US Stamps
CHICAGOPEX 2015 Palmares Show yields plenty of winners, exhibits

By Colin Sallee
The 49th annual CHICAGOPEX wrapped up earlier this month in Itasca, IL.
The show featured four societies this year, one from Australia (Australasian Specialists/Oceania), India (The India Study Circle), and two from the states (The Eire Philatelic Association and The Institute for Analytical Philately)
Exhibitions, numerous bourses, and an awards ceremony highlighted the show.
Below is a full list of winners from a wide variety of categories feautured at this year's show.
Grand - President's Award
John Barwis Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails
Reserve Grand - Felix Ganz Award
David R. Pitts Bermuda: Postal History from the Early Days to the UPU
Single Frame Grand
Sandeep Jaiswal The 1904 Lithograph Issue of Jaipur
Larry T. Nix Hiram E. Deats - Philatelist & Collector Extraordinaire
Jerry H. Miller - German New Guinea 1888-1914
Richard Malmgren - Hawaii Foreign Mail Will and Abby Csaplar A License and Stamp System for Waterfowl Conservation in the 20th Century U.S
Robert Mustacich - Freak or Fake: A New Fingerprinting Method Distinguishes between Original and Fraudulent Extra Perforations on 19th Century RevenueStamps
P. D. Allen, MD PhD - Victorian Outgoing Indian Mail to Great Britain, Europe and the USA from October 1854-July 1876
Ralph H. Nafziger - The 3c 1948 Wisconsin Statehood Issue
Leonard H. Hartmann - The Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail of 1894
John A. Pare - The 1948 Wisconsin Issue: Production, First Day Covers, Postal Uses
Lawrence Haber - The Half-Penny (decimal) Machin
Robert P. Odenweller - New Zealand: The Pictorial Definitives of 1935-1947
Kathryn J. Johnson - Guardiola and Medina Issues of Honduras, 1903-1910
Steven Zwillinger - Indian Postal Stationery of Edward VII
John Barwis - Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails
K. Joe Youssefi - Classic Persia
Kathryn J. Johnson - Great Britain - Uses of the King George VI Definitive Series
Sandeep Jaiswal - British India Queen Victoria Postal Stationery
Alfredo Frohlich - Republic of Colombia - International Mail 1886-1899
Matthew W. Kewriga - Danish West Indies Foreign Mail: 1748-UPU
Irv Heimburger - The 1897-1902 Postage Stamp Designs of Ostrander Smith
Rob Faux - Postal History Featuring the 24 cent, 1861 Series Adhesive
Robert Schlesinger - 1938 Presidential Issue - Selected Rates
Alfred F. Kugel - The Germans in the Pacific--Postmarks & Unusual Items
Phillip J. Stager - Coconuts
Alexander Kolchinsky - Prisoners of the Great War Send Home Picture Postcards
Dr. Robert B. Pildes - The 1948 Do'Ar Ivri and Dmei Do'Ar Issue of Israel and Their Use
David R. Pitts - Bermuda: Postal History from the Early Days to the UPU
Sandeep Jaiswal - Indian Postal Stationery Issued During the Reign of King George VI
Stephen L. Suffet - The Twilight of the Prexies: 1954-1962
John Warren - Civil Censorship in India 1939-1945
Robert L. Glass - The Most Interesting Man in the World - Ernest Hemingway
Conrad Klinkner - Games of the Xth Olympiad, Los Angeles 1932
Leonard H. Hartmann Chicago Stampless to 1855
Raymond J. Pietruszka - The Dis-Union of the Soviet Union
Robert Gray - The Post Office of India During the World War I Era
Susan Jones - Searching for African Coelacanths
Leroy Crain - Ancient Egypt
Bill O Connor - A Visit to Ireland and The Irish International Exhibition, Dublin 1907 – As
Seen Through the Picture Postcards of the Time
Douglas Sandler - Worldwide Postal Strikes 1890-2011
Dr. Donald B. Dahm - Great Britain: The "Jubilee Issue"
Silver Bronze
Liam Malone - Wild Flowers Definitives of Ireland
Sandeep Jaiswal - The 1904 Lithograph Issue of Jaipur
Francois Guillotin - French Revenue Stamps Taxing Pharmacuetical Specialties 1918-1934
Richard M. Hanchett - Late Mail Strikes on 19th Century Indian Mail
Dr. Andrew Ward - Insufficiently Pre-Paid Mail of the Fiji Islands
Robert Mustacich - Scarce Extremes on Document of Pre-WWI Documentary Revenues
Mark Schwartz - Boston's "Paid in Grid" Cancels - U.S. Imperforate Issues: 1847-1856
Paul Larsen - Leeward Islands Federal Postal Stationery of the King George V Reign
Marc E. Gonzales - Forgeries of Mexico's First Design
Ed Fitch - Great Lakes Naval Station
Kathryn J. Johnson - Changing uses of the Money Order & Savings Bank Postmarks of Ceylon
Raymond Murphy - Official Mail of the Provisional Government and the Irish Free State
Alfred F. Kugel - British Forces in Ireland 1920-1922
American Philatelic Society Research Medal
Lawrence Haber --- The Half-Penny (decimal) Machin
American Philatelic Society Post 1980 Medal of Excellence
Raymond J. Pietruszka --- The Dis-Union of the Soviet Union
American Philatelic Society 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence
Lawrence Haber --- The Half-Penny (decimal) Machine
American Philatelic Society 1900-1940 Medal of Excellence
Robert P. Odenweller --- New Zealand: The Pictorial Definitives of 1935-1947
American Philatelic Society Pre-1900 Medal of Excellence
Richard Malmgren - Hawaii Foreign Mail
Best Exhibit by A Chicago Philatelic Society Member
Richard Malmgren --- Hawaii Foreign Mail
Chicago Philatelic Society Novice Award
Francois Guillotin --- French Revenue Stamps Taxing Pharmacuetical Specialties 1918-1934
Collectors Club of Chicago Award
K. Joe Youssefi --- Classic Persia
ISC Best 19th Century India
P. D. Allen, MD PhD --- Victorian Outgoing Indian Mail to Great Britain, Europe and the USA from October 1854-July 1876
ISC Best 20th Century India
Sandeep Jaiswal ---The 1904 Lithograph Issue of Jaipur
ISC Best India Postal Stationery
Sandeep Jaiswal --- British India Queen Victoria Postal Stationery
ISC Best One-Frame India
Sandeep Jaiswal --- The 1904 Lithograph Issue of Jaipur
Best Single-Frame Irish Exhibit
Raymond Murphy --- Official Mail of the Provisional Government and the Irish Free State 1922-1937
Joseph E. Foley Memorial Medal for the Best Irish Exhibit
Bill O Connor --- A Visit to Ireland and The Irish International Exhibition, Dublin 1907 – As
Seen Through the Picture Postcards of the Time
Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award
Alfred F. Kugel --- British Forces in Ireland 1920-1922
United States Stamp Society Medal
Irv Heimburger --- The 1897-1902 Postage Stamp Designs of Ostrander Smith
United States Philatelic Classics Society Medal
Rob Faux --- Postal History Featuring the 24 cent, 1861 Series Adhesive
United States Cancellations Club Award
Mark Schwartz --- Boston's "Paid in Grid" Cancels - U.S. Imperforate Issues: 1847-1856
Postal History Society Medal
David R. Pitts --- Bermuda: Postal History from the Early Days to the UPU
Military Postal History Society Award
Alexander Kolchinsky --- Prisoners of the Great War Send Home Picture Postcards
United States Postal Stationery Society-Marcus White Award
Sandeep Jaiswal --- British India Queen Victoria Postal Stationery
Lighthouse Stamp Society Award
P. D. Allen, MD PhD Victorian Outgoing Indian Mail to Great Britain, Europe and the USA from
October 1854-July 1876
American Topical Association Medal
Phillip J. Stager --- Coconuts
American Revenue Association
Will and Abby Csaplar --- A License and Stamp System for Waterfowl Conservation in the 20th Century U.S.
American Philatelic Congress Award
John Barwis --- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Excellence-Plans and Headings
Lawrence Haber --- The Half-Penny (decimal) Machin
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
Susan Jones --- Searching for African Coelacanths
Will and Abby Csaplar --- A License and Stamp System for Waterfowl Conservation in the 20th Century U.S.
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Award
Robert Mustacich --- Freak or Fake: A New Fingerprinting Method Distinguishes between Original and
Fraudulent Extra Perforations on 19th Century Revenue Stamps
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
Marc E. Gonzales --- Forgeries of Mexico's First Design
Eire Philatelic - Eire Philatelic Association
Northwest Stamp - Club Northwest Stamp Club
Park Forest Stamp Club - Park Forest Stamp Club
Chicagoland Chapter #5 - German Philatelic Society
Glen Ellyn Philatelic Club - Glen Ellyn Philatelic Club
K. Joe Youssefi- India Postal Agencies in Persia
CHICAGOPEX 2015 Jury Members
W. Danforth Walker , Jury Chairman
Michael J. Ley, Judge
Jonas Hallstrom, Judge
James P. Gough, Judge
Dr. Mark E. Banchik, Judge
Regis M. Hoffman, Apprentice Judge
Raymond Murphy --- Encyclopedia of Jamaican Philately, Vol 9: Military, censored and patriotic mails and Paul Farrimond
Richard T. Hall --- Philately of Switzerland: An introductory handbook, 2nd edition
Collectors Club of Chicago --- The prestamp period of El Salavador (1525-1866)
Michael D. Roberts --- Mexicana
Robert G. Rose --- NJPH, The Journal of New Jersey Postal History Society
Diane DeBlois & Robert Dalton Harris --- Postal History Journal
Nikolai Sorokin --- Rossica Journal
Vickie Canfield Peters --- Airpost Journal
Michael Mahler --- The American Revenuer
Eastern Auctions Ltd. --- British Columbia & Vancouver Island: The Jack Wallace Collection
Robert Conley --- Pennsylvania Local Deed Tax Stamps Catalog
Phillip J. Stager --- Mine to Mill, Part 1
Paul R. Lee II --- Parks, Postmarks and Postmasters: Post offices within the National Park System
David Wrisley --- State Revenue News
William T. Harris III --- The Circuit
Neil Donen --- The Flagstaff: Journal of King George V Silver Jubilee Study Circle
Peter Thy --- Forerunners
Prem Chand Jaiswal --- Philcent India 2014-15
Alexander Kolchinski --- Stalin on stamps and other philatelic materials: Design, propaganda, politics
Alan Borer --- Ohio Postal History Journal
Blanton Clement Jr. --- Journal of United Nations Philatelists
Martin Oakes --- The New CartoPhilatelists
Silver Bronze
Douglas Sandler --- Handbook of Postal Strikes 1890-2014
John Kevin Doyle Grand Award
Raymond Murphy --- Encyclopedia of Jamaican Philately, Vol 9: Military, censored and patriotic mails
Paul Farrimond
CHICAGOPEX 2015 Literature Jury Members
John Hotchner, Jury Chairman --- Falls Church, VA
Kenneth Trettin, Judge --- Rockford, IA
Alan Warren, Judge --- Exton, PA
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