US Stamps

Sea Surface Temperatures global forever stamp returns to sale

Oct 24, 2014, 10 AM

The United States nondenominated ($1.15) Sea Surface Temperatures global forever stamp issued April 22 has returned to sale at the U.S. Postal Service’s primary mail-order facility.

The United States nondenominated ($1.15) Sea Surface Temperatures global forever stamp (Scott 4893) has been returned to sale at Stamp Fulfillment Services after selling out in September.

The Stamp Fulfillment Services facility in Kansas City, Mo., is the primary mail-order division of the United States Postal Service.

USPS spokesman Mark Saunders told Linn’s in September that there were no plans to reprint the stamp, and he emphasized that again in an Oct. 21 statement, “We did not go back to press on this stamp issue.”

Saunders explained that with the consolidation and closing of stamp distribution centers, the remaining stock of the Sea Surface Temperatures stamp was sent to Stamp Fulfillment Services for “online fulfillment.”

The stamp returned to sale Oct. 20 on the USPS Postal Store website,

The initial print quantity for the Sea Surface Temperatures global forever stamp was 25 million.

The stamp, issued April 22, is sold in a pane of 10 and is the third U.S. global forever stamp.

Collectors looking for the Sea Surface Temperatures global forever stamp might also be able to find it still available at some local post offices.