By Topic - July 2018

The new stamp-issue listings from the Scott New Issues Update in the July 16, 2018 Linn's Stamp News Monthly Edition fall into the following popular topical collecting areas.
Antarctic & Arctic
Spain (4254)
Albania (3011); Algeria (1715-1717, 1723, 1725-1726, 1734a); Benin (1499); Burkina Faso (1322, 1324, 1374); Cambodia (2355, 2416); Italy (3467, 3468, 3469, 3471, 3472-3474, 3475, 3476, 3482, 3483, 3486, 3488); Lesotho (1431); Saudi Arabia (990B, 1456, 1459, 1461, 1463); Serbia (797b, 799, 806); Singapore (1844, 1845, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1855, 1856, 1861, 1880-1883, 1888, 1889-1891); Slovakia (781); Slovenia (1256, 1261, 1264); Spain (4239-4241, 4255, 4258, 4259, 4265, 4267); Sri Lanka (2114, 2115, 2119, 2119a, 2129); Sudan (664-666); Surinam (1511); Sweden (2816a); Switzerland (1654, 1664, 1666, 1677-1680, 1681, B791a); Thailand (2960-2963, 2981); Togo (2081-2082, 2083); Trinidad & Tobago (917, 924, 925-926, 927d, 927e, 927j); Turkey (3552, 3553, 3554, 3556, 3561, 3572, 3578, 3587, 3588, B318, B319); Tuvalu (1388a); Uganda (2155, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2171, 2172); Ukraine (1109-1110, 1118, 1119c, 1119d, 1120, 1121, 1134, 1138b, 1138d, 1139); Vatican City (1679, 1680-1681, 1686); Viet Nam (3580, 3581, 3582, 3583, 3587-3588)
Singapore (1888); Spain (4267); Sri Lanka (2117a); Switzerland (1681-1682, B793); Thailand (2960, 2963); Turkey (3554, B318); Uganda (2154); Vatican City (1680-1681)
Slovakia (782); Spain (4256, 4265a); Switzerland (B793-B794); Turkey (3548-3549, 3588b); Ukraine (1096-1098, 1097a, 1098a, 1138)
Sri Lanka (2111); Sweden (2813-2815, 2815f)
Albania (3008-3015); Serbia (797d, 810); Spain (4240, 4261)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips
Ukraine (1139-1142)
Caricatures, Cartoon Art & Comic Strips: Disney
Italy (3480-3481)
Children’s Art
Algeria (1723); Serbia (792); Spain (4262); Sri Lanka (2123-2124, 2124a)
Burkina Faso (1372-1373); Italy (3490); Russia (7908); Serbia (795); Slovakia (778, 779, 779a); Spain (4264, 4269); Tanzania (2808-2810, 2815-2816); Ukraine (1107, 1109-1110, 1135); Vatican City (1678)
Pottery, Ceramics & Other Media
Albania (3006-3007); Switzerland (1665); Syria (1758, 1759a, 1759e, 1759g, 1759k); Uganda (2158)
Sculpture & Statues
Malagasy Republic (1652j); Slovakia (783); Spain (4241); Syria (1759d, 1759e, 1759j, 1759k); Thailand (2982); Turkey (3558. 3559, 3560, 3578, B317); Ukraine (1119, 1120, 1138d); Vatican City (1682-1685); Viet Nam (3577-3580)
Airplanes, Gliders & Helicopters
Turkey (B320, B321, B322, B323); Ukraine (1112, 1132); Vanuatu (1103)
Burkina Faso (1374); Italy (3486); Singapore (1843, 1846, 1849, 1880); Switzerland (1675); Ukraine (1122)
Black Americans
Tanzania (2800, 2801c); Tuvalu (1404)
Albania (3013); Algeria (1723, 1724); Burkina Faso (1374); Italy (3489, 3491); Serbia (RA85); Singapore (1843, 1844, 1845, 1848, 1849); Spain (4251); Sri Lanka (2112); Switzerland (B789-B790, B790a, B790b); Tanzania (2800f, 2801a, 2802b, 2802c, 2802f, 2804, 2806a, 2807); Trinidad & Tobago (926); Turkey (3551); Ukraine (1124, 1125, 1141); United Nations (Geneva) (651); Viet Nam (3583)
Coins & Currency
Spain (4259); United Nations (Vienna) (621)
Endangered Species
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Tajikistan (473-476, 476a)
Switzerland (1681-1682); Turkey (3548-3549); Ukraine (1096-1098, 1097a, 1098a); Vatican City (1680-1681)
Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology
Italy (3489); Serbia (802-803); Singapore (1863-1874, 1874a, 1875-1879); Slovenia (1259); Sri Lanka (2115); Tanzania (2821-2822); Tonga (1331-1332, 1332a); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (367-368, 368a); Ukraine (1095, 1104, 1104a, 1104b); Vanuatu (1104-1105, 1105a); Vatican City (1682, 1685); Viet Nam (3584-3585)
Famous People
Algeria Fidel Castro (1735); Saudi Arabia Donald Trump (1460); Tanzania Barack Obama (2800a, 2801c); Donald Trump (2800a, 2801), Mike Pence (2801b); Tuvalu Donald Trump (1403b, 1404b, 1404f, 1405d, 1406c), Mike Pence (1404b, 1406a), Barack Obama (1404c, 1404g), Joe Biden (1404c); Viet Nam Lenin (3582), Ho Chi Minh (3583)
Tanzania (2802-2803)
Canada (3098, 3098a); Saudi Arabia (1454, 1457, 1458); Serbia (795); Singapore (1852-1856, 1859); Spain (4260); Thailand (2964, 2966, 2979, 2981, 2982); Tuvalu (1407)
Royalty: Princess Diana
Tanzania (2804-2805)
Land Mammals
Algeria (1721); Andorra (Spanish) (444); Italy (3480-3481); Malagasy Republic (1652a, 1652f, 1652h, 1652i, 1652j); Serbia (798b, 798d, 802-803, 805); Singapore (1836, 1837, 1846, 1849); South Africa (F4); Spain (4239, 4241, 4262); Sri Lanka (2123-2124, 2124a); Sudan (656); Surinam (1525, 1527); Sweden (2810b, 2810f); Switzerland (1656, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1670a); Tajikistan (473-476, 476a, 485c); Tanzania (2808, 2810, 2811-2812, 2816, 2821-2822); Trinidad & Tobago (926); Uganda (2153-2162, 2173-2185); Ukraine (1095c, 1119, 1129, 1136); United Nations (Vienna) (621)
Land Mammals: Bats
Tonga (1333c); Ukraine (1095s)
Land Mammals: Cats
Albania (3004-3005); Italy (3479, 3489); Serbia (792, 798c, 802-803); Singapore (1835); Spain (4241, 4258); Sri Lanka (2115, 2119a, 2122a); Tajikistan (473-476, 476a); Tanzania (2806-2807, 2813-2814, 2815b, 2815e); Turkey (3574); Ukraine (1101, 1101a, 1129, 1140, 1142)
Land Mammals: Dogs
Italy (3480, 3481c, 3481d, 3481f); Serbia (802-803); Singapore (1835, 1849, 1875-1879); Slovenia (1259); Tajikistan (485c); Tanzania (2822c); Tonga (1331-1332, 1332a); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (367-368, 368a); Turkey (3573, 3576); Ukraine (1125, 1136); Vanuatu (1104-1105, 1105a); Viet Nam (3584-3585)
Land Mammals: Elephants
Tanzania (2815)
Land Mammals: Horses
Albania (3010); Algeria (1721); Burkina Faso (1376); Serbia (802-803); Spain (4263); Sudan (665); Switzerland (1680); Tajikistan (484-485); Thailand (2982); Turkey (3562, 3566, 3575); Ukraine (1097a, 1098a, 1104, 1104a, 1104b, 1107, 1110, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1129c, 1138, 1139)
Sea Mammals
Tuvalu (1393-1394); Ukraine (1094, 1106)
Sea Mammals: Whales
Tonga (1333d)
Algeria (1715-1717); Italy (3492); Malagasy Republic (1652i); Poland (4329); Saudi Arabia (1454); Serbia (797e, 798a, 802-803, 805); Singapore (1831-1834, 1838, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1849, 1851); Slovakia (778, 779, 779a, 787, 787a); Spain (4240); Sri Lanka (2124, 2124a, 2125-2128, 2128a); Surinam (1511a, 1516, 1518, 1520, 1521, 1523, 1528); Sweden (2810b, 2810f); Switzerland (1667, 1670a); Syria (1759d, 1759j); Tajikistan (475, 476a); Tanzania (2800-2801, 2802, 2815a, 2815d); Tonga (1326-1329); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (369b); Trinidad & Tobago (919); Turkey (3550, 3558, 3564-3567, 3580); Tuvalu (1406b); Uganda (2153-2162, 2163-2172, 2173-2185); Ukraine (1102, 1102a, 1102b, 1119d, 1120, 1122, 1129); Vanuatu (1103); Viet Nam (3574, 3578, 3579)
Canada (3099-3100, 3100a); Singapore (1833); Slovakia (778, 779, 779a); South Africa (1567); Spain (4240); Surinam (1522, 1526); Switzerland (1667, 1670a); Ukraine (1116)
Insects: Butterflies & Moths
Malawi (846-850); Surinam (1516-1527); Tajikistan (481, 483); Tonga (1332, 1332a); Trinidad & Tobago (920-922); Tuvalu (1395-1396)
Fish & Fishing
Malagasy Republic (1652d, 1652e, 1652i); Serbia (812); Singapore (1831, 1832, 1848, 1849, 1857-1858, 1858a); Turkey (3579); Tuvalu (1391-1392, 1397c, 1409, 1410); Ukraine (1094, 1139, 1141)
Fish & Fishing: Marine Life
Malagasy Republic (1652c); Singapore (1857-1858, 1858a); Tajikistan (474, 476a); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (369d); Tuvalu (1385-1386, 1391-1392, 1397-1398, 1408-1409, 1410); Ukraine (1094)
Fish & Fishing: Shells
Serbia (802-803); Tonga (1333a); Ukraine (1094, 1095d)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Surinam (1514, 1517, 1519); Tonga (1326-1329)
Other Terrestrial Life
United Nations (Geneva) (650)
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals
Slovenia (1263); South Africa (1568); Turkey (3552)
Fire Fighting
Ukraine (1130-1133)
Algeria (1715-1717, 1722, 1733, 1735); Benin (1499); Burkina Faso (1375); Lesotho (1431); Russia (7904); Saudi Arabia (1454, 1457, 1460); Slovakia (782); Spain (4254); Sri Lanka (2115, 2119a, 2122a); Switzerland (1656, 1661); Tanzania (2800-2801, 2802-2803); Tonga (1330); Trinidad & Tobago (916); Turkey (3548-3549, 3550, 3554, 3555, 3557, 3558, 3572, 3577, 3588, B325); Tuvalu (1403, 1404-1406); Uganda (2153-2162, 2163-2172, 2173-2185); Ukraine (1097a, 1098a, 1129, 1133, 1143); Vanuatu (1103); Viet Nam (3571, 3575-3576, 3582)
Malagasy Republic (1652a); South Africa (1570c); Sudan (657); Surinam (1516-1527); Tonga (1333b); Viet Nam (3572)
Poland (4327, 4331); Russia (7905); Singapore (1816b); Slovenia (1266, 1268-1271); South Africa (1567, F4b); Sri Lanka (2112); Sweden (2808, 2808f, 2810a, 2810b, 2810f); Switzerland (1663, 1679, 1670a); Tajikistan (482); Tanzania (2802e, 2805); Thailand (2967); Tonga (1331-1332, 1332a); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (367-368, 368a, 369c); Trinidad & Tobago (922); Turkey (3554, 3562, 3581-3586, O350-O354, O355-O363); Tuvalu (1395-1396); Ukraine (1099-1106, 1099a, 1099b, 1100a, 1100b, 1101a, 1102a, 1102b, 1103a, 1104a, 1104b, 1105a, 1113-1116, 1123, 1138, 1142); Vanuatu (1104-1105, 1105a); Viet Nam (3573, 3574, 3582)
Flowers: Orchids
Singapore (1850-1851); Surinam (1522); Tajikistan (483)
Flowers: Roses
Serbia (805); Tajikistan (481); Thailand (2983)
Fruits, Vegetables & Food Crops
Algeria (1728-1731); Burkina Faso (1376); Malagasy Republic (1652g, 1652i); Serbia (793-794); Singapore (18483, 1849); South Africa (1570d); Spain (4241, 4257); Surinam (1513); Tanzania (2806c, 2807); Trinidad & Tobago (927e, 927f, 927h, 927i); Turkey (3563, 3581-3586); Ukraine (1106, 1129); United Nations (Geneva) (651); Viet Nam (3572-3573)
Gems, Minerals & Jewelry
Algeria (1713); Malagasy Republic (1652f, 1652i); Singapore (1839-1842); Syria (1759c, 1759i); Thailand (2989); Ukraine (1137)
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Andorra (Spanish) (444); Burkina Faso (1376); Malagasy Republic (1652); Slovakia (782); Spain (4258); Switzerland (B795); Uganda (2153-2162); Ukraine (1099-1106, 1099a, 1099b, 1100a, 1100b, 1101a, 1102a, 1102b, 1103a, 1104a, 1104b, 1105a, 1119, 1121, 1138)
Holograms & 3-D
Switzerland (1655)
Poland (4333)
Maps & Globes
Algeria (1714, 1722, 1724, 1733); Italy (3479, 3482, 3483); Malagasy Republic (1647); Russia (7904); Saudi Arabia (1455, 1458); Serbia (796, 797a); Slovenia (1264, 1272); Spain (4254, 4256); Sri Lanka (2117a); Sudan (661-663); Sweden (2816a); Switzerland (1656, 1658, 1660a, B789, B790a, B790b); Thailand (2990); Turkey (3551, 3572); Uganda (2160); Ukraine (1129a); United Nations (Vienna) (620)
Serbia (797e); Spain (4255); Surinam (1515)
Albania (3008, 3015); Algeria (1721); Burkina Faso (1375); Central Africa (1502); Italy (3485, 3487); Poland (4329, 4333); Russia (7904, 7909); Saudi Arabia (1454); Serbia (807, 808, 809, 810); Slovakia (783); Surinam (1511); Tanzania (2802d, 2817); Thailand (2979b, 2979e, 2980a, 2990); Turkey (3556, B320-B325); Tuvalu (1387-1388, 1403); Ukraine (1111-1112, 1121, 1129b, 1134); Viet Nam (3571, 3575-3576, 3582)
Motor Vehicles
Algeria (1721e, 1723); Singapore (1844, 1849, 1862); Switzerland (1664); Tajikistan (486); Turkey (3556, B325); Ukraine (1111, 1130, 1131)
Italy (3489); Singapore (1880, 1883); Switzerland (1663)
Italy (3489); Turkey (3567)
Surinam (1510); Ukraine (1095)
Nobel Prize
Serbia (797f); Tanzania (2800a, 2801c); Tuvalu (1404c, 1404g); Ukraine (1108)
Performing Arts
Spain (4240); Sri Lanka (2109, 2121-2122, 2122a); Trinidad & Tobago (927c, 927g); Uganda (2156); Ukraine (1123)
Algeria (1718-1719, 1726); Andorra (Spanish) (447); Burkina Faso (1370); Italy (3477); Russia (7904); Serbia (797e); Slovakia (776); Sweden (2810c, 2810e, 2810f); Switzerland (B790, B790a, B790b, B791b); Togo (1848Q, 1848W, 1990E, 1990G, 1990J, 1990L, 1990N, 2084); Trinidad & Tobago (916, 923, 925, 927h, 927i); Ukraine (1122, 1123, 1127, 1129b, 1129e)
Music: Rock Stars: Elvis
Tanzania (2817-2820); Tuvalu (1401)
Movies, Television & Stars
Italy (3484, 3488); Tuvalu (1401, 1407); Ukraine (1128)
Algeria (1715-1717, 1726); Serbia (806)
Spain (4263)
Turkey (3554)
Italy (3477); Serbia (796); Singapore (1816b, 1852-1856, 1862); Slovakia (781); Sri Lanka (2120); Switzerland (B791, B792, B795); United Nations (Vienna) (599g)
Algeria (1734); Serbia (797c)
Italy (3471); Saudi Arabia (1462); Sri Lanka (2114, 2116-2117, 2117a); Switzerland (1654, 1671-1673); Turkey (3552, 3554, 3572); Ukraine (1118)
Red Cross
Slovenia (RA66); Tanzania (2804a, 2804d)
Andorra (Spanish) (444, 447); Burkina Faso (1372-1373); Cambodia (2355, 2416); Italy (3467, 3472-3474, 3478); Poland (4327, 4329, 4330); Saudi Arabia (990B, 1456, 1461, 1463); Serbia (804-805, RA86); Singapore (1881, 1883, 1891); Slovakia (776, 787, 787a); Slovenia (1265-1267); Spain (4255, 4259, 5265b, 4265c); Sri Lanka (2108, 2119, 2119a, 2129); Sudan (666); Switzerland (1666); Thailand (2989); Togo (2083); Trinidad & Tobago (916); Turkey (3554); Uganda (2153-2162); Ukraine (1104, 1104a, 1104b, 1121a, 1138b, 1139); Vatican City (1678, 1679, 1680-1681, 1684, 1686); Viet Nam (3587-3588)
Italy (3490-3491); Serbia (793-794); Slovakia (777-779, 779a); Sri Lanka (2123-2124, 2124a); Sweden (2809-2810, 2810f); Switzerland (1657-1660, 1660a); Tonga (1333); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (369); Trinidad & Tobago (923, 924, 925-926); Ukraine (1136)
Uganda (2160, 2163-2172)
Science & Technology
Algeria (1727); Italy (3476); Serbia (811); Slovenia (1262); South Africa (1571); Ukraine (1108)
Burkina Faso (1322, 1324); Switzerland (1665); Syria (1758-1759, 1759f); Tanzania (2808-2810); Turkey (3578)
Tajikistan (487a)
Computers & Mathematics
Albania (3016); Algeria (1724); Slovenia (1258); Spain (4269); Sweden (2812-2813)
Earth Science & Earth Features
Italy (3470); Malagasy Republic (1652a); South Africa (F4); Spain (4241); Surinam (1512); Thailand (2960-2963); Turkey (3562, 3579-3580); Tuvalu (1397-1398, 1399-1400); Ukraine (1121b, 1121c, 1138c)
Earth Sciences & Earth Features: Waterfalls
Algeria (1720); Italy (3468); Surinam (1511a)
Algeria (1732); Spain (4251); Switzerland (1662, 1674); Tonga (1330); Ukraine (1113-1116, 1144); United Nations (1192-1193); United Nations (Geneva) (650-651); United Nations (Vienna) (620-621)
Service Organizations (Intl.)
Italy (3479); Tanzania (2806-2807)
Ships & Watercraft
Italy (3481a); Malagasy Republic (1652b, 1652d, 1652e); Singapore (1852, 1853, 1885, 1886, 1888); Spain (4240, 4241, 4256, 4268); Sri Lanka (2116, 2117a); Surinam (1529); Thailand (2960, 2961, 2962); Tonga (Niuafo’ou) (369a); Turkey (B324); Ukraine (1109-1110, 1129c, 1133); Viet Nam (3582)
Tajikistan (477, 487b, 487c); Tuvalu (1389-1390); United States (5283)
Canada (3101, 3101a); Spain (4266); Switzerland (1675, 1676); Tajikistan (484-485); Vanuatu (1103)
Vanuatu (1103d)
Vanuatu (1103i)
Poland (4328); Serbia (800-801); Slovakia (784, 786); Slovenia (1260); Switzerland (1661); Ukraine (1145)
Tajikistan (478-480); Vanuatu (1103f)
Stamps On Stamps
Saudi Arabia (1455); Singapore (1816b, 1852-1856, 1859); Slovakia (781); Sri Lanka (2120); Sudan (661-663); Switzerland (B792, B795)
Albania (3016); Singapore (1863b, 1871, 1874a); Slovenia (1255); Sweden (2807); Switzerland (1659, 1660a); Tajikistan (477); Tanzania (2802a, 2802c); Turkey (3566)
Albania (3014); Slovakia (787, 787a); Sudan (657); Thailand (2996); Turkey (O364-O372); Ukraine (1117)
Native Costumes
Spain (4255); Sri Lanka (2109, 2121-2122, 2122a); Tajikistan (477); Trinidad & Tobago (927); Turkey (3559, 3565); Tuvalu (1387b, 1388b); Uganda (2156); Ukraine (1107, 1119a, 1123-1126, 1129, 1139, 1140, 1143)
Toys & Games
Ukraine (1138)
United Nations
Burkina Faso (1322, 1324); Cambodia (2355); Spain (4259); Turkey (3578); Viet Nam (3577-3580)
Universal Postal Union
Turkey (3564-3567)
South Africa (1570)
Albania (3009, 3012, 3014); Algeria (1718-1719); Burkina Faso (1374); Canada (3098, 3098a); Italy (3476, 3478); Poland (4329, 4333); Serbia (796, 809, 810); Singapore (1816b, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852-1856, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1880, 1881, 1884, 1888); Slovenia (1255, RA66); South Africa (1569, 1572); Spain (4240, 4251, 4261, 4269); Sri Lanka (2112, 2113); Sudan (657); Switzerland (1673, 1674, 1677, 1679); Syria (1759d, 1759j); Tanzania (2800-2801, 2802a, 2802e, 2802f, 2804-2805); Thailand (2978); Togo (1848Q, 1848W, 1990E, 1990G, 1990J, 1990L, 1990N); Trinidad & Tobago (924, 925, 927); Tuvalu (1403, 1404-1406, 1407); Ukraine (1117, 1119a, 1120, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1139, 1141); United Nations (Vienna) (620); United States (5283); Vanuatu (1103c, 1103e, 1103j, 1103l, 1103n); Vatican City (1686)
Writers & Literature
Algeria (1736); Andorra (Spanish) (445); Russia (7908); Serbia (797e, 797f); Slovakia (788); Slovenia (1257); Sri Lanka (2118); Turkey (3577)
Singapore (1849)
Unaccompanied minors, such as Saudi Arabia (1408d), will only appear in By Topic listings that differ from those of the original stamps.
Number changes: To stamps in 2019 Catalogue, Benin (1495-1496 become 1497-1498, 1497-1499 become 1500-1502); to stamps in Nov. 20, 2017 update, Sri Lanka (2087 becomes 2016a, 2087a-2087t become 2087-2106); to stamps in Jan. 15, 2018 update, Sri Lanka (2088 becomes 2107); to stamps 2018 Catalogue; Togo (1990E becomes 1990F, 1990F becomes 1990H, 1990G becomes 1990I, 1990H becomes 1990K, 1990I becomes 1990M, 1990J becomes 1990O).
Postal Updates
Feb 13, 2025, 6 PMUSPS to continue accepting mail from China and Hong Kong
US Stamps
Feb 13, 2025, 2 PMCelebrity appearances at Allen Toussaint stamp event
World Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 6 PMGreenland’s 2025 stamp program
US Stamps
Feb 12, 2025, 1 PMU.S. 2006 $1 Official mail stamp in demand