Apr 8, 2024, 07:45 AM
Buffalo Stamp Club commemorates 2024 solar eclipse
by Molly GoadAlmost seven years have elapsed since the last cross-country solar eclipse in the United States. This year’s spectacle was expected to surpass its predecessor in both scale and duration. -
Apr 3, 2024, 10:00 AM
USPS letter carriers recall traumatizing attacks while doing their jobs
by Allen AbelMembers of both parties in the House of Representatives have come together to pledge their support for a proposed piece of legislation dubbed the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act. -
Apr 1, 2024, 12:00 PM
Massive USPS mail disruptions descend on Atlanta
by Allen AbelThe Atlanta metropolitan area replaced beleaguered Houston as an epicenter of infuriating and unexplained mail disruptions in mid-March. -
Mar 26, 2024, 10:45 AM
Letters to first lady Betty Ford recall her decision to support the Equal Rights Amendment
by Allen AbelMany of the messages were appreciative, some were censorious, and some still bubble with the feminist awakening of the times. -
Mar 23, 2024, 10:00 AM
Historic Carpenters’ Hall on Norpex 2024 show cancel
by Molly GoadA Norwalk, Conn., postmark displays Carpenters’ Hall, the historic building where the First Continental Congress took place 250 years ago in Philadelphia. -
Mar 19, 2024, 08:30 AM
Meet the Maryland teacher who narrowly avoided the 1986 ‘Challenger’ disaster
by Allen AbelA collector since childhood, teacher Kathleen Anne Beres once shared a dream of liftoff with millions of other members of her space-mad generation. -
Mar 12, 2024, 09:15 AM
When pursuing pictorial postmarks goes south
by Jay BigalkeInformation about philatelic postmarks is available in the Postal Operations Manual. -
Mar 10, 2024, 11:00 AM
George Washington Masonic Club marks legacy with annual postmark
by Molly GoadFormally organized in the fall of 1956, the George Washington Masonic Stamp Club has a rich history. -
Mar 7, 2024, 08:30 AM
Mail-in voting receives poor reception from attendees at conference near Washington, D.C.
by Allen AbelThe lively and colorful gathering is known officially as the Conservative Political Action Conference. -
Feb 29, 2024, 08:15 AM
Remembering the legacy of Underground Railroad operative William Still and his family
by Allen AbelOn March 9, William Still was one of 10 19th-century Americans to be honored on a set of United States forever commemorative stamps honoring operatives on the Underground Railroad. -
Feb 23, 2024, 09:00 AM
USPS aims to reduce emissions from fuel and electricity
by Allen AbelThe proposed emissions reductions are part of the Postal Service’s efforts to apply a bright green tint to its plans to pay fewer employees to work out of fewer buildings and to charter fewer fast but high-polluting aircraft to carry the mail. -
Feb 22, 2024, 11:30 AM
Puerto Rico’s El Capitolio celebrates 95 years
by Molly GoadThe Capitol of Puerto Rico is also known as El Capitolio and the House or Palace of Laws. -
Feb 19, 2024, 13:00 PM
Chaos plagues USPS operations in Houston area
by Allen AbelAccording to local news reports, thousands of Texans have been affected since December 2023 by cascading equipment failures and staffing shortfalls at USPS processing plants in North Houston and Missouri City. -
Feb 14, 2024, 11:30 AM
Postmark displays route for 66th Hashknife Pony Express
by Molly GoadThe Hashknife, originally a tool for cutting meat, became a brand in Texas and was later adopted by the Aztec Land and Cattle Co. in Holbrook in 1866. -
Feb 8, 2024, 08:15 AM
A reminiscence about the FDR Station post office in New York City
by Allen AbelLinn's Washington correspondent Allen Abel fondly recalls working at the FDR Station post office in New York City more than 50 years ago. -
Feb 5, 2024, 08:15 AM
USPS unveils first electric delivery trucks, charging stations in Atlanta
by Allen AbelThe unveiling did not feature any of the specially designed vehicles that the USPS has commissioned to form the majority of its future delivery fleet. -
Feb 1, 2024, 10:45 AM
Mercury leak in Missouri delays USPS first-class mail
by Allen AbelOnly 85.4 percent of first-class mail had been delivered on time during the first quarter of fiscal year 2024, as measured against the USPS service standard, the USPS said. -
Jan 30, 2024, 12:00 PM
The tiny post office in Armstrong, Texas, with ties to a wealthy ranch family
by Allen AbelThe Armstrong post office endures, even though it was officially shuttered by the USPS on Nov. 4, 2011. -
Jan 29, 2024, 11:15 AM
Florida judge rules ban on guns in U.S. post offices is unconstitutional
by Allen AbelThe case involves a USPS truck driver who was arrested after entering a Tampa, Fla., postal facility with a pistol in a fanny pack. -
Jan 15, 2024, 08:15 AM
Consequential 1978 court case connected ‘Sports Illustrated’ reporter to Constance Baker Motley
by Allen AbelMelissa Ludtke, then a young journalist for Sports Illustrated, was compelled to sue for the right to practice her chosen profession in the same room and with the same privileges as a man.
US Stamps Feb 10, 2025, 8 AM
Dahlias and Baby Animals stamps to be issued at shows
US Stamps Feb 7, 2025, 10 AM
January cartoon caption contest winner cleans the cockpit
Postal Updates Feb 6, 2025, 1 PM
Loveland’s remailing program celebrates 79 years
US Stamps Feb 6, 2025, 9 AM
Dealer discovers imperforate error of U.S. 1997 32¢ Humphrey Bogart stamp