US Stamps

Denver artist wins 32nd annual Conservation Stamp Art Competition

Apr 23, 2015, 8 AM


The following is a release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department:

(Cheyenne, Wyo.)  – Denver resident Dan Andrews’ painting of a swift fox was judged best in show at the April 10 judging of Wyoming’s 32nd annual Wyoming Conservation Stamp Art Competition.Andrews’ painting was selected by a panel of judges out of 58 entries from 22 states. Twenty-five Wyoming artists entered the competition this year.Each year the Game and Fish selects one species to be the subject of the competition and eventually appear on more than 100,000 conservation stamps.Andrews’ entry “Running Free” of a swift fox in full stride earned the $3,500 first place premium. Other artists placing in the competition: second place – Mickey Schilling, Loveland, Colo., $1,500; third – Sandra Izatt of Freedom, Wyo., $750.

Honorable mentions went to Bill Scheidt, Boerne, Tex., Renee Piskorski, Cheyenne, Nanci Avery, Windsor, Colo., Don Meinders, Otto, NC., and Rob Stine, Eutawville, SC.The paintings will be on display at the Game and Fish Headquarters through May15.Hours are 8 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.All but the first place paintings are available for purchase. The first, second and third place paintings plus five meriting honorable mention by the judges will soon be posted on the Game and Fish website conservation stamp paintings from previous years are on display at the Game and Fish headquarters in Cheyenne.Next year’s competition subject will be one of the most popular waterfowl species in Wyoming and the U.S., the mallard.

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