World Stamps
U.S. PTSD semipostal, U.N. stamps receive Scott catalog numbers

Scott Catalog News by Charles Snee
Another month has passed, and that means it’s time to reveal another batch of new Scott catalog numbers.
The editors of the Scott catalogs each month assign catalog numbers to new issues from the United States, United Nations and postal services from around the world.
The new Scott numbers detailed here are for U.S. and U.N. stamps issued during recent months. New Scott numbers for worldwide stamps are given in the Scott New Listings Update in the expanded monthly issue of Linn’s Stamp News.
Included in this month’s listings are Scott numbers for the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder semipostal stamp issued Dec. 2, 2019, and numerous stamps issued by the United Nations for use from its offices in New York, N.Y.; Geneva, Switzerland; and Vienna, Austria.
What do these Scott numbers signify? In short, each stamp's place in an upcoming edition of the 2021 Scott catalogs.
Having these numbers handy will allow you to easily locate these stamps in the catalogs and learn about their production and values.
Now that you have some context, here are the new U.S. Scott numbers:
Scott Number Description
United States
B7 (55c+10c) Healing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
United Nations – New York
1224 55c Climate Change – Mountain
1225 $1.15 Climate Change – Fish
1226 $1.15 Climate Change souvenir sheet – Polar bear
1227 $2.75 Mohandas K. Gandhi
1228 55c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Morro Castle
1229 $1.15 World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Vinales Valley
1230 World Heritage Sites in Cuba Souvenir Booklet
a. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Morro Castle
b. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Trinidad
c. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Camagüey
d. 55c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Vinales Valley
e. 55c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Cienfuegos
f. 55c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – San Pedro de la Rosa Castle
g. Booklet pane of 4 #1230a
h. Booklet pane of 4 #1230b
i. Booklet pane of 4 #1230c
j. Booklet pane of 4 #1230d
k. Booklet pane of 4 #1230e
l. Booklet pane of 4 #1230f
United Nations – Geneva
673 1fr Climate Change – Fruit tree and burnt forest
674 1.50fr Climate Change – Field of flowers and traffic jam
675 2fr Climate Change souvenir sheet – Clouds
676 United Nations Postal Administration in Geneva 50th Anniv. sheet of 10+10 labels
a. 1.50fr Palais des Nations and Armillary Sphere, green panels, + label
b. 1.50fr Palais des Nations and flags, gray panels, + label
c. 1.50fr Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, violet blue panels. + label
d. 1.50fr Meeting Room of Human Rights Council, light blue panels, + label
e. 1.50fr Armillary Sphere in reflecting pond and Lake Geneva, violet black panels, + label
f. 1.50fr Palais des Nations and flags, red panels, + label
g. 1.50fr Palais des Nations and flags, orange yellow panels, + label
h. 1.50fr Palais des Nations and United Nations flag, dark green panels, + label
i. 1.50fr Peacock, blue green panels, + label
j. 1.50fr Council Chamber, blue gray panels, + label
677 1fr World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Trinidad
678 1.50fr World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Cienfuegos
679 World Heritage Sites in Cuba Souvenir Booklet
a. 30c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Morro Castle
b. 30c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Trinidad
c. 30c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Camagüey
d. 50c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Vinales Valley
e. 50c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Cienfuegos
f. 50c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – San Pedro de la Rosa Castle
g. Booklet pane of 4 #679a
h. Booklet pane of 4 #679b
i. Booklet pane of 4 #679c
j. Booklet pane of 4 #679d
k. Booklet pane of 4 #679e
l. Booklet pane of 4 #679f
United Nations – Vienna
644 90c United Nations Postal Administration in Vienna, 50th Anniv. – Buildings, white sky, and frame, + label
645 90c United Nations Postal Administration in Vienna, 50th Anniv. – Buildings, white sky, no frame, + label
646 90c United Nations Postal Administration in Vienna, 50th Anniv. – Rainbow, dark background, + label
647 90c United Nations Postal Administration in Vienna, 50th Anniv. – Rainbow, white background, + label
648 90c United Nations Postal Administration in Vienna, 50th Anniv. – Buildings, brown sky and frame, + label
a. Vert. strip of 5, #644-648, + 5 labels
649 80c Climate Change – Canyon and mining operation
650 90c Climate Change – Clouds and smokestack
651 €1.80 Climate Change souvenir sheet – Fish and corals
652 1fr World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Camagüey
653 1.50fr World Heritage Sites in Cuba – San Pedro de la Rosa Castle
654 World Heritage Sites in Cuba Souvenir Booklet
a. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Morro Castle
b. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Trinidad
c. 35c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Camagüey
d. 40c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Vinales Valley
e. 40c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – Cienfuegos
f. 40c World Heritage Sites in Cuba – San Pedro de la Rosa Castle
g. Booklet pane of 4 #654a
h. Booklet pane of 4 #654b
i. Booklet pane of 4 #654c
j. Booklet pane of 4 #654d
k. Booklet pane of 4 #654e
l. Booklet pane of 4 #654f
U20 90c Vienna International Center stamped envelope
All of the numbers will appear in the Scott New Listings Update section of the Jan. 20 Linn’s Stamp News. For further information, contact Martin J. Frankevicz.
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