World Stamps
Canada Post unveils first stamp in Indigenous Leaders series
By David Hartwig
Canada Post revealed details about a new Indigenous Leaders stamp series in a June 8 press release.
The series will pay tribute to the lives and legacies of Indigenous leaders. The first three stamps will be issued June 21, National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada, and will feature Harry Daniels, Jose Kusugak and Chief Marie-Anne Day Walker-Pelletier.
Canada Post will unveil the stamps in three separate events on June 13, June 14 and June 15.
Canada Post unveiled the Harry Daniels stamp June 13 at an event in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Daniels (1940-2004) dedicated his life to the rights and well-being of the Metis group of Indigenous peoples as well as nonstatus Indians, which is the term the Canadian government uses for First Nations individuals who are not registered with the federal government.
Daniels lobbied to have Metis and nonstatus Indians recognized as Indigenous peoples in the Constitution Act, 1982, which, among other things, guaranteed the rights of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.
In March 2004, the Metis National Council awarded Daniels the Order of the Metis Nation. He died in September of that year.
The stamps commemorating Kusugak and Day Walker-Pelletier will be unveiled June 14 and June 15, respectively.
The set of three Indigenous Leaders stamps will be issued June 21 and will be available online from Canada Post and in postal outlets across Canada on that date.
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