US Stamps
Finding town cancels to match your name
U.S. Stamp Notes — By John M. Hotchner
Preparing covers that bear town cancellations that reflect your name can be quite a challenge. For some of us, it is an impossibility. For instance, no one on my father’s side has had a town named after them.
The two covers shown here uses local cancellations to mimic the names of Bill Wylie and Hortense Schaller. The cancellations are from Bill, Wyo.; Wylie, Texas; Hortense, Ga.; and Schaller, Iowa.
These covers were prepared in 1958-59. Now it is more difficult to come up with name matches because many smaller post offices have closed, and many others send all or most of their mail to regional postal facilities for cancellation, thus taking advantage of the benefits of automation.
Nor is it as inexpensive to do this in the era of 50¢ postage as it was in the era of 3¢ to 4¢ postage.
But for those who would like to personalize their collection or create an unusual souvenir for a friend, this is both a conversation piece and a gift that its safe to say no else will give.
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