US Stamps

Ameristamp Expo prospectus now available

Nov 3, 2014, 2 AM

The prospectus and entry forms are now available for APS Ameri­stamp Expo 2015, the annual winter stamp show of the American Philatelic Society.

The show will take place Feb. 13-15, 2015, in Riverside, Calif., at the Riverside Convention Center, 3637 5th Street.

The deadline for the receipt of completed entry forms and fees is Nov. 30. However, the APS notes that the Ameristamp Expo exhibition frequently is oversubscribed, so prompt submission of entries is recommended.

The exhibition will consist of approximately 300 frames of single-frame and nontraditional exhibits.

The show does not accept postal class adult multiframe exhibits such as traditional, postal history and so on.

Single-frame World Series of Philately grand-award winners of exhibits at shows with six or more single-frame exhibits automatically qualify for acceptance but must apply to exhibit.

Frames will be available for the most popular championship category; however, exhibiting applications must be submitted indicating this category.

The exhibit categories are single frame, cinderella, display, illustrated, postcard, single-frame championship, youth and noncompetitive.

The winner of the single-frame grand award will qualify to participate in the championship competition at APS Ameristamp Expo 2016 in Atlanta, Ga.

The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors is sponsoring a one-frame team competition in which five exhibitors join together to earn points through their individual exhibits. The exhibits need not be related. Individual points are then combined to create the team score. Participation on a team has no effect on single-frame entries in the open competition, and there is no extra fee. The team registration form and rules are available on the Ameristamp Expo website.

The Ameristamp Expo exhibit jury will be chaired by Ed Andrews of North Carolina, and will include Doug Clark (Mass.), Michael Dixon (Ore.), Yamil Kouri (Mass.), Ron Strawser (Texas), Jack Thompson (Calif.) and Kent Wilson (Montana). Henry Marquez (Calif.) will serve as apprentice judge.

Exhibitors can obtain the prospectus and entry form from the APS Ameristamp Expo website at; or by writing to the American Philatelic Society, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823-1367; calling 814-933-3803, extension 217; sending a fax to 814-933-6128; or sending an e-mail to Barb Johnson at