World Stamps

'Strange Stamp Squad' returns, Canadian flag turns 50: Week's Most Read

Feb 20, 2015, 7 AM

What country issued this stamp? The answer is hidden in the stamp’s design.

It’s time to catch up on the week that was in stamp-collecting insights and news.

Linn's Stamp News is looking back at its five most-read stories of the week, according to reader metrics. 

Click the links to read the stories. Here they are, in reverse order: 

5. Canada’s Maple Leaf flag celebrates 50th anniversary: Fifty years to the day after it first ran up the flagpole on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada — the red Maple Leaf flag was honored by Canada Post.

4. A new look for royal definitives from three countries: Recent royal definitive stamps from the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden feature a new crown, a new monarch and new portraits, respectively.

3. British Honduras World War I stamps with moire overprints: The effects of the war reached across the seas to create an unusual set of stamps for the colony.

2. Many stamp societies make their journals available online: A few groups make all their journals available to everyone, but most restrict the publications to members only. 

1. ‘Strange Stamp Squad' investigates migraine-inducing new issue: If you stare at it long enough, you may figure out the issuing country and the denomination.

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Editor's note: Metrics were measured between Friday, Feb. 13, and 12:42 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20.