US Stamps

What's going on at the 2015 Texpex stamp show?

May 1, 2021, 5 PM

The following is a release from the organizers of the Texpex Stamp Show:

Texpex 2015, scheduled for Feb. 27 to March 1, will feature experts on several stamp collecting topics including aspects of the United States military as it relates to Texas history and a first day of issue ceremony for a new Stars and Stripes coil stamp.

Featured free public seminars include Thomas Lera, of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum; Iwo Jima expert Maj. Ted Bahry (USMC, Ret.); and Trish Kaufmann, a noted authority on Confederate postal history. Others will discuss the Mexican-American War and World Wars I and II. Texas Philatelic Association President John Germann will talk about Texas World War I covers, and Texas Postal History Society President Vince King will cover Texas forts.

Texpex is the only show in Texas sanctioned by the American Philatelic Society as a part of the World Series of Philately. The three-day show features free admission and free parking at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center, 1800 Hwy. 26 E, Grapevine, Texas 76051. Besides the free informative seminars, the show includes a special selection of national stamp and cover dealers and a competitive national stamp exhibition.

“World War I was underway 100 years ago, and Texas had its hand in the so-called ‘war to end all wars,’” said Chairman Vince King. “From 1845 to 1945 the state has been heavily involved in all the wars America has fought. Our speakers will bring entertaining messages for philatelic patrons as well as anyone interested in history.”

In addition, the U.S. Postal Service plans to issue a set of three 10¢ coil stamps on the opening day of the show, Friday, Feb. 17 at 11 a.m. First day cancellations just for the stamp issue will be available for free. Patrons must purchase stamps in order to receive the cancellations. There will also be a special pictorial show cancel available as well as souvenir show covers for purchase.

Up-to-date information on the show schedule, exhibits, and dealers is provided on the show website. Texpex is presented by the non-profit Texpex Foundation and is supported by the Texas Philatelic Association and several organizations throughout the Southwest.

Don’t miss these free Texpex seminars:

The Mexican War

Friday, Feb. 27, 1 p.m., Piney Woods Room

Mark E. Banchik is a New York anesthesiologist who is an APS certified chief judge and president of the American Philatelic Congress and a member of the Collectors Club of New York among others. He has served on the board of directors of the APS. As a member of the Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International, he is an expert in Mexican Philately. He won an award for writing the Handbook of Classic Mexico. He is the chief judge at this year’s TEXPEX.

Military Forts in Texas

Friday, Feb. 27, 2 p.m., Piney Woods Room
Besides being chairman of TEXPEX for the third consecutive year, Vince King is a member of the Council of Philatelists of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. He has been president of the Texas Postal History Society and was interim president of the Texas Philatelic Association. His Texas-related exhibits have won an international gold medal, many APS World Series of Philately golds and a reserve grand award at an APS World Series of Philately show. He is a member of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society.
Confederate Postal History

Friday, Feb. 27, 3 p.m., Piney Woods Room

Trish Kaufmann was elected to the Council of Philatelists of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in 2011. She served as editor of The Confederate Philatelist from 1973-1987. She has been the associate editor since 2013. She was the first woman to serve as president of the Confederate Stamp Alliance and the youngest person to receive the honorary title of “General” in the Alliance. She has won major national awards for Confederate and valentine exhibits.

Iwo Jima: The Suribachi Flag Raisings and the Stamp

Saturday, 11 a.m., Piney Woods Room

Ted Bahry dropped out of high school and enlisted in the Marines at 17 years of age plus one day. He ended up staying over 28 years as an enlisted Marine and officer. He served a total of four years in Vietnam. Ted is a long time life member of the APS and the APRL. He's a retired APS judge who has judged at TEXPEX. He has written many philatelic articles. One of his specialties has been Iwo Jima. He's known and interviewed many of the survivors. He published his first article on Iwo Jima 40 years ago thi-smornet-h.

Using the Scientific Equipment at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum

Saturday, 1 p.m., Piney Woods Room

Learn how to determine if your valuable stamp is the real McCoy or just a run- of-the-mill issue. Thomas Lera will show examples of how the equipment is used in real-life situations. Until recently he held the Blount Research Chair at National Postal Museum. He is a national philatelic judge and is a past president of NAPEX. He is a member of several philatelic societies including the Royal Philatelic Society of London. He has written more than 100 philatelic articles and papers. He was co-chair of the Blount Symposium from 2007-2014.

Texas Military Installations & Their Post Offices in the Great War

Saturday, 3 p.m., Piney Woods Room

John Germann’s passion for philatelic research has led him to publish highly- detailed books on Louisiana and Texas post offices. He has been an officer of the Texas Postal History Society and the Houston Philatelic Society. He is the current president of the Texas Philatelic Association. He has done detailed research into military camps in Texas during World Wars I and II. His presentation will take an introductory look at World War I camps in Texas that includes their nature, their distribution, and their postal services.  

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