By Topic - September 2016

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the Sept. 19, 2016 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Ascension (1164, 1165, 1166, 1168); China (Taiwan) (4284-4287, 4297, 4300); Curaçao (238, 239, 240, 242, 243); Ethiopia (1822, 1823-1826); Iceland (1395, 1409, 1411, 1411a); Iraq (1991); Italy (3291, 3293, 3294, 3324); Kazakhstan (748, 763, 764, 765); Latvia (887); Luxembourg (1429); Macao (1472-1473, 1474, 1476c, 1477, 1478-1479, 1480-1481); Maldive Islands (3163a, 3163c, 3182-3183, 3214, 3225a, 3225b, 3226c, 3227d, 3229, 3231, 3233, 3234, 3236, 3237, 3238); Malta (1560-1561, 1562-1563, 1564-1567); Mexico (2993, 2996, 2997, 2998); Monaco (2843, 2845, 2847); Poland (4222); Russia (7718, 7721, 7722, 7725); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2832, 2835b, 2835d, 2842a, 2842d, 2843a, 2843c, 2844, 2849, 2854c, 2860, 2861, 2862, 2864, 2865, 2867, 2868, 2872, 2913, 2914, 2915, 2919, 2927, 2928c, 2934, 2935, 2938, 2947, 2949, 2955a, 2974, 2993, 3002, 3003, 3016, 3020, 3022, 3023); Togo (2075-2077); Ukraine (1049, 1050c); United Arab Emirates (1142, 1144, 1145-1146, 1147); Uruguay (2550); Zimbabwe (1219-1222)
China (Taiwan) (4297a); Italy (3339); Maldive Islands (3227b, 3229d); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2836, 2866, 3005, 3025)
Luxembourg (1436); Ukraine (1050a)
China (Taiwan) (4301b); Macao (1475); Maldive Islands (3249, 3259, 3269, 3279); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2872, 2922, 2942, 2999, 3000d, 3019); Uruguay (2548)
Ascension (1167); Iceland (1409, 1411, 1411a); Luxembourg (1429); Maldive Islands (3228d); Malta (1560-1561); Monaco (2843); Poland (4222)
China (Taiwan) (4278-4279); Italy (3338); Latvia (887); Luxembourg (1432); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2961, 2980); Ukraine (1053)
China (Taiwan) (4289-4296, 4298-4300); Curaçao (238-243); Ethiopia (1813-1816); Italy (3339); Macao (1478-1479); Maldive Islands (3162, 3163c, 3167, 3170, 3176, 3179, 3202-3219, 3223, 3233); Malta (1562-1563); Monaco (2844); Russia (7725); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2846b, 2846c, 2847, 2864, 2865, 2925, 2926, 2927, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2945, 2946, 2947, 2948, 2949, 2950, 2962, 2981)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Iceland (1398-1401)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2846c, 2997, 3017)
Sculpture & Statues
China (Taiwan) (4284, 4297d, 4301a, 4301c); Italy (3291, 3295); Kazakhstan (765b); Macao (1473, 148a); Poland (4225); Russia (7720); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835b, 2846a, 2846d, 2849c, 2867, 2873-2874, 2875, 3002, 3003, 3022, 3034); Uruguay (2547)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
China (Taiwan) (4288); Curaçao (237c); Greenland (727-728); Kazakhstan (766b); Maldive Islands (3168b, 3169b); Monaco (2846); Russia (7710, 7718, 7724); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2860, 2921, 2941, 2957, 2976, 3027); Vanuatu (1096, 1098)
Zeppelins, Airships & Balloons
China (Taiwan) (4297b); Curaçao (237c); Maldive Islands (3225, 3235)
China (Taiwan) (4288a, 4297); Iceland (1409, 1411, 1411a); Luxembourg (1429); Maldive Islands (3229c); Malta (1560-1561); Monaco (2843); Poland (4222)
Black Americans
Maldive Islands (3192, 3198, 3201, 3222, 3232); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2843d, 2845d, 2871, 2914d, 2917, 2937, 2974b)
China (Taiwan) (4297); Greenland (B41, B41a); Iceland (1394); Iraq (1993-1996); Macao (1474d); Maldive Islands (3208c, 3208d, 3209a, 3209d, 3211, 3226b, 3228b, 3228c, 3233, 3236); Malta (1565); Poland (4223-4224); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2853b, 2863, 2871, 2913c, 2916, 2917b, 2919b, 2920, 2928, 2933, 2940, 2948, 2962a, 2975b, 2975c, 2994, 2996)
Coins & Currency
Maldive Islands (3212)
Endangered Species
Maldive Islands (3165, 3174); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2963, 2982)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Malta (1559); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2998, 3018)
Iceland (1409-1412, 1411a, 1412a); Luxembourg (1428-1429); Malta (1560-1561); Monaco (2843); Poland (4222)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2854qa, 2854b)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Italy (3324); Liechtenstein (1687); Maldive Islands (3163, 3202b, 3202d); Monaco (2844); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2915, 2926, 2945, 3014, 3034); Uruguay (2542)
Famous People
Maldive Islands Deng Xiaoping (3227, 3237), Mao Zedong (3227a, 3227d,, 3237); St. Thomas & Prince Islands Harry S. Truman (2853c), Lyndon B. Johnson (2871), Mahatma Gandhi (2916, 2936), Vladimir Putin (3003d, 3023)
Maldive Islands (3222b)
Greenland (729-730); Maldive Islands (3208d, 3223b, 3226, 3236); Monaco (2844-2846); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835-2836, 2845c, 2861, 2914b, 2915, 2935, 3000d)
Royalty: Princess Diana
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2996, 3016)
Land Mammals
China (Taiwan) (4301d); Curaçao (230, 231, 232, 233); Iceland (1410, 1412, 1412a); Iraq (1987, 1991); Kazakhstan (765, 767b, 768); Liechtenstein (1687); Macao (1476c); Maldive Islands (3165b, 3165d, 3174, 3182b, 3203a, 3219, 3233, 3238); Malta (1559); Russia (7723); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2877, 2882d, 2891c, 2895, 2914, 2926a, 2950, 2956, 2962, 2963, 2975b, 2975c, 2982, 2998, 3014, 3018, 3034); Uruguay (2542)
Land Mammals: Bats
Curaçao (235)
Land Mammals: Cats
Ethiopia (1813, 1825); Iraq (1989, 1991); Luxembourg (1427, 1433, 1435, 1436); Macao (1475); Maldive Islands (3163, 3215, 3236, 3240, 3250); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2876, 2877, 2878, 2887, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2896, 2915, 2945, 2963c, 2998d, 3008, 3028)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Greenland (715); Iraq (1989, 1991); Kazakhstan (768); Luxembourg (1434); Macao (1475); Maldive Islands (3208d, 3214, 3245, 3255); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2867, 2947, 2964, 2975c, 2983)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Ethiopia (1815); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2965, 2984)
Land Mammals: Horses
Ethiopia (1814, 1815); Kazakhstan (765, 767, 768); Luxembourg (1436); Macao (1475, 1476b, 1477); Maldive Islands (3163c, 3191, 3200, 3207b, 3219, 3233); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2852, 2861, 2870, 2924b, 2924d, 2925, 2926); Uruguay (2544, 2545b, 2927, 2945, 2947, 2980, 2994, 3003)
Sea Mammals
Curaçao (234); Maldive Islands (3241, 3251); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2879, 2880, 2886, 2888, 2897, 2898, 2995b, 3009, 3029)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Greenland (726, 726a, 726b); Iceland (1410, 1412, 1412a); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2966, 2985)
Canada (2929-2934, 2934a); China (Taiwan) (4288, 4290, 4292, 4296, 4301d); Iceland (1409-1412, 1411a, 1412a); Iraq (1988, 1990, 1991); Italy (3338); Kazakhstan (748, 765, 767); Luxembourg (1429); Macao (1475); Maldive Islands (3147, 3148, 3157, 3158, 3165a, 3182-3183, 3214, 3223b, 3224a, 3224d, 3227b, 3233, 3260-3279); Malta (1559, 1560); Mexico (2995); Monaco (2843); Poland (4222, 4225); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2843, 2877, 2878, 2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, 2887, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2894, 2899, 2900, 2901, 2902, 2905, 2914, 2917, 2922, 2930, 2934, 2942, 2950, 2955, 2967, 2974, 2980, 2986, 2998, 2999, 3005d, 3006c, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3018, 3019, 3024, 3030, 3031, 3032); United Arab Emirates (1043A, 1043D); Uruguay (2547); Zambia (1177, 1182)
Maldive Islands (3264b, 3264c); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2877, 2878, 2887, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2909); Zambia (1177)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
China (Taiwan) (4294, 4295); Iceland (1406); Maldive Islands (3149, 3159, 3242, 3252, 3261b, 3261c, 3264a, 3264d, 3267d, 3271, 3274); St. Martin (76-88); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2833-2834, 2885, 2888a, 2891a, 2903, 2909, 2920a, 2931, 2940, 2951, 2968, 2972, 2987, 3005a, 3005c, 3018)
Fish & Fishing
China (Taiwan) (4297c); Greenland (725, 725a, 726b); Iceland (1397, 1410, 1412, 1412a); Macao (1479); Maldive Islands (3142, 3150b, 3150c, 3152, 3160, 3165c, 3209a, 3209d, 3260, 3270, 3275); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2833-2834, 2873-2874, 2879, 2880, 2886, 2888, 2904, 2906, 2989, 2998, 3009, 3018); Surinam (1495)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Iceland (1410, 1412, 1412a); Maldive Islands (3143, 3144, 3150a, 3150d, 3151, 3153, 3154, 3160, 3161, 3263, 3273); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2879, 2880, 2886, 2888, 2897, 2898, 2904, 2906, 2988, 2989, 3009)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Liechtenstein (1688); Maldive Islands (3266, 3276); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2876, 2914, 2945, 2969, 2988, 2998)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Ascension (1167); Maldive Islands (3145, 3146, 3155, 3156, 3174, 3243, 3253); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2877, 2878, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2894, 2896, 2900, 2902, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2910, 2911, 2912, 2970, 2972, 2989, 2998b)
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals
Maldive Islands (3246, 3256); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2932, 2952, 3013, 3018, 3033)
Fire Fighting
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2850c, 2923, 2943, 3007, 3027)
Ascension (1168); China (Taiwan) (4301c); Curaçao (236b); Ethiopia (1826); Iceland (1394); Italy (3338); Kazakhstan (748); Liechtenstein (1686); Macao (1474b, 1477); Maldive Islands (3168c, 3169, 3178, 3182-3183, 3186d, 3222, 3224b, 3224c, 3226, 3227b, 3227c, 3229, 3232, 3233, 3234, 3236, 3227, 3239); Mexico (2995); Monaco (2849); Poland (4122); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835-2836, 2842d, 2843b, 2843c, 2852a, 2852d, 2854, 2860, 2861, 2868, 2870, 2872, 2914c, 2914d, 2916, 2920, 2935, 2940, 2953, 2955a, 2979, 2995-3034); United Arab Emirates (1142, 1144); Uruguay (2547)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2891, 2909)
China (Taiwan) (4289-4296); Curaçao (237); Iceland (1405); Italy (3295); Kazakhstan (765, 767); Liechtenstein (1690); Macao (1475, 1477); Maldive Islands (3149, 3159, 3162, 3179, 3240, 3242, 3245, 3247, 3250, 3252, 3255, 3257, 3261b, 3261c); Mexico (2994, 2997); Monaco (2842); St. Martin (76b, 76h, 76i, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2833-2834, 2865, 2876, 2885, 2889, 2894, 2896, 2903, 2907, 2912, 2915b, 2925b, 2925c, 2928, 2931, 2940, 2945, 2950, 2951, 2962, 2968, 2974, 2987, 2993, 2996b, 2996c, 3003c, 3005c, 3011, 3016, 3018, 3023, 3026)
Flowers: Orchids
Maldive Islands (3247, 3257, 3267, 3277); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2892, 2895, 2905, 2908, 2910, 2911, 2971, 2990)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
China (Taiwan) (4280-4283); Iceland (1397); Italy (3337); Liechtenstein (1690); Maldive Islands (3170a, 3170b, 3179, 3202d, 3262, 3272); St. Martin (77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2847c, 2975c, 3034)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
Maldive Islands (3223b, 3248, 3258); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2894, 2912, 2973, 2992, 2996)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Luxembourg (1436); Maldive Islands (3163); Russia (7722); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2843b, 2914, 2915, 2974, 2993)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2841, 2859)
Maps & Globes
China (Taiwan) (4301a); Kazakhstan (748, 769); Maldive Islands (3168c, 3169, 3178, 3231); Monaco (2849); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2869, 2872, 2955, 2978, 3002, 3023); Togo (2075-2077); Uruguay (2548)
Uruguay (2543)
Curaçao (237); Italy (3338, 3339); Kazakhstan (765b, 766b); Latvia (919); Macao (1476-1477); Maldive Islands (3168, 3169, 3177, 3178, 3218, 3223d, 3226a, 3233); Monaco (2846); Russia (7710, 7715-7717, 7720, 7724); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2836, 2842, 2852, 2854d, 2856, 2860, 2870, 2921, 2941, 3000d); Ukraine (1051-1052); Uruguay (2545b)
Motor Vehicles
Ascension (1168); China (Taiwan) (4288); Curaçao (237c); Macao (1475); Maldive Islands (3168a, 3169, 3177, 3178, 3228c); Malta (1561); Russia (7710); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835, 2850b, 2850c, 2923, 2943, 2992, 3007, 3027); Ukraine (1051-1052); United States (5101-5104, 5104b)
Kazakhstan (764a); Macao (1478c); Maldive Islands (3171, 3180, 3188, 3197); Malta (1561); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2850a, 2850d, 2868, 2974d, 2975a, 2993, 3007b); United Arab Emirates (1142-1144)
China (Taiwan) (4288b); Macao (1474d); United Arab Emirates (1144)
Maldive Islands (3244, 3254, 3268, 3278); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2877, 2878, 2887, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2911, 2914d, 2917d, 2920d, 2940, 2972, 2991)
Nobel Prize
Maldive Islands (3222, 3232); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2841, 2842, 2843d, 2845, 2859, 2860, 2863, 2913, 2919, 2933, 2939, 2974b)
Performing Arts
Uruguay (2540)
Kazakhstan (765); Luxembourg (1436); Macao (1475, 1476-1477); Maldive Islands (3163, 3219, 3223c); Monaco (2847-2848); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2837, 2839, 2854d, 2855, 2857, 2915, 2925, 2929a, 2962b, 3000a); Uruguay (2540)
Music: Rock Stars: Elvis
Maldive Islands (3172, 3181); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2838, 2856, 3015)
Movies, Television & Stars
Monaco (2845-2846); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2840, 2845d, 2858, 3015)
Movies, Television & Stars: Marilyn Monroe
Maldive Islands (3164, 3173); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2995, 3015)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2839, 2857, 2927c); Uruguay (2550)
Kazakhstan (765)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2833-2834, 2835-2836, 2873-2874, 2955-2956, 2966, 2970, 2985, 2989)
Maldive Islands (3166, 3175, 3217c, 3237); Russia (7710b); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835c, 2848, 2849, 2866, 2867, 2958, 2977, 3005, 3006, 3025, 3026); Ukraine (1049)
Red Cross
Maldive Islands (3228b)
China (Taiwan) (4284-4287); Curaçao (237d); Ethiopia (1820, 1821); Italy (3291); Macao (1478c, 1478d, 1480a); Maldive Islands (3202a, 3202c, 3203a, 3203c, 3204, 3205, 3206c, 3206d, 3207, 3208a, 3208b, 3210, 3211, 3213, 3215, 3216, 3217, 3219, 3221b, 3233); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2846, 2864, 2865, 2875-2876, 2913, 2925, 2926c, 2927d, 2933, 2997b, 3002, 3022, 3023); Ukraine (1050c)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2975, 2994)
Mexico (2995); Poland (4223-4224); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2843a, 2844, 2862, 2914, 2933, 2934, 2974, 2993)
Science & Technology
Iraq (1992); Maldive Islands (3228d); Mexico (2998); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2841, 2859, 2919, 2939, 3000b, 3000c, 3020)
Luxembourg (1431)
Maldive Islands (3221, 3231); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3020)
Computers & Mathematics
United States (5100)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Curaçao (241); Greenland (716); Iceland (1395, 1402, 1404); Kazakhstan (767); Liechtenstein (1689); Maldive Islands (3225d); Malta (1565); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2831, 3006)
Earth Sciences & Earth Features: Waterfalls
Iceland (1403); Italy (3292); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, 2885, 2905, 2907); Ukraine (1050b)
Ethiopia (1818); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2850b, 2853, 2871, 2919c)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2920, 2940)
Ships & Watercraft
China (Taiwan) (4297c); Greenland (733, 733a, 733b); Italy (3294, 3324, 3339); Liechtenstein (1686); Macao (1475, 1479, 1480c, 1480d, 1481); Maldive Islands (3229d); Monaco (2846, 2850); Russia (7710e, 7718); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2831b, 2854, 2928b, 2955a, 2962a, 3004, 3019, 3022, 3024); Uruguay (2550); Vanuatu (1097, 1098)
Curaçao (236); Kazakhstan (762, 764, 769); Maldive Islands (3220, 3221c, 3221d, 3230, 3231, 3237); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2851, 2869, 2924, 2944, 2959, 2974, 3020)
Greenland (731-733, 731a-733a, 733b); Kazakhstan (766); Maldive Islands (3185, 3186, 3188, 3190, 3191, 3192, 3194, 3195, 3197, 3199, 3200, 3201, 3229, 3239); Russia (7723); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2918, 2938, 2960, 2979, 3001, 3021)
Maldive Islands (3164, 3173)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3002c)
Maldive Islands (3189, 3198); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3022)
Liechtenstein (1684-1685); Luxembourg (1427); Maldive Islands (3187, 3196); Monaco (2850); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3002, 3022); Vanuatu (1095-1098)
Maldive Islands (3182-3183, 3224, 3234); Monaco (2849); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2845a, 3003, 3023)
Stamps On Stamps
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835-2836, 2998, 3018)
Ascension (1163-1168); Kazakhstan (764, 769)
Maldive Islands (3163); United States (5098-5099)
Native Costumes
China (Taiwan) (4297c); Greenland (717-724, 724a); Kazakhstan (765); Maldive Islands (3228a); Malta (1564); Ukraine (1050d); Uruguay (2544)
Toys & Games
Iraq (1993-1996); Maldive Islands (3223a); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2994)
Maldive Islands (3184, 3193); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2961, 2980)
United Nations
Iraq (1992); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (3000, 3020)
Italy (3337)
China (Taiwan) (4297); Greenland (717-724, 724a, 729-730); Iceland (1394); Kazakhstan (765b); Macao (1474a, 1474c, 1475, 1476-1477, 1478a); Maldive Islands (3164, 3170c, 3170d, 3173, 3187a, 3190d, 3199, 3202d, 3203b, 3203d, 3204d, 3205c, 3205d, 3206b, 3208c, 3209b, 3211, 3212, 3216, 3223, 3226, 3228a, 3228b, 3236, 3239); Malta (1564-1567); Monaco (2845-2846, 2847, 2850); Poland (4122); St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2835-2836, 2839, 2840, 2843, 2845, 2847a, 2847b, 2849a, 2849d, 2853c, 2853d, 2857, 2858, 2861, 2913, 2914b, 2915, 2916b, 2916c, 2919c, 2925, 2928, 2929, 2933, 2935, 2948, 2949, 2959d, 2960d, 2962, 2981, 2995, 2996, 2997, 3002, 3003c, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3023); Ukraine (1050d); Uruguay (2540, 2543, 2545, 2546, 2547); Vanuatu (1096)
Writers & Literature
Iceland (1396); Luxembourg (1430); Ukraine (1053); Uruguay (2550)
St. Thomas & Prince Islands (2917a)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Latvia (850a), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
US Stamps
Feb 10, 2025, 4 PMThe Order of the Iron Cross
US Stamps
Feb 10, 2025, 1 PMDahlias and Baby Animals stamps to be issued at shows
US Stamps
Feb 7, 2025, 3 PMJanuary cartoon caption contest winner cleans the cockpit
Postal Updates
Feb 6, 2025, 6 PMLoveland’s remailing program celebrates 79 years