US Stamps

Scott numbers for Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses, Backyard Games stamps

Oct 4, 2021, 10 AM
The Scott editors recently assigned catalog numbers to the five United States nondenominated (55¢) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses stamps that were issued Aug. 6 in Highlands, N.J.

Scott Catalog News by Charles Snee

Another month has passed, and that means it’s time to reveal another batch of new Scott catalog numbers.

The editors of the Scott catalogs each month assign catalog numbers to new issues from the United States, United Nations and postal services from around the world.

The new Scott numbers detailed here are for recently issued U.S. stamps. New Scott numbers for worldwide stamps are given in the Scott New Listings Update in the expanded monthly issue of Linn’s Stamp News.

Included in this month’s listings are Scott numbers for the five nondenominated (55¢) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses stamps issued Aug. 6 in Highlands, N.J., and the eight nondenominated (55¢) Backyard Games stamps issued Aug. 11 at the Great American Stamp Show in Rosemont, Ill. Minor-number listings are also provided for the imperforate varieties of these two issues from no-die-cut press sheets.

What do these Scott numbers signify? In short, each stamp’s listing in an upcoming edition of the 2023 Scott catalogs.

Having these numbers handy will allow you to easily locate these stamps in the Scott catalogs and learn about their production and values.

Now that you have some context, here are the new U.S. Scott numbers:

Scott Number               Description

United States

5621                            (55c) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses – Montauk Point Lighthouse

a.                                 Imperforate

5622                            (55c) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses – Navesink Twin Lighthouses

a.                                 Imperforate

5623                            (55c) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses – Erie Harbor Lighthouse

a.                                 Imperforate

5624                            (55c) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses – Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse

a.                                 Imperforate

5625                            (55c) Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses – Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse

a.                                 Imperforate

b.                                 Horiz. strip of 5, #5621-5625

c.                                 Imperforate strip of 5, #5621a-5625a

5626                            (55c) Missouri Statehood Bicentenary

a.                                 Imperforate

5627                            (55c) Backyard Games – Horseshoes

a.                                 Imperforate

5628                            (55c) Backyard Games – Bocce

a.                                 Imperforate

5629                            (55c) Backyard Games – Flying Disc

a.                                 Imperforate

5630                            (55c) Backyard Games – Croquet

a.                                 Imperforate

5631                            (55c) Backyard Games – Pick-up Baseball Variation

a.                                 Imperforate

5632                            (55c) Backyard Games – Tetherball

a.                                 Imperforate

5633                            (55c) Backyard Games – Badminton

a.                                 Imperforate

5634                            (55c) Backyard Games – Cornhole

a.                                 Imperforate

b.                                 Block of 8, #5626-5634

c.                                 Imperforate block of 8, #5626a-5634a

All of the numbers will appear in the Scott New Listings Update section of the Oct. 18 Linn’s Stamp News. For further information, contact Martin J. Frankevicz.

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