US Stamps
How to attract young people to stamp collecting: Linn's Buzz

1. Growing the hobby
In a blog post Tuesday, Robert Rabinowitz made suggestions about how to bring more young people into the stamp-collecting hobby, including first-class stamps commemorating current events, a focus on sports-themed stamps, and bulk-rate coil stamps with attractive designs.
The question on how to grow the hobby among young people was then put to our Facebook fans. Here's what we've heard so far:
Rey Aguilar: "Issue fun and informative stamp albums in restaurant kid meals. Also advertise collecting stamps on popular channels such as Disney and Nickelodeon."
Mike Webb: "Since all of the new issues are those damnable stickers, let kids collect them in sticker books. Apply the sticker 'stamps' directly to the sticker album page. Make attractive sticker 'albums' at a very low cost and available everywhere. After that a lot of the sticker collectors will learn about the wonderful experience of real stamp collecting."
More Mike Webb: "Sell all commemorative stamps for 10 cents. So what if you actually have to use four of them to pay the first class rate."
What's your answer? Tell us in the comment section below!
2. High hopes for The King
Linn's associate editor Michael Baadke and Linn's Washington correspondent Bill McAllister were quoted in a Washington Post story on the new Elvis stamp being planned by the U.S. Postal Service.
3. Tasty new issue
The United States Postal Service will issue its four Summer Harvest forever stamps on July 11.
4. Stamp Market Tips
An unissued stamp from Macao is a good buy, write Henry Gitner and Rick Miller in their latest Linn's Stamp News column.
5. Today's most-viewed post so far
Stamp subjects should be relevant to attract today’s young people
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