Postal Updates

Four postmarks commemorate 100 years of cacheted FDCs

Aug 28, 2023, 7 AM
George W. Linn’s work in creating the first cacheted first-day cover is honored on a series of four pictorial postmarks.

Postmark Pursuit by Molly Goad

The American First Day Cover Society sponsored four different pictorial postmarks celebrating the 100th anniversary of cacheted first-day covers.

The postmarks were issued each day of the Great American Stamp Show Aug. 10-13 in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Aug. 10 postmark shown nearby shows an image of George W. Linn. In addition to founding Linn’s Stamp News in 1928, Linn created the first cacheted FDC issued Sept. 1, 1923. The cover observed the death of President Warren G. Harding.

To obtain the postmarks in the series, address your requests to:

AMERICOVER Station, Cancellation Services/Pictorial Postmarks, 8300 NE Underground Drive, Pillar 210, Kansas City, MO 64144-9998.

— Aug. 10. (Shown nearby.)

— Aug. 11. (Letter addressed to George W. Linn.)

— Aug. 12. (A 2¢ Harding postage stamp.)

— Aug. 13. (Stamp, “First Day Covers, 100 Years.”)

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