2015 Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue

Classic Specialized Catalogue Of Stamps And Covers

With more than 15,000 value changes and hundreds of new listings, the 2015 Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers is clearly the best single volume reference for classic-era stamps.

  • The number of value changes is more than double last year's total.
  • Extensive value activity is recorded for a number of countries, including Italy, Russia and Germany.
  • The British Guiana 1¢ Magenta (Scott 13), often called the world's rarest stamp, is valued for the first time in more than three decades.
  • The Colombia Cubiertas are listed and valued for the first time since the 1941 edition of the Scott catalog.
  • Listings for treaty port stamps have been expanded to include Hong Kong for the first time.

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