US Stamps
Balpex stamp show in Maryland
By Linn's Staff
The 80th annual show of the Baltimore Philatelic Society will take place Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2 at the Hunt Valley Inn in Hunt Valley, Md.
New collectors, noncollectors and experienced philatelists are welcome.
Show hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. Parking is free, and admission is $5 per person for all three days.
The show website offers a coupon for $1 off the admission cost.
On Sunday, admission will be free for those ages 60 and higher, as well as for youth ages 16 and younger.
The show will include a youth room with free stamps and supplies for children.
The bourse (sales area) will feature more than 30 dealers from across the United States. The dealers will offer a wide range of philatelic and postal history material from numerous countries.
In addition, several philatelic organizations, including the Precancel Stamp Society and the Baltimore Philatelic Society, will have tables at the show.
Regional meetings of the following organizations are scheduled: American Topical Association, Chesapeake Cinderella Club, George Washington Masonic Stamp Club, Germany Philatelic Society Chapter 16 and the International Philippine Philatelic Society.
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Three societies are convening at Balpex: Eire Philatelic Society, Rossica Society of Russian Philately and the Vatican Philatelic Society. This show provides an opportunity for their members to enter exhibits into competition and share their knowledge.
Balpex is an American Philatelic Society World Series of Philately Show. The multiframe grand award winner will qualify to compete in the Champion of Champions exhibition at APS Stampshow 2019 Aug. 1-4 in Omaha, Neb. The single frame grand award winner may compete at APS Ameristamp Expo 2019 Feb. 15-17 in Mesa, Ariz.
The jury for exhibits at Balpex is led by Nancy Clark. Fellow judges are John Hotchner, Ray Pietruzska, Charles Verge, Pat Walker and Rick Gibson (apprentice).
The judges’ critique session will take place late Saturday afternoon, and awards for exhibiting will be presented Sunday morning. In addition, Walker will lead an open forum on exhibiting at 3 p.m. Saturday.
Also on Saturday, three sessions on soaking stamps off envelopes will be held. Several groups will conduct meetings on Saturday.
On Friday and Saturday nights, there will be a hospitality suite at the show hotel open to attendees.
To learn more about the Balpex stamp show, visit the show website.
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