US Stamps

No speedy delivery for letter to Brennan

Feb 4, 2015, 3 AM

Poor Express Mail service delayed delivery of a critical letter from three former members of the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee to Postmaster General Megan Brennan.

The letter was presented to the post office in Clayton, N.Y., on Jan. 31 and was guaranteed to be delivered by 3 p.m. Feb. 2 to Brennan’s office at L’Enfant Plaza in Washington.

But, according to USPS tracking information supplied by Cary Brick, who posted the letter, it wasn't expected to arrive at Brennan’s office until sometime Feb. 5.

Despite the USPS guaranteed delivery, the letter did not arrive at a Dulles postal facility outside Washington until Feb. 3.

Brick said he was stunned by the scheduled late delivery of his letter.

He was given a $19.99 refund when he went to the Clayton Post Office to pick up his mail.  

The Clayton Post Office expeditiously placed the letter in the mail Jan. 31, Brick told Linn's.

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