US Stamps
Heritage Breeds, other recent U.S. stamps receive Scott numbers
Scott Catalog News by Charles Snee
Another month has passed, and that means it’s time to reveal another batch of new Scott catalog numbers.
The editors of the Scott catalogs each month assign catalog numbers to new issues from the United States, United Nations and postal services from around the world.
The new Scott numbers detailed here are for recently issued U.S. stamps. New Scott numbers for worldwide stamps are given in the Scott New Listings Update in the expanded monthly issue of Linn’s Stamp News.
Included in this month’s listings are Scott numbers for the 10 nondenominated (55¢) Heritage Breeds stamps issued May 17 at George Washington’s estate in Mount Vernon, Va. Minor-number listings are also provided for the imperforate Heritage Breeds stamps from no-die-cut press sheets.
Also Scott official are the nondenominated (55¢) Go For Broke: Japanese American Soldiers of WWII stamp (perforated and imperforate), the quartet of nondenominated (55¢) stamps featuring paintings by Emilio Sanchez (perf. and imperf.), the nondenominated (36¢) Mallard Drake postal card, and the nondenominated (36¢+36¢) Mallard Drake paid reply postal card.
What do these Scott numbers signify? In short, each stamp’s listing in an upcoming edition of the 2022 Scott catalogs.
Having these numbers handy will allow you to easily locate these stamps in the Scott catalogs and learn about their production and values.
Now that you have some context, here are the new U.S. Scott numbers:
Scott Number Description
United States
5583 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Mulefoot hog
a. Imperforate
5584 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Wyandotte chicken
a. Imperforate
5585 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Milking Devon cow
a. Imperforate
5586 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Narragansett turkey
a. Imperforate
5587 (55c) Heritage Breeds – American Mammoth Jackstock donkey
a. Imperforate
5588 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Cotton Patch goose
a. Imperforate
5589 (55c) Heritage Breeds – San Clemente Island goat
a. Imperforate
5590 (55c) Heritage Breeds – American Cream draft horse
a. Imperforate
5591 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Cayuga duck
a. Imperforate
5592 (55c) Heritage Breeds – Barbados Blackbelly sheep
a. Imperforate
b. Block of 10, #5583-5592
c. Imperforate block of 10, #5583a-5592a
5593 (55c) Go For Broke
a. Imperforate
5594 (55c) Paintings by Emilio Sanchez – Los Toldos
a. Imperforate
5595 (55c) Paintings by Emilio Sanchez – Ty’s Place
a. Imperforate
5596 (55c) Paintings by Emilio Sanchez – En el Souk
a. Imperforate
5597 (55c) Paintings by Emilio Sanchez – Untitled (Ventanita Entreabierta)
a. Imperforate
b. Horiz. or vert. strip of 4, #5594-5597
c. Imperforate horiz. or vert. strip of 4, #5594a-5597a
UX648 (36c) Mallard Duck postal card
UY55 (36c+36c) Mallard Duck paid reply postal card
All of the numbers will appear in the Scott New Listings Update section of the July 19 Linn’s Stamp News. For further information, contact Martin J. Frankevicz.
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