US Stamps

One of those free 2013 upright Jenny Invert panes focus of stamp show exhibit

Feb 4, 2015, 9 AM

This 2013 upright $2 Jenny Invert pane was recevied by a lucky Atlanta collector in December.

A 2013 upright $2 Jenny Invert pane that was mailed at random by the U.S. Postal Service to a lucky Atlanta collector in December was on display at a recent stamp show in Georgia.

A committee of volunteers put together an exhibit for the Southeastern Stamp Expo in Norcross, Ga., that included Jenny-related material, including the original Scott C1-C3 stamps, the story of the 1919 Jenny Invert, the souvenir 2013 Jenny Invert sheet, and then, the main event, the 2013 upright Jenny Invert pane.

The exhibit also features quite a few clips from Linn's Stamp News, including this article about the upright pane mailed to the Atlanta collector.

Have a look:

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