US Stamps

Expertizing articles compiled for online resource

Feb 1, 2019, 9 AM

By John M. Hotchner

My weekly column on U.S. stamps has been a regular feature of Linn’s since 1986. In early 2014, I was asked to devote one column each month to expertizing. The subject remains far from exhausted, but I do think that what has been printed so far is a useful resource for collectors who may be encouraged to use expertizing services to assure that the material they buy is genuine and unaltered, as well as for collectors who may be good candidates to become expertizers.

It is for that reason that I agreed when Tony Wawrukiewicz suggested that the first 50 columns be gathered and posted on the internet. I am thankful to Wawrukiewicz and to Mike Ludeman, who did the compilation and helped with the technicalities of posting the columns.

I am hopeful that the compilation can be augmented by adding new columns to it on a regular basis. This compilation is provided in the Adobe PDF file format. Click here to view the PDF.

The text from all of the columns is keyword searchable. There is also a Table of Contents page at the beginning of the PDF file that provides the date and title of each column.

You can go directly to the desired column, if the title is sufficient to identify the topic of interest, by left-clicking on the title.

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