (4177, 4179, 4182a, 4183, 4186, 4188a, 4188b); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (507-509); Gambia (3582-3583); Hungary (4327-4331)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Aruba (440-441); Azerbaijan (1067); Kenya (861)
Fish & Fishing
Australia (4178, 4181, 4182, 4182a, 4184, 4185, 4188, 4188a, 4188b); Finland (1478b);Hungary (4331); Iceland (1358); Kenya (861)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Finland (1478b)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Great Britain (Jersey) (1795-1801)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Australia (4180, 4182a, 4187, 4188a, 4188b); Kenya (861); Mexico (2892)
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals
Hong Kong (1625-1630, 1630a)
Albania (2951); Bangladesh (821); Cape Verde (998); Cocos Islands (377-378);Ethiopia (1790); Great Britain (Jersey) (1790, 1792, 1794a, 1800); Hungary (4314, 4335); Kuwait (1724); Latvia (884); Malta (1526); Mexico (2892); Monaco (2779);Vatican City (1579)
Australia (4170, 4171, 4174, 4175, 4176a); Bangladesh (822); Denmark (1694, 1694a); Hungary (4316); Kenya (867); Kiribati (1013-1016)
Armenia (999); Australia (4167, 4168, 4169, 4172, 4173, 4176, 4176a, 4177, 4182a, 4186, 4188a, 4188b, 4197, 4201, 4201b, 4202-4209, 4205a, 4209a); Azerbaijan (1067);Bangladesh (824, 824e); Belarus (907-908); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (509);Brunei (650); Burma (409-410); Canada (2794-2795, 2795a); Gambia (3567, 3569, 3576b); Germany (2419A); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1679); Hungary (4322-4323, 4330, 4331, B377a); Iceland (1361); Kenya (861); Liechtenstein (1627, 1629, 1630);Malta (1524-1526)
Flowers: Orchids
Bangladesh (824a, 824b 824e); Kenya (861)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Denmark (1695, 1695a, 1696); Finland (1478b); Gambia (3567, 3576d); Great Britain(3336e, 3341, 3341a, 3342b); Hungary (4322-4323, 4329); New Zealand (B213-B216)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Barbados (1228); Gambia (3571-3574); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1680); Monaco(2775, 2775a); St. Martin (59a, 59d); Spain (3996, 3998)
Hungary (4316, 4325-4326)
Maps & Globes
Armenia (994); Curaçao (190); Ethiopia (1790, 1791-1794); Gibraltar (1482); Great Britain (Jersey) (1789-1794, 1794a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1680); Hong Kong(1637, 1638); Hungary (4306, 4321, 4333); Kenya (862); Kuwait (1724); Latvia (884, 885); Mexico (2888, 2891); Monaco (2776)
Ascension (1122-1127); Australia (4202-4209, 4205a, 4209a); Canada (2794-2795, 2795a); Cocos Islands (377-378); Gambia (3572); Gibraltar (1477-1481, 1482);Hungary (4321); Malta (1524-1526); Mexico (2893); New Zealand (2533-2542, 2533a-2542a, 2538b, 2538d, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e); Spain (3995-3996)
Motor Vehicles
Canada (2778-2785); Finland (1478d, 1478f); Great Britain (Jersey) (1799); Mexico(2891); St. Helena (1081, 1082, 1084, 1085)
Armenia (1002); Finland (1478d, 1478f); Gambia (3585a); Hong Kong (1639); Latvia(883-884); Luxembourg (B494-B497); New Zealand (2539, 2539a, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e)
Finland (1478f); Hungary (4332); Spain (3992)
Nobel Prize
Kenya (867)
Performing Arts
Andorra (French) (734); Gambia (3568b)
Armenia (992-993); Ascension (1126); Austria (2522); Burma (413); Cape Verde(999-1000); Finland (1478e); Finland (Aland) (360, 360d); Gambia (3567b); Gibraltar(1475-1476); Great Britain (3336f, 3342, 3342a, 3342b); Great Britain (Isle of Man)(1677); Hungary (4308, 4317, 4318)
Movies, Television & Stars
Austria (2524, 2526); Finland (1478a); Hungary (4307); New Zealand (2554, 2555-2562, 2555a-2561a, 2562g); Spain (3991); United States (4946-4949, 4949b)
Belarus (905, 906); Hungary (B377); Malta (1527-1530)
Hungary (4312-4314)
Mexico (2886)
Austria (2520, 2521); Croatia (923); Finland (1478f); Hungary (4314, 4336); Mexico(2883)
Red Cross
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (RA34, RA34a)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (304); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (504-506);Brunei (650); Burma (411-412); Croatia (920, 922); Gambia (3568c); Hungary (4305, 4305d, 4309-4310, 4313, 4314); Monaco (2778a); Spain (3993); Vatican City (1577-1578)
Canada (2796-2800, 2797a, 2798a, 2799a, 2800a); Finland (1479-1480); Gibraltar(1483-1488); Great Britain (3336-3343, 3337a, 3337b, 3338a, 3338b, 3341a, 3342a, 3342b); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1681-1688); Hungary (4337); Iceland (1360-1362, 1360a); Liechtenstein (1631-1633); Luxembourg (B492-B493); Malta (1527-1530); Monaco (2777); New Zealand (2548-2553, 2553d, 2553e, 2553f); United States(4945-4949, 4945a, 4949b); Vatican City (1581)
Gambia (3571-3574); Hungary (4315); Spain (3998); Vatican City (1579-1580, 1580a)
Science & Technology
Hungary (4336); Monaco (2778b)
Computers & Mathematics
Bangladesh (821); Ethiopia (1789); Finland (1478a); Germany (2807)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Australia (4189-4192, 4192a); Hong Kong (1631-1638)
Bangladesh (821); Malta (1524, 1525); Monaco (2780)
Ships & Watercraft
Ascension (1122, 1124, 1127); Brunei (650); Cocos Islands (377-378); Finland (1471, 1478f); Great Britain (Jersey) (1795, 1796, 1797, 1800, 1801); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1680); Hong Kong (1631, 1639, 1644); Iceland (1359); Kuwait (1724); Malta(1526); New Zealand (2538, 2538a, 2538b, 2538d, 2542e); St. Helena (1081); Spain(3994)
Ecuador (757, 757Bc); Ethiopia (1790); Finland (1478c); Gambia (3592-3593)
Australia (4194-4201, 4201b); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (303, 306); Canada(2778-2785, 2786-2793); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1678); Hungary (4335)
Belarus (905); United States (4950-4951)
Finland (1456A); Latvia (877-880); Monaco (2779)
Albania (2950-2951); Armenia (994); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat) (303); Hungary(4319); St. Martin (58)
Stamps On Stamps
St. Martin (59)
Ethiopia (1787-1790); Finland (1478a); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1672-1679);Mexico (2883, 2891)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (503); Finland (1478e); Great Britain (Isle of Man)(1680); Spain (3997)
Native Costumes
Andorra (French) (734); Ethiopia (1791-1794); Mexico (2889); Spain (3990)
Toys & Games
Gambia (3577d, 3579); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1675); Iceland (1356)
United Nations
Germany (2806); Hong Kong (1640-1643, 1643a); Kenya (861-863); Kuwait (1724)
Andorra (French) (734); Armenia (1002); Austria (2519, 2524, 2525); Bangladesh(821, 822); Belarus (905, 906); Canada (2794-2795, 2795a); Curaçao (188); Ethiopia(1788, 1789, 1791-1794); Gambia (3567c, 3568, 3570, 3577b, 3577c); Great Britain(3336b, 3336d, 3336f, 3336g, 3338, 3338a, 3338b, 3342, 3342a, 3342b, 3343); Great Britain (Jersey) (1796, 1801); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1679); Hong Kong (1639);Hungary (4307-4308, 4320, 4335); Iceland (1358); Kenya (867); Kiribati (1015, 1016);Latvia (880, 883-884); Malta (1527, 1528, 1530); Mexico (2883); New Zealand (2535, 2535a, 2537, 2537a, 2538, 2538a, 2538b, 2538d, 2539, 2539a, 2540, 2540a, 2542b, 2542d, 2542e, 2560, 2560a, 2562f, 2562g); St. Martin (59); Spain (3990, 3991a, 3997)
Writers & Literature
Armenia (998, 1004); Bosnia & Herzegovina (723); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat)(305); Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb) (502); Gambia (3578); Great Britain (Isle of Man) (1681-1688); Hungary (B377); Latvia (885); Vatican City (1576)
Canada (2794-2795, 2795a); Gambia (3584a); Mexico (2886)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Hungary (4293d), will only appear in "By Topic" listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
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Feb 10, 2025, 1 PMDahlias and Baby Animals stamps to be issued at shows
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Feb 7, 2025, 3 PMJanuary cartoon caption contest winner cleans the cockpit
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Feb 6, 2025, 6 PMLoveland’s remailing program celebrates 79 years