World Stamps
Numerous Austria images added to Scott Classic digital catalog
Philatelic Foreword by Jay Bigalke
The 2023 Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers, 1840-1940, debuted in November. It is hands down one of my favorite go-to reference books on my desk and sees lots of use throughout the year.
A highlight for this year’s Scott Digital Catalogue Subscription edition of the Classic Specialized catalog was the addition of approximately 400 new images.
One of the bigger projects we focused on was adding images for the country of Austria. I would like to recognize special editorial consultant Sergio Sismondo and his team for assisting us with digitizing many of the stamps from his reference collection.
Pictured here is a two-page screen capture from the Scott Digital Catalogue Subscription pages for Austria that includes Scott 110 through 127 and images through 138. In the print edition, only five stamps are pictured from this range of Scott numbers. In the digital edition, we are able to show 30 stamps.
This is only the start as we continue to process thousands of images and update not only the Scott Classic Specialized catalog but also the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers and the six volumes of the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, too.
On a related note, the digital files were updated on Nov. 1 as we await the print edition to arrive in the office soon. The From the Scott Editors column highlighting the updates made to the Scott Classic Specialized catalog will be included in the Dec. 19 issue of Linn’s.
For more information on the Scott Classic Specialized catalog digital subscription or the print edition, visit the Amos Advantage website.
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