US Stamps

2022 Scott U.S. Pocket catalog hot off the press

Dec 16, 2021, 1 PM

From the Scott Editors by Jay Bigalke

The end of the year brings a conclusion to the Scott 2022 editorial calendar with the new edition of the Scott United States Pocket Stamp Catalogue.

The 2022 Scott U.S. Pocket catalog, published in December this year because of a supply chain issue with its production, is the perfect size to bring with you to a stamp show or to use at home as a checklist, even though it won’t fit into most pockets.

The pages measure about 4 inches by 7 inches. The hardback cover conveniently lays flat, thanks to a durable wire-ring binding.

The pocket catalog provides a simplified version of the listings for U.S. stamps found in Vol. 1 of the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. In this edition of the pocket catalog, the illustrated listings include stamps issued through early July 2021.

The catalog is designed to be used as a quick reference guide or a handy checklist. Five small boxes are provided next to each listing for you to use to mark what you have in your collection. A space at the top of each page allows you to personalize the headings for your checkboxes.

Stamps are individually listed by Scott catalog number with retail values for an unused stamp and a used stamp. Along with thousands of regular-issue and commemorative postage stamps, the Scott U.S. Pocket catalog also lists airmail and special delivery stamps, postage dues, Official mail stamps, newspaper stamps, parcel post stamps, computer-vended postage, federal duck stamps and much more.

To purchase the 2022 Scott catalogs, contact your favorite dealer, or call Amos Media at 800-572-6885. Also visit Amos Advantage online.

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